• Chapter 1, Near meets Jinx

    "Ryuk, did you kill Light?"
    "Yeah, dead as dead can be dead... Stupid Light. I guess this means no more apples." Ruik muttered under his breath.
    "You wanna watch the newest ruler of the world meet her down fall?"
    "Who is she?"
    "Her real name, or her false name?"
    "Both." Ruik followed the other Shinigami to a pool of black water.
    "Her real names Jinx Bullinvarde, but she goes by Dark Fate. She had been undermining your little crazy boy, leaking facts to the police for years about Kira. She's an evil genius."
    "She got a death note?"
    "Yes, but she doesn't need it."
    "Why not?"
    "Haha, she has her own special powers. In the beginning of the Kira investigation, they thought what's her face could kill with her mind, but in reality she had the eyes. But Jinx has the power to kill people with her mind. She is good friends with her Shinigami." He laughed.

    Meanwhile... On Earth...

    "Are you ever going to use the death note your self, Jinx?" Ri asked, hovering over her shoulder.
    "No, why would I damage my immortal soul like that? I'm not Light, I'm not stupid like him." She said, looking up at him. She lit a cigaret.
    "You are smart. And you allowed your biggest enemy to die, by gunshots."
    "Actually his shinigami killed him, he died of a heart attack, I was there, remember?"
    "Oh... well then." Ri sighed.
    "be quiet now, Ri." She said, handing him a strawberry. He took it and ate it quickly, practically melting under its goodness. She stood, taking a bite of an oat meal cookie, she walked out onto a stage. Several people were crowded around it, all dressed in black or white, with the opposite colored hood over their heads.
    "As you all know, that idiot that wishes he could beat me, Kira, is dead, meaning plan Apox can go underway. White team, i need you to assemble your selves and travel to america, we are in desperate need to destroy that orphanage that spawned L, Nate, and Mihael. Then find Nate River, and bring him to my safe house. I need to thank him. Black team, assemble yourselves, you will be gathering Kira's body and all of his idea's." She grinned, showing rows of white teeth, and dark eyes.

    "Yes." The said, nodding, then they hurried off. She went back into her room, she stripped from her cloak and boots. She grinned at herself in the mirror, and looked at Ri. She replaced her naked flesh with a pair of thigh high black boots, a lace sided skirt, and a black corset. She placed a black hat on her head and place a skull choker on her neck, then skulls in her ears. At her side she placed her death note, and then a blade on her other hip.
    "She's insane!" She head from across the large underground mansion.
    "Our leader will lead us to a better tomorrow!"
    "I'm leaving! I can't take it, she speaks to her self, and... her eyes, its... she's half chinese, half american! She can't be that smart if she came from a pig of america!!"
    "Don't say that! She'll hear you!"She picked up her sword and ran to where the voices came from. She removed his head and licked the blood from her blade.

    "I have already said, any one to mention my heritage will be terminated. I do not mind nay saying to my ideals. Now clean this up!" She ordered, then walked back to her room. Ri sighed.
    "You are feared, and respected. What do you plan on doing with Nate when you find him."
    "I respect him, he is the one who brought my biggest threat to his knee's. You see, he is brilliant. Not as brilliant as L, but..." She sighed. "He is." She grinned at herself in the mirror, then ran her tongue over her reddened teeth.
    "What do you think of my plan, Ri? you are my biggest consultant."
    "You have been repairing Kira's idiotic actions for ages, i think you should start thinking about the earth more."
    "Exactly." She smiled. "But my plan?"
    "To meat a detective, idiotic, but I am just your Shinigami, that by all rights should kill you. But your mind certainly has... brightened my boredom."
    "It must get very very boring living forever. oh wait, I am immortal!" She laughed.
    "Not quite, like Shinigami's you have a weakness."
    "Yours is falling in love, my death may only be created by one of utter sacrifice." she smiled. "and life shall come in, and we shall all shoot our best friends in the head, and dance of the dead." She started to laugh insanely.

