• She slowly loomed towards the masked figure, knife in hand, ready to swing. Closer. Closer. Inch by inch she was compelled to avenge her Romeo, dear Romeo. Closer. Closer. She raised the knife above her head, when suddenly-“Cut!” the director yelled. She lowered the knife to the waist line, setting it carefully on the table. She ran off, crying to herself, wishing she didn’t have to do this. Pretend to kill somebody. Ha! And then just walk off and pretend we never made poor Sarah act like she was stabbing someone to death because she was MAD!! Guilt was written all over her soul. They made her play a mad woman, killing people that killed her love, but the thing was. The thing was that this had actually happened. In this very building. And they were making a mockery out of it!!
    She sat down at her desk, applying blush to her frail cheekbones. She thought about this, wishing she were at a photo shoot, in jail, at the mall, anywhere but here. Oh, no. Not here. The place where she wasn’t her, where she was known as MAD WOMAN IN SCENE THREE. Yea.
    Break. It’s a break. Get coffee, a donut, wait- no donut. Anorexia in the movie. Great. First my innocence, now my rest food. No. NO. NO!!!!! With that, she stormed out, cursing under her breath, truly a mad woman. Where is everyone? She stopped dead in her tracks. Great. She stormed around, looking for the director. No, only- a masked figure? “Hey, you!” He turned to look at her. “Yea, you! Where’s the director!! I need to give him a piece of my mind!!” She said, her cheeks blazing red. He loomed over, silent. She was confused and angry. Cursing him, she tried to push him down, out of her way. He grabbed her wrists, holding her against the wall. He pulled out a pocket knife, holding it to her throat. She felt it sharpened, hard against her skin, digging into it. The fire alarm went off and he freaked, slowly backing off until he ran off down the hall. “HEY!” She yelled, running after him. Ready to avenge herself. But he was gone. How was that possible? It was the longest hallway, no doors or anything in sight.
    She shrugged it off and padded her way to the nearest fire exit. When she got outside, she walked over to the director. “Hey, you better fire that freakin’ masked guy. He just tried to kill me back there. Did he ever make it out?” She looked around. The director looked confused. “Masked man? He went home right when I yelled cut. I watched him drive off.” He had a worried look on his face. She pondered this as she walked to her car, forgetting the lecture she was about to give him. She looked back at the burning building, and for a second, saw the masked man standing at the highest window, looking straight at her. Again she shrugged it off. I really am crazy, she thought to herself as she drove off into the woods, never to be seen again.