• (Updated on July 17, 2009)-Beware that this is a VERY (To the infinity) random comic in this Volume.-

    Yuki Matoshi
    Age: 20
    Hobby: Guitar and Martial Arts
    Likes: Sonse, Tisha, music, art, math, science, Mom (deceased), brother,
    Rice balls, ramen, sports, canines, foxes and video games.
    Dislikes: Toh, Dad, miso, spinach, self (sometimes), myths, stupid ads, television (unless it's anime or manga), soda, pink and red.
    Favorite Games: Halo, Half-Life 2, Zelda: Twilight Princess, all fighting games.
    Attitude: friendly, but angry when the time comes. Never is nice to mean people, even if they change. Warms up to people as he spends time with them.
    Sign of the Death Zodiac: Fox
    Birthday: November 15, 1988 (he's going to be 21 this year.) This Year: 2009
    Motto: "Even if you lose, train and get stronger until one day you can defeat that once-tough opponent!"
    Hair: Blonde with a tint of brown

    Tisha Natsuti
    Age: 20
    Hobby: Cleaning and cooking.
    Likes: Yuki, Mom, Dad, perfume, clothes, school, Yuki, pink, absolutely red, yellow, orange, Yuki, cats and books.
    Dislikes: Sonse, Toh, Yuki's Dad, other obsessors over Yuki, onions and red peppers.
    Attitude: Kind, but very irritated near Sonse, but definitely warm and gentle to Yuki. Often calm, but in the midst of battle, she turns into a weapon.
    Sign of Death Zodiac: Cat
    Birthday: Feburary 20, 1989 (It's past Febuary so she's 20!!!)
    Motto: "I shall never act worthless, even when Yuki's not around! When he is, I'm pumped and feel ready for anything!!!"
    Hair: Dark Red/ scarlet

    Yuke (Nolastname)
    Age: Unknown
    Hobby: swordmanship and spearing.
    Likes: Tisha, Yuki and his brethren.
    Dislikes: All things evil to him.
    Attitude: Fierce and dependant. War fox. Kind to all likes, deadly to all dislikes.
    Sign of Death Zodiac: A fox can't have one.
    Birthday: ???
    Motto: "(When in danger, the key is to protect all who can help and save all who can help the help.)."
    Hair: Red Orange of course with dirt brown ears and black paws

    Yon Matoshi
    Age: 21
    Hobby: Blowing Yuki to bits and kidnapping Tisha (If he can...)
    Likes: Tisha, food and dogs.
    Dislikes: Yuki and everything else.
    Attitude: Bloodthirsty man with the weight of his mother's death on his shoulders. Hoping to avenge her and kill Yuki for what he had done (Read V.2). Perverted around Tisha, but he hides it.
    Sign of Death Zodiac: Dog (but he has never unleashed it.)
    Birthday: March 23, 1988 (As Tisha)
    Motto: "You'll die, Yuki, for what you have done!! After the death of you, our dad will have his death wish!!! JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE!!!"
    Hair: Dull Silver

    Toh (Nolastname), with powers to shapeshift.
    Age: ???
    Hobby: Working for Yon and messing with Tisha.
    Likes: Yon, ravens and Tisha.
    Dislikes: Everything else + all others birds+ YUKI.
    Attitude: Kiddish mind, but happy and carefree around Yon. Mischevious around Yuki and selfless around Tisha.
    Sign of Death Zodiac: Raven
    Birthday: June ?, ????
    Motto: "I will serve Yon with all of my soul (If I have one...)! I will follow his orders to capture Tisha and stop Yuki's 'plans'!"
    Hair: Dark grey with jet black tips

    Erendiel Ki
    Age: 22
    Hobby: Archery and Nature
    Likes: Mamoru, forests, nature, mountain climbing, outdoors, wolves, animals, cats, all things of nature, green, wolves and video games (sometimes).
    Dislikes: People who don't understand things, smartaliks, stupid people, fat, evil and Yon.
    Attitude: Hopeful and innocent. Best with Mamoru. Her sense of smell is greater than a sharks'. She is a deadly weapon when she's transformed!
    Sign of Death Zodiac: Wolf
    Birthday: September 15, 1986 (September's comin' up!)
    Motto: "I live for nature! We will collect all Death Zodiac victims and fight against the Prince of Death!"
    Hair: Dark green

    Mamoru Kaito
    Age: 25
    Hobby: Computers and Games
    Likes: Erendiel, video games, computers, comics, manga, computer programming, drawing, food, and most definitely, robots and bears.
    Dislikes: Country music, annoying people who look over his shoulder when he is reading comics (^_^), sausage (Unless it's turkey), pork, things that harm the world... EVIL.
    Attitude: Calm, agressive when the time comes. Nice and kind to Erendiel. Evasive and sneaky when needed.
    Sign of Death Zodiac: Bear
    Birthday: January 26, 1984 (January is passed)
    Motto: "I shall fight all evil at all costs! It shall fall before m- OH LOOK! PIZZA!!!"
    Hair: Dark brown