    A few hours passed...

    "Dark Fate!" A man in black rushed in, falling at her feet.
    "yes?" She asked, smiling, and pulling him up by his collar. "We found Near, h-h-hes... and... we... he..."
    "I see. how bad is it?"
    "bad." He nodded. "H-He was at L's grave, and he killed three of our operatives."
    "I don't know!"
    "Fine, he has become nervous, he did destroy a man the entire world looked up to. And crime is on the rise. He's afraid, that plan is terminated. tell them i will return, be sure the house is... decorated in a gothic fashion." She ordered, he nodded and ran off.
    "We have a problem." Ri muttered. "We are out of oatmeal cookies and strawberries!" He wailed. She pulled on her cloak and pulled up the hood. With out responding to him, she walked away. He followed, his stomach growling. Once out of the underground she got into the city, she removed her cloak.
    "Never send a team of humans to do a woman of fate's job." She grinned, walking down the side walk she came to the police station.

    "Would you mind listening in for me, Ri? I'll buy you some strawberries. fresh ones"
    "Of coarse not, it sounds like fun." He disappeared into the building.

    Nates logo was on the wall.
    "How long has Dark Fate been operating, then?"
    "9 years, we think. We haven't caught him, no one has, please N, we need your help! It'll be a good run, better then the Kira investigation."
    "Please give me a copy of all evidence, related to him."
    "Of coarse!" The captain cried.
    "I will find out everything can."
    "Thank you!" the captain said, the rest of the team remained silent.
    "Continue working cases, my assitent M and I will reveiw the evidence and get back to you within the week." The room went dark. The man wearing the trench coat and hat took the evidence and walked out of the building. Ri followed him, reading the evidence against Jinx as he did.


    Near sat in his Pajamas in front of the computer, twirling his hair.
    "How fun, a case L never tried for." He sighed. "L...£..." he muttered. "I wonder where you are now." He giggled, then ate a bit of Jam. m came in sometimes later. "Were you followed?" He asked, smiling.
    "No." M answered, taking off his trench coat and hat. "here is the evidence." He passed him the pile of unruly papers, a knife and three bottles of DNA swabs.
    Near read it quickly
    "this is all circumstantial." He groaned. "The knife had the victims DNA, and fingerprints on it. The DNA swabs were all taken so long ago that not even L could get a sample from them, its all used up!" he said, giving a small frown. Ri chuckled. 'He's a piece of work, thats for sure.' "Are you sure no one suspicious was out side the police station?"
    "There was a very attractive girl, she was writing something in a notebook. Don't worry, it was a yellow one. She was wearing freakish clothes, though."
    "I understand. Well, i will contact our friends at the police station shortly. Go treat yourself." He said, and smiled. M left, and Nate pulled on a pair of jeans and a coat, then a pair of white shoes.

    Ri flew back to Jinx who now sat at a coffee shop, drinking hot coffee and looking at the snow.
    "Which way is he going?" She asked.
    "This way." Ri answered. She pulled out a phone. "Go watch him. scream when he gets to the Alley way on 5th, ten get back here." She smiled, handing him a hand full of strawberries, of which he ate in one gulp. When his scream echoed through the air, she was talking to her team.
    "five of you, a male one, get him in a corner, you know the drill. Nock him out if you can." Nate was twisting his hair as he walked along the street. The sun had sunk far below the snowy horizon, and other then a few street lamps the city was darkening. Nate breathed in the cold air and sighed, just as an operative yanked him into an alley way. Surprised, he yelped.
    "Hey Flem, look at this one!" The man holding his arms said, throwing his against the dead end brick wall.
    "He's cute." The other answered. Nate struggled as one of them held him down. "Hush now." He said, Nate kicked him in the head, then head-butted him in the chest, then screamed. He grunted, then held a hand over his mouth and nose, until his body went limp, his eyes rolled up in his head. The operative kicked him in the groin, to make sure he was unconscious, then several times in the butt. He then stripped him, and they all left.
    "The deed is done, sir." Jinx smiled.
    "Be sure to leave him there, I'll find him as soon as i'm done." She said. She concentrated, making hr hair long and wavy, and black. She stood, paid and left. She walked down to the alley way, and wrapped him in a blanket.

