• Charaters: Scott and Anna


    There she was, the most beautiful girl Scott had ever seen. Everyday, she would walk past him standing outside his office. She had to in order to get to her own. Each day, she would smile and wave at him, and he responded with the same.
    They had never spoken to each other, but Scott was determined to change that. So on this Friday, today, he is going to talk to her.
    Here she comes, he thought to himself, Say something you dope. Don't let her by.

    "Um...Hi. I'm Scott." He said to her as she was waving.

    She stepped closer and said "I'm Anna."
    "Anna," He repeated, "such a beautiful name."
    She smiled the biggest smile Scott had ever seen. "Thanks. I would love to stay and talk, but I have to get to work. Some other time maybe."
    Anna started to walk away when he stopped her and asked "How about tommorrow night?"
    She turned around, taking a pen out of her purse. She walked over to him and wrote her number down on his hand. "I would love to Scott. Call me." With that, she left him standing outside his office.

    As Anna walked towards her desk, her best friend, Abbie, popped up beside her.
    "So?" Abbie said in a questioning tone.
    "So, what?" Anna asked, deciding to play stupid. Was she seriously spying on me while I was talking to Scott? She wondered silently.
    "You finally talked to whats-his-face over at the other office. Did he like you as much as you like him?"
    "First off, his name is Scott," Anna responded, "Secondly, I never said I liked him, I said he was cute. And thirdly, he asked me to go out with him tommorrow night."

    To Be Continued.......................