• My names David friends call me Jethro cause I use to slip up a lot. Well that was before three weeks ago.
    Three weeks ago I was at my brother Jimmy’s House party.
    He’d just bought a sixteen bedroom house and was having the biggest bash since well who knows when.
    Anyway When the party was starting to turn to headaches and people realizing it was 5A.M.
    Jimmy was only supposed to take a few People home. He never
    came back that night and by 7 I was out cold.
    Next thing I know 2 cops were knocking on my door telling me I
    needed to come check something out and I needed to stay calm.
    All the rest is a blur to me I saw what was left of Jimmy’s car and the truck who hit it.
    In the past 3 weeks Iv buried a Brother, three friends and Iv
    seen how little time iv got to Enjoy with my friends and family.
    Last week I went to visit Jimmy and took him a six pack of his favorite beer.
    I think he would be proud of the fact that I was able to this far
    without him, and if you have experienced this yourself I’m sure you know what I mean.