• “I know.” I walked into my room and laid down, I grabbed my movies and picked out season one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and put it in the dvd player and watched it…

    I woke up a little while later and deiced to go see what Emma and Ben were up to. I stopped a little behind the door, just enough not to be seen. I heard Emma speak in a solemn voice, “Ben… I just don’t know…she has been through a lot and only basically have us to talk to... I don’t know what we should do.”
    I couldn’t believe Emma had admitted that, I shook my head and walked down to Emma’s study. She had always kept things neat in here but her room was messy. I shuffled over to the bookcase and pulled out a book with the title of Livre de questions pour le conseil. I was determined to figure out what was wrong with my mother. I threw the book against the wall and started to grabbed other books. Book after book I read each page, after my eyes started to droop. I grabbed the first book again and flipped to a page that was stuck to another, and of course it was on that page I found the passage saying:
    ‘Thy one who shall choose thy worst power for thy path will be taken over by the worst gods and goddesses and will be something else. This will be followed by five others, this will make up the worst council. One part weather it be physical or psychological or even taken all the way over.’
    Well that explains it, I’ll just have to figure something out to get her back. I looked around and saw how many books were missing from the case and I looked at the floor, all over there were books, Emma was going to kill me. I picked up one book and flipped a few pages and found a picture of a strange vampire like creature, it almost looked like a cross bread of a vampire with werewolf. I read aloud the page without thinking. I shrugged not knowing what I said. I threw the book onto the pile, or in I didn’t really look. All of a sudden I heard a scream, I went running upstairs. The scream was something I knew no human could hear, it was like a breathed scream. Then a normal scared scream came. I came up just in time to see Ben fly across into the wall, Emma was pushed against the wall some man was choking her. I ran behind him registering he had red hair and tanish skin and was wearing all black but red shoes. I tapped his shoulder and he whipped around dropping Emma, “Ems leave with Ben. I don’t believe we’ve met. Im Jayne.” He swung at me but I ducked Emma ran over to Ben and they went and hid. The man took a step towards me and red stains were made on the floor, “Oh great you are putting blood on my floor. Clean it up.” I barely got this out because we had started dancing. He swung and hit my chin he laughed and I came right back and kicked him and punched his face, “Not nice Mr.” We were battling and I knew he was a vampire by the way his eyes lingered on my neck, plus is eyes were a faint red almost a brownish red. He knocked me to the floor and I bounced back up and kicked him to the floor, I was done with this dance I wanted to get it done with. I sat on him and pulled an end table’s leg to his heart. He realized he was going to die, “Speak.”
    He muttered something in a language I didn’t speak. I glared and brought the spike closer and he went to grab me. I punched his face and twisted his arms, “English.” He tried to move me but I grabbed the other legs and stuck the sharp sides in his arms with all my force. They went straight through his arm and he screamed in agony, “Again, I speak one last time English and I will let you live.” I spat through my teeth.
    He panted, “I said I will never disobey my lord! He will save me! He will live forever!”
    “Huh.” I shrugged and brought the stake to his heart and he poofed away, “Sorry Ive learned not to trust my enemies.” I stared at the blood marks and wondered how he got it all over his shoes, his shoes looked dyed. I feared that he fed on someone I might have known. I started to gag when Emma and Ben walked in, “J-J-Jayne?” They both stuttered, “Yeah…someone get the mop and a broom…maybe the garbage can from outside.” Ben headed out for the garbage can. Emma picked up the mop and started to clean. I pushed everything in a huge pile for Ben, “Ouch.” Ben tripped over the pile and started to pick everything up. After we cleaned all of it up Emma sat me down on the couch, “Uh Jayne w-w-whhaat happened.” Emma tried to control herself but she broke. She put her head on my shoulder and cried. She sobbed, “J-j-j-aney… Im starting to gegt scared.” I rubbed her back and let her sob I knew how much pressure I was under and I knew how Emma was. She had always had a bubble around her letting few things get to her, I knew this was so much harder for her. I rubbed her back, “I know Emma I know…Im so sorry for bringing you into this…I wish, I wish I could have a normal life…that way you wouldn’t be involved in this. I know this must be hard for you, especially because of your family.”
    She stopped and wiped her eyes and looked at me, “You know how when ever you came over my house wasn’t how I described it? And my family was puzzled on how you always criticized them and was always mad at them?”
    Shoot, let me guess she lied.. whatever lets play it up, “…yeah?”
    She started to play with her fingers, “W-w-well you see I was just so sorry for you about your parents and how much you went through I made it all well..up. I know its stupid I was going to tell you after it came out but you were all happy to have someone who went through a-”
    I hugged her, “Emma, I kind of figured.”
    “We need to find out what that guy was here for, did he say something?”
    She was Emma again I blinked and flustered my eyes, “Uh..yeah he said, ‘I said I will never disobey my lord! He will save me! He will live forever!’… do you know what he meant?”
    She groaned and ran to her study. I followed her and heard a scream. I rushed there and Ben followed, “Whats wrong?!” We shouted.
    “Oh…um, yeah sorry.” She started to pick up books, I sat down in her chair and watched.
    “So Jayne, what was that guy about? Was he wanting you or just looking for me to beat him up.”
    “Ha, you could have beatin him up, when after he killed you or before he threw you against the wall.”
    “Oh I could have taken him.”
    “HAHAHA! I seriously doubt that.”
    “Aw whatever.” He was by my side now and ruffled my hair.
    “Oh my God…Jayne did you use this book?”
    I looked over and saw how the room had gotten clean so fast, “Hmm, yeah that’s the last book I read… erm why?”
    She flipped pages, “Read this page?” I looked at it and squinted, “Yeah…uh why?”
    “Great, Jayne, you unleashed the king of cross breads. We have a major problem here.”…