    Fugi Matoritsu
    Age: 34
    Hobby: Martial Arts and Swordsmanship
    Likes: Fighting, training, training youths, Yuki, Shanto, vegetables, hard work, rice and reptiles.
    Dislikes: All things that ruin his life.
    Attitude: Kind and happy. Thoughtful and will never let one do something hard alone. Burning within him is the passed along essence of the Dragon, who's attitude is selfless and naughty.
    Sign of Death Zodiac: (It had to be April) Dragon
    Birthday: April 16, 1975 (He was 33 but it's past April)
    Motto: "Hyah! I will crash and fight my way through my life with fast blows and secret techniques. I hope to surpass my father!!!"
    Hair: Ocean Deep Blue

    Shanto Kaita
    Age: 20
    Hobby: Flying and Martial Arts
    Likes: Yuki, Master Fuji, Tisha, Fighting, sushi, birds, seeds, girls, and all traitors of the Prince of Death.
    Dislikes: All followers of the Prince of Death, the Prince of Death himself, all things that threaten his likes.
    Sign of Death Zodiac: Phoenix
    Birthday: December 17, 1988 (This December he turns 21)
    Motto: "For the sake of my teacher and girls, I will save whatever is necessary!"
    Hair: Orange with red roots, LIKE A PHOENIX!!!

    Death Zodiac
    Traitors: Bear, Cat, Dragon, Ferret, |
    Wolf, Fox, Phoenix. |
    Followers: Dog, Serpent, Fairy, |
    Raven. |

    Highschool Years: Freshman, sophmore, junior, senior

    Rules of the Death Zodiac (Laid down by the Prince himself)

    1. When you fully experience your animal-form, your clothes with morph into fur and when you change back, the result is complete nakedness. The only way to cure getting back to human-form is getting KO'd or hurt to where

    2. Your ultimate form is invincible; So fighting eachother is very 'stupid'. Unless it's in human form, please don't be dumb.

    3. Don't ever complain about your place in the food chain; The Mighty Dragon made it. Confront him and try to convince him. I 'DARE' you.

    4. Your element is very special; When you use it, the world creates it for you at your will.

    5. the fox is very special, even though it's in the middle of the chain. its element is everything; a piece of all of your strengths. it is very strong in its ultimate form. if enough effort is made, the fox could possibly break the invincibility link and cross over to your mortality, meaning you'll die.

    That is all.

    Here's the Long-Gone Foodchain:

    Mighty Dragon
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    Dog Wolf Phoenix
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    Cat Fox Serpent
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    Ferret Dove Raven
    | | |

    Death Zodiac-

    Bear: January (Lightning)
    Cat: Febuary (Slash)
    Dog: March (Snow)
    Dragon: April (Sky)
    Serpent: May (Water)
    Raven: June (Darkness)
    Fairy: July (Spark)
    Ferret: August (Earth)
    Wolf: September (Nature)
    Dove: October (Gale)
    Fox: November (Elemental)
    Phoenix: December (Fire)

