• I searched my room for him. I was back home in my bed. It couldn’t have been a dream could it? I rushed out of bed and down the stairs.

    “Kasey, are you okay honey?” mom asked worriedly.

    Now I know this can’t be right.

    “Yea, I'm fine. I'm just going to go…take a shower” I said as I slowly rushed back up the stairs, shut my door and locked it.

    I won’t let him do this to me, not now, not yet. I raised my hand and concentrated hard on my fingers. I watched as the strange, yet familiar, feeling danced from finger to finger.

    You must be wondering what exactly is going on. About a year and a half ago is where this journey begins and that’s where we’ll start.

    It was the middle of the year back in Washington. Everything was going perfect or so it seemed from an outsider’s eyes. The truth is I was pretending to be someone I'm not. You see, in the 9th grade a very popular girl came to me. Her name was Brittany Holland and she was on a mission, a mission to save me from myself. I'm not sure why anyone thought I needed any saving but it could be because I didn’t socialize the way they did. I didn’t act or wear what they wanted so to them, I was a ‘nobody’.

    Brittany changed all that. She made me into one of her clones. When she moved, I was to take her place as queen of the school. At the time I thought I needed to fit in. It was freshmen year and what does every freshman want? I was tired of being known as, the kid that wears the black tee shirts all the time. I just wanted some friends but it didn’t take long to come to the realization that pretending to be someone Im not wasn’t the same and I was terribly lonelier than before. I needed to start over, to begin anew and I got my chance sophomore year.

    I had just gotten home from school. I went to open the front door but before I had the chance, mom did.

    “Kasey we’ve been waiting” she sounded guilty of something.

    “For what?” I asked a bit confused.

    I walked in the door and noticed my dad relaxing in his recliner. They were both staring at me. I felt like I was being interviewed for a job or something.

    “Your father and I have some important news” mom began.

    I thought she was getting ready to tell me I was going to be a big sister.

    “Your father’s job is transferring him” she continued.

    “Where?” I asked very curious as to where I get to begin my new life.

    “Apollo Pennsylvania” My dad replied.

    Although my parents and I rarely converse I still love them more than anything else.

    “We’re leaving Saturday morning” mom continued waiting for a hostile reaction.

    She didn’t get one. I wanted this, an opportunity to start over, to be myself.

    “We should start packing!” I said, surprising both my mom and my dad.

    I began to make my way up the stairs but before I got to the top my mom stopped to add one more detail.

    “It’s not very populated Kasey. There might be a little over a thousand people living there. It really is a perfect place, for our family I mean.” Mom explained in a very strange tone.

    In my mind I was leaping for joy. The smaller the town the less people I have to impress.

    “Great” I tried to act a little disappointed.

    I almost felt bad for wanting to leave. It seemed like my parents actually wanted me to rebel but I didn’t, I couldn’t. I needed this; I couldn’t live like this for the rest of my life.

    The only items I would bring were the necessary ones. I packed my poster, my old clothes (the ones I wore before Brittany), make-up, tooth-brush, and etcetera. There would be no point in taking what I would never use.

    The next day of school seemed to have dragged on and on but that’s probably because I was overly excited about the move. I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving. Truthfully, I didn’t have anyone to tell.