• One rainy day a young boy by the age of 14 decided to call up his friends Tony and Andreia. When he called Tony all he got was his voice mail. When he called Andreia the line was busy.
    "Thats fine they're probably doing something else." he said to himself.
    BTW the boys name is Rick. Just then the rain started to fade so Rick grabbed his jacket and left the house. As he was walking down the street he swore somebody was following him. When he turned around nobody was there.
    "Hmm." Rick thought "maybe if i go in to the diner and hideout they'll knock it off."
    As he entered the diner he felt the meanacing breath of somebody on his neck. Rick quickly turned and braced him self. But again nobody was there.
    "Perhaps Im just hungry" he breathed. Rick walked up to the counter and ordered a PBJ sandwich with some milk and got a spot close to the wall and a view of the window so he could see the person who was following him. After about an hour of watching he soon fell asleep.

    To Be Continued.......