Walking down the street i look to the sky sad, i let him go away so fast. I'm walking to my house still thinking what happened just a few minutes ago.
"Sonic! Wait up!" I said running after my darling Sonic in the meadow, Sonic stops suddenly. "Stop already!!!" I pause, "what do you mean?" i said, "I mean stop chasing me already! Stop it with calling me your darling and all that stuff! I've had enough of you! and i never will like you and never will!!!" When he stops screaming to me his face looked so angry and red and showed to me he never cared for what i did. And the only reason he would save me was because he cared for his 'FRIENDS' and only his friends. He left me in that note and i was on the floor on my knees crying i look up to see if he had turned around to see me but he kept walking. The tears kept flowing down my cheeks and i couldn't believe anything i heard then and now.
I look back at that moment and i thought whats the point of living if he dosen't love me. Or even care for me anymore.......Those thoughts went through me mind when i went inside my house and i didn't know how to handle them. So i changed into a the dress that i wore the very first time i saw him. And went to Emerald Mountain, it was a beautiful mountain that glistened in the night, but sadly it was my first and last time i'll see it. I go to the top of the mountain and look down. Tears are flowing down my face dramaticlly and i couldn't contain myself anymore. So i launch myself down the mountain, but right before i fall i feel a hand grab me and pull me up. And i heard a boy scream out, "Don't!" He pulls me up and i'm face to face with that blue hedgehog that broke my heart. Sonic, his eyes were red from crying and he held me tight in his arms. I was crying so much on him i really didn't realize it till we were off the mountain. He looks at me and wipes the tears from my eyes, "don't ever do that to me Amy" I look at him. "But if you don't love me then i thought what was the point of living" He looks at me concerned then he leans me in closer and kisses me. "Amy i didn't know what to say to you when ever you ran after me. I was shy, and what i really feel about you is that I....... I love you" I start to cry so much and the only thing i can force myself to do was kiss him again. And since then, that was the happiest day of my life.....
Hedgehog Love
This is a story about my fav Sonic couple, Sonic :heart: Amy. I like that couple because its easy to write about and its one of the couples that you can prove easily from the games and shows they've had of them. And the fact that i just like them. :D
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