• I walked blindly through the school, not truly knowing where I was going but I would arrive somewhere, eventually. The sun was hidden behind the clouds and the clouds were hidden behind the walls around me. The school halls felt like they were trapping everyone inside. Occasionally, I looked up as I ran into a fellow student. They told me to watch it, to look where I was going. But I ignored them and continued my path to somewhere. I checked my watch, it was almost the end of the day. I faced the ground again. Then I noticed my shoe was untied, but I didn’t care and kept on walking.

    Jeans covered up the cuts on my legs. My hood cast a shadow on my one black eye. If people asked how I got it, I just answered that I got it in soccer practice or something. There was enough make-up to hide the tired face. My sleeves were rolled up, not entirely, but far enough so that no-one could see the bruises. My hair fell over part of my neck so nobody could see the red marks.
    “What happened to her eye?” I heard someone whisper. I ignored her. It wasn't like she was going to find out by asking her friends. Finally the bell rings and I walked slowly behind the crowd of students. I walked so slowly that when I was almost at the exit, the halls were as good as deserted. I finally removed my hood.
    I turned around, startled, then I gasped as I remembered my hood was down. It was just another teacher, thankfully, who told me my biology report still needed to be handed in. I assured him that he would get it on his desk tomorrow.

    My house was around the corner from the school. The door was locked as securely as possible, naturally. I walked in calmly, trying to hide my growing fear. The house was empty; I was always the first to arrive. Without hesitating I raced upstairs, and quickly grabbed my notepad and iPod.

    It was almost dark when I finally heard the front door open. I held my breath, hoping she was in a good mood. I felt small and delicate, all of a sudden.
    “Are you hiding again?!”
    No. No, no, no. She was going to start looking for me. I knew that this was a matter of pain or no pain so I walked downstairs quietly.
    “There you are. What took you so long?”
    Her dark, bushy hair was a mess and her make-up was smudged over her face. She looked exactly like what she was; a witch, a monster. Don’t make eye contact. Don’t breath. Don’t smile but pretend that you had a good day at school. Only nod and shake your head, ask no questions. Make no comments.
    “Lost your tongue, girl? What took you so long?!” She looked at me, threateningly.
    “Homework,” I murmured. She muttered something nasty about the school. I didn’t dare look up yet. If I just went along with her I would be back in my room in no time.
    “Get out of here. I don’t want to see your ugly face again today.”
    Yes, just what I needed. I walked as calmly as possible back upstairs. I sighed In relief.

    As I was getting changed I heard footsteps, climbing up the stairs. I gasped and coughed violently, but she had already opened the door. I watched as her eyes widened as she looked at my back and my legs. Now she could finally see what she had done to me. But she made no comment and her eyes grew hard and indifferent again.
    “I won’t be home ‘till late tomorrow so I expect you to have dinner ready on time for a change,” she said, looking at me. I nodded, trying to keep my face expressionless. Without anything else to say she walked out and slammed the door. I quickly pulled on my pajamas and switched of the lights. I fell onto my bed, hearing it creak vigorously under me. It was an old bed; what could you expect? Falling asleep was easy, I was always tired after a normal day. But tonight I lay awake, thinking about everything she has ever said to me. Was I really ugly? Was I really as hopeless as she says I was? Was I really worth nothing to this world? Suddenly I heard her walk up the stairs, towards my room. I pretended I was asleep immediately. She opened the door a little, and I could just hear her murmur; “Sorry.”