• Tick.
    Please stop.
    I asked you to stop.
    Why won’t you listen to me?
    Yeah just keep going.
    Will You Stop Already!
    . Of course not; why listen to me?
    Riing. A short, black haired girl stood up only to be violently pushed back down by her fellow class mates. No one helped the poor girl up or picked up her now sprawled out things. Her peers tramped over them and just kept going, excited about the field trip they were about to go on. So the girl just sat there waiting for everyone to leave before getting up and picking up her books, pencils, and backpack. “The joys of being invisible…” she mumbled as she headed out the door, down the stairs, and to the awaiting bus.
    “All present?” the teacher shouted over the boisterous teenagers. “Good.” The teacher turned only to almost run into the girl.
    “Sorry I’m late. I… ah… tripped.” The girl whispered turning crimson.
    “Oh Armageddon! I didn’t see you there.” She laughed, “Well I guess everyone’s here now. Okay we can leave. You can sit wherever you want.” Then she teacher sat down in the only seat left.
    Thanks. First you forget about me, now I have to sit with people who don’t acknowledge me. Great… Armageddon slowly made her way down the aisle to find no seats available. In the end she opted for the sticky floor. After getting comfortable she pulled out her mp3 player and waited for the bus to reach its destination.
    Finally the bus screeched to a stop, throwing Armageddon forward. Once again no one paid any attention and stepped over, around, and on her. She gasped in pain, but waited anyway as all got off the bus before getting up. Rubbing the pain away, she stumbled off and ran to ketch up with her quickly disappearing class. Why can’t they just remember me this once? Armageddon quickened her pace causing her backpack to repetitively slam into her back which sent a sharp jolt through her body. She finally caught up to the group and she slowed to a stop, panting and gasping for air. That was ridiculous…
    “Okay class we are about to go into the Museum of Fine Art. Remember stay together,” What a joke, no one will. Especially not with me. “Be quiet and respectful. Alright let’s go in.” then the class entered and the long awaited fieldtrip began. The tour of the museum was normal and to some boring. They learned about art and put in their thoughts about some of the pieces. It wasn’t until they reached Greek Mythology that something queer happened. Armageddon was looking at the statue of Hygieia, when a short white haired girl approached her.
    “Hello Armageddon.” Armageddon quickly turned to face this odd creature. She wore clothes unlike anything she has ever seen. The girl wore an all white flowing dress, which seemed to move on its own, it had a gold sash and trim, and on her head she wore a white veil. She looks like an albino. She has the white hair, pale skin, and even the red eyes. I’ve never met one before.
    “Hi? Do I know you?” with a calm, knowing smile the girl shook her head. Like a gentle breeze the girl whispered, “ Welcome.” Before her hand snaked out and whacked Armageddon’s forehead. The invisible seams between body and soul tore and as Armageddon’s body rag-dolled to the floor her spirit continued to soar down. She was like a painting, unable to move any part of her and yet anxiety blanketed her as she fell.