    The...*yawn*...story sooooo...far...:
    ~A 20 year-old guy named Yuki Matoshi is a normal Junior student at a normal highschool discovers a heart carved with the letters "T + Y" on his favorite shade tree. Curiosity in the mind, he thinks of all the girls in his school that start with T: Tya, Ms. Tina or Tisha in which he has a little crush on. Not a fan of the ladies, Yuki sighes and startes walking, only to get scolded by Ms. Tina. He quickly suggested that she is no where near his guesses. Suddenly, Tisha comes walking towards the two, calling his name. Yuki, startled and with a fear of seeing the mystery, he covers it with his hand. During the conversation, she gets a look at the tree, and Tisha screeches, "It was Yuki!!" before running off. Tisha suspecting him, askes, "Yuki, you did this?" with a weirded expression covering her face. With a sudden flush, he tried to clear the thought, but a hand covered his sweat-covered face. Their secret friend, Yon, confessed that it was his doing. As he was off to explain, Yuki dresses up in a superhero costume, but Yon shuts it down. When Tisha asked what it was about, he told them that it was a secret. During their talk, Tisha was busy taking a picture of the heart. Holding Ms. Tina, Yuki is snapped by the camera, but quickly takes the into his hands. In an instant, a wall is blocking his path, by Tisha and her unexpected voodoo (This was something soooo random but it doesn't matter). Yuki is suddenly in a pitch-black room and is met by a light, which was Tisha. She flirts around, but then is stopped by the ever so pleasant Yon. He steps on him and tells her that she can do whatever she wants with him. Pleased, Tisha pulls him into a huge birdcage. Having a chat, (if you haven't noticed, the bars were off) he calls her ugly, only to be replied with "Cute jerk!". Dumbfounded, he rejects and says he is ugly and he takes back what he said. Filled with joy, she embraces him, falling asleep in the process. He pulled her off and muttered to himself.
    Now it's onto the small part with Yon and his minion-clone, Toh. Yon is jealous and asks his servant to rid the world of Yuki. For a reason, the boy is a shapeshifter and he turns into a dark wolf, telling his master that the man will be gone tomorrow.
    Back to the main part: In a moment, he was locked in the cage once more. With much planning, he got them off?! Then, wiping his sweat off, he turned around to see the wolf behind him! It suddenly attacked due to orders. Tisha, frightened, stalled him with words, but her tolerated it and used his tail to slash her. But it failed to succeed, Yuki using a mysterious object that instantly grows when slashed and clicks together to regain form. After a few tries, the wolf gave up and returned to Yon. The object was huge in size, creating a shield. Tisha, thankful for being protected, gives him a pleased hug. Embarassed, Yuki raises his voice and says, "Leave me be!!!" Confused, she went to a dressing room (???!!!???!!!) and got into a beautiful gown. When she returns, she found Yuki lying on the ground, beat up (Apparently, he beat himself up for yelling at her). Suddenly, Toh sweeps in and transforms into a dragon. He fires at Tisha, but is blocked by Yuki, wearing a flame-resistant toga. Along with his tunic is a sword in which he uses to send a bolt at Toh, making him gone for the time. When it was over, Yuki said it was all fine...But then Tisha discovered two fox-like ears on his head, replacing his human ears. He turned sad over the situation, and suddenly, his orange ears turned black! Tisha noticed this and decided to test his ears by changing his emotion (getting close to him, smacking him, tickling him, making him dizzy, angry, and...). When she kissed him for the last, he got all frightened /happy/dizzy/embarassed/lovey-dovey/confused/ect. And it seems like this was the time they got their crush-confessions out of the way. Tisha had one important thing to say (clue: An important thing to tell a person that feels the same, warm way), but Ton ruins the party by being a missile. Yuki quickly takes action and pushes her out of the way, saying, "I do care!!" Shocked and tears in eyes, Tisha is on her knees, when Yon comes out of the blue with a sword in hand saying they were both obstacles. Swinging it down upon his dearly beloved with haste, Yon is blocked by a bright orange fox with a large knife in his mouth, by the name of Yuke. Irritated, Yon storms away, leaving Tisha and Yuke together for the time being. A week later, Yuke wakes up and lets Tisha rest. He breaks for the river and spears a few fish for breakfast. The Volume is ended by Tisha complimenting his work.~