    Her other identity...

    jinx Bullinvarde, AKA Gemma Corlita AKA Dark Fate.
    Gemma was Jinx's back up plan, well mannered, beautiful, and a smart home visiting nurse, she was still in high-school, and came every day like a good little girl. Jinx came to where Nate was, her face utterly different, and gasped.
    "Oh dear." She muttered. She wrapped Nate's unconscious body in a blanket, and got into her car, she drove to her apartment, and placed him on the bed.
    When Nate awoke, he sat up, looking around.
    "Oh, good, you are awake." She smiled, and bent over, checking his temperature with her hand. He jet black hair fell over her shoulder as she did.
    "Who the hell are you?!" He exclaimed.
    "Oh, I'm sorry, My name is Gemma, and I found you in an alley way, naked in a snow storm. I'm sorry, i should of said that right away. You're in my apartment." She smiled. "And you are?"
    "Near." He mumbled.
    "Thats a sweet name." She said and took her hand off his forehead. "You have a small fever. may i ask what happened?"
    "Sorry, I'm studying to be a doctor, well, I'm still in high-school, so..." She laughed. "Are you hungry?" She asked, smiling.
    "Yes..." He studied her.

    "Well, my mother always said that when I left I'd end up taking too many people in." She laughed. "Do you have a place to stay?" She asked, bending over infront of her dresser. She pulled out a pair of soft white pants, and a T-shirt. She held them up to him when he stood up.
    "This is the only thing I have that'd fit you. I hope you dont mind, but they were my Ex-boyfriend Pj's. God her never even wore them! a** hole anyway." She smiled and tossed them to him.
    "Thank you." He eyed her, and then the pants and T-shirt. He pulled off the tags and pulled them on. "these were bought three years ago?"
    "yes... last christmas..." She laughed. "I gave them to him last christmas."
    "What was his name?"
    "Moon, well, its spelled like moon, but its pronounce Light. He broke up with me for some dumb model." her nose twitched. "Light Yagami." She muttered. "And I always knew he'd get himself into trouble. Last i heard that a** hole was arrested." She snarled at the floor. "I'm sorry, he was my first boyfriend, and well, he was five years older then me, absolutly brilliant, so i thought, but I beat him at tennis and chess once, and he left me for a stupid girl that couldn't even tie her shoes with out help." She sighed.

    "I see." He gulped. 'I'm in the same room as one of lights girlfriends. he did love girls with black hair." His eyes moved over her body. "How old are you?" He asked, following her into the kitchen.
    "I'm 17." She answered. "You?"
    "16." He answered.
    "Thats brutal." Near sat at the table, and cried out.
    "Are you alright?!"
    "Yeah, my butt just hurts." She smiled uneasily.
    "I'm sorry. Do you like pancakes, with jam?" She asked.
    "Yes, i'll take just the jam."
    "Haha, you are funny. Its grape jam or Strawberry."
    "What are you playing at, Jinx? Being so nice to him, admitting you dated Light!"
    "Shut up." She muttered.
    "I'm sorry?" Nate said.
    "Oh, i was talking to my self. Sorry." She frowned, and placed two pancakes in the micro wave, and took out the strawberry jam. "I do that a lot. uh, would you like butter to, or just Jam?"
    "Just jam thank you. You have a nice house... how many rooms?"
    "2. My room and my guest room. Silly, i never use them,, either of them. Sometimes my friends crash here, but... I have insomnia, so i don't sleep, but when i do, i sleep on the couch." 'Believe everything I say, fall for me.' She ordered his mind. She placed the pancakes infront of him, he ate.
    "Wow... thats too bad." He said, taking a bite of his pancakes.
    "these are very good."