• Scarlet pulled up her crossbow as the other knights came. They were all in old age, and looked down on her as she lifted her crossbow. Because she was a teenager and worse, a woman, she wasn't shown much respect from the other knights. As she let go of the trigger, the arrow went true. It hit its mark on the tree dead on. The lightweight Chainmail she was wearing made her fighting easy, As the French Kings soldires were in heavy plated gold and bronze plated armor.
    "Well done." came a husky voice. She whipped around as the oldest knight looked at her, his back eyes scanning her brown, straight hair as she kneeled at his feet. "I never thought i would see a woman in chainmail shooting off a crossbow." The other knights laughed, as she was the only female in the templar. Her traning was harsher then the men, and she didn't get as much respect from the Nobles and High Ranking men.
    "Thank you sir." She got up and turned back to her crossbow. The men picked up their's, and fired at the target's. Only scarlet's hit the mark made on the tree. They were here for a Few days to train their skill's, the men showing her disrespect, and of course, fighting.
    The knights always bet on the fights, usally a few pecises of bronse or a sword. Scarlet had a whole bag of gold, as when she won the fights, she clamied everything. After their meal, the men would come to buy back their swords and helmets, a sour expression on their faces.
    The oldest Knight spoke again. "Scarlet, you go with Nick." Nick groaned and picked up his sword. Scarlet grabbed her's, and the fight began. The silver was flying as they began the fight. Nick held his gaze on her throat, the most weak point of her chainmail. Scarlet had him disarmed in a few minuets, and took her reward. She walked off to her tent and placed them down on the floor.
    She walked back to the Firepit. It was her job to cook the Food for everyone. As she leaned over making some bread, A high wind whislted though the camp. She was weraing no armor, but a lightweight dress that met her ankles. She jumped back as the fire roared, and saved the bread from being burned.