    ~This volume is started with Tisha waking up with a slight thought of where she is. Feeling down about her crush, she consults to Yuke with a hug. After the moment, Tisha changes her mood and continues on thru the forest with him. With her guard up, Tisha askes Yuke if it feels like they're being watched. He checks the air and, in his thoughts, confirms her caution, but has another clue who it might be. In moments, Tisha was riding on his back, slowly figuring out that Yuke cannot bear her. With other ideas, she jumped off his back to explore. In minutes, he realized what he had done, shouting, "Tisha!!!" in his mind. The next page consists of Tisha confronting Yuke's idea of who it was. In the dark, she could not see the full form of the shadow. Suddenly, a light shines through, giving the shady creature it's identity: Yuki Matoshi! Yuki, having a slight amnesia, climbs at tree and growls comments and suddenly Tisha calls him by "-kun". Enraged, he tells her to never call him that like he knows her. Denying his claim, she cried out to him with tears in her eyes. Yuki then told her to look him in the eyes and tell him that she knows her. Saying it cured his small amnesia. Now, Yuki seems to have changed? He tells her to show him to Yuke. Tisha doubts that they'll take forever. Yuki, surprised, pulled her close and told her not to be sad, that with him, she'll never get lost...And he turned into a fox! She rode on his back and behind them is Yon. Suddenly, they confront him Yuki taking him on "man-to-man"! With Tisha on the sidelines, he gets the jerk in the face and stomach (At the same time biggrin )! Thinking the old Yuki wouldn't hurt a fly, the new Yuki slaps him with a fly between his fingers. Tisha wandered off while the fox-man tied the beat-up-man up. Hearing her scream, Yuki quickly dashes off to her location. Is so happens that Yuke nailed her while scanning her scent with his nose. Yuki, not impressed, pickes Tisha up and declares that they go to Redfield. Behind them, a shadow of Toh floats in the view.
    When they reach a few miles into the forest, Yuki pins the asleep Tisha down in her sleeping bag and records her smells. Suddenly, Toh floates down and ticks him off. Trying his powers, he transforms into a wolf, but is outmatched by Yuki's large fox form. With Toh's tail in his fist, he turns around and meets Tisha. She says, "I need to tell you something! N-now!" What could it be?
    Now comes the hugs and fights and so on and sooooo oooooooonnnn...yaaaawwwwnn...
    Sorry, I'm just tired... So they get on to the confession thingy in a sort of way and Yon crashes it with his black-eyed, bump-covered, bandadge-wrapped self. And he gets a Supa Icer out of nowhere. All of a sudden (I'm trying not 2 use it often...), Tisha gets evil & blushy ideas, Yon shoots them, and Yuki does the same procedure as last time.
    Tisha, tears dribbing down her face, starts to mourn over him. Then, Yuki steps out of the smoke, even stronger than last time. Their fight (Yuki Vs. Yon) ends in the two of them coming together as brothers.
    And so, Yon joins them (Not for long...he he...). They set off towards the brother's birthplace, just for a visit. Camp set, Yuki asleep, Yon tells Tisha a story about their life. Apparently, his dad is a mad scientist who created Toh and killed their mother. The reason for coming to RedField (birthplace) is to visit her grave.
    Tisha ends up in massive tears, and is confronted by the perverted side of Yon. But, Yuki is there to save the day and he gets a punch in the eye. Matoshi-sama soothes her and they go to bed, but she has different plans.
    Tisha has always wanted to get close to Yuki, so she wakes him up with a plan to lure him somewhere. Yuki-kun, unrealizingly, turns unnaturally into a cute mode and Tisha is confused. "I want to show you something!" he says, and they're off!
    His "something" is a beautiful pond with moonlight making the water shimmer. Unfortunately, Yuki transforms back into his original form (He was a fake!!!): Toh!
    Toh ties her up and wraps her mouth; She couldn't shout for help! But as luck has it, Yuki saw them leaving and followed close.
    Realizing Toh's crime, he chases them in fox-form. Toh had transformed into a giant crow! With much effort, Yuki managed to bite his large leg, releasing Tisha and unchanging the changed.
    With her saved, he worked on untieing her. In a few minutes, it is done. With Tisha asleep, and her mind still rolling, she accidentally let her plan slip, along with confessing her love for him, but she was wide-awake by that time. And Tisha gets up after seeing his reaction, and apologizes for so-call "offending him". She says she'll make it up to him. Yuki, with a smile, says "You wanna make it up to me?"
    Tisha, thinking he was mad, turned her head away and shouted "IDIOT! -_-" in her head as Yuki walks up to her, turns her face, and kisses her. In a little panel, Yon, Toh and Yuke wake up. And Yuki falls asleep standing up.
    She carries him all the way back, and coming to the camp, tells the tied-up Yon what happened (except for the confessions and the kiss). Yon wants to be untied, so here comes help! Yuke speeds through the panel, slashing the bonds with his shortsword. Yon falls and lands painfully, only to be stared in the face and sniffed by the friendly fox. Also, Yuke gets hugged by Tisha, and gets a sniff of Yuki, knowing the truth about what happened between the two, and suddenly, Yuki awakes and speaks to him with his mind, telling the canine about his ability he just got and about the demon he saw, The Demon Kitsune...!!! And Tisha notices he's awake.
    Yuki kneels and makes up an excuse for his sudden pass-out. He glances to the tree and spots a raven, knowing it to be Toh again. But he is faced (Literally faced >.> wink very closely by Tisha, who examines his new eyes (Their now ringed with a slit pupil). She asks about them and he scratches his head, blushing over her closeness.
    Yon exclaims that RedField was in sight, and gets a positive reaction from Yuki, who bolts in fox-form, accidentally losing his collar (Which is infused with part of Kitsune's spirit) which lands and tightens on Tisha's head, who screams for help. Yon, who was behind her, walkes up to her clothes lieing on the ground, which has a fox-form Tisha in it. Dumbfounded, he drops to his knees while Yuki, in fox-form, touches noses with her and askes what happened. Getting no response, he transforms back and carries her through into RedField, putting her down at the entrance.
    It is desolated, so Yuki says he doesn't have to hide his unnatural ears. In one panel, it shows the sign coming to life with a person in a costume. Stay Tuned!
    The couple went to visit the flower shop. Yuki askes what her favorite flower was. Lilies was her reply, and he picked one up. Getting scolded by Tisha, he explained that the owner told him he could have ne for free to give to his girl he knew was right. As she moves, Yuki finally notices the demon bell around her neck with his new eyes.
    Seeing the small part of the beast, he goes into action and pins Tisha down, exorcising the bit and ripping the collar from her neck. Suddenly, a small memory enters his mind; His mother getting speared mercilessly.

    -Updated August 23. Thnks!

    Did you like it? If you did, please, let me know somehow. I'd be happy to post the rest.