• A few more minutes later he was asking me questions.
    “So who’s the creep outside?” Angeni flipped his head toward the door his hair coming out of his eyes.
    “He isn’t a creep his name is Jack.” I answered, Angeni finally moved his chair next to my bed so I didn’t have to give pain to see him.
    “Jasa, you have to quit entering these homes they don’t love you. They feel bad for you.” He said sympathetically. I looked at the window again and I petted the amulet. “Promise me you won’t do this anymore please?” he asked turning my head to look at me
    “Yes Angeni, I didn’t mean to I was just too curious. At least I was minding my own business, he wasn’t.” I said these words seemed made conversations to sad. Angeni took a deep breath and sat back in his chair relaxing.
    “Angeni where has your tribe been all these years I haven’t seen you in forever?” I asked my best friend.
    “Jasa it doesn’t matter but we’ve been down in canyons running from the reporters. You see they think all the Indians have gone extinct but we haven’t we simply have just grown into the population.” He whispered to me. He and I kept on speaking never interrupted. Soon it was late enough where the sky turned a deep purple and I could see it through the window.
    “Jasa you’d better get to sleep, don’t worry I’ll be here.” He petted my hair and kissed my forehead. He was so much like a father even though he was only 16 years old. I closed my eyes and rearranged my position.
    “Good night Angeni.” I said falling into a deep sleep.
    “Good night Jasa sleep well.” He turned of the lights next to my bed.
    That night I didn’t have a nightmare but a content dream. When I woke up from my sleep I saw Angeni still sat next to my bed and his eyes were open and he was still smiling as usual.
    “Morning.” He said smiling wide and messed my hair up
    “Good morning.” I greeted him back.
    “You hungry?” he asked me, now that he mentioned it I was, as I looked out the window I saw a butterfly and I was reminded on what I was supposed to do. I didn’t want to do that for trust because Angeni had cleared my mind and I had promised not to do this again. This time not to myself. I nodded in response to his question. The nurse walked in as he was helping me sit up.
    “She can take the cords out of her arm and noses then go down to breakfast. She slipped out of the room. Angeni had a much more stable hand than I did so he took the cords out. He helped me out of bed and held my back making sure I didn’t fall we walked to the lunch room to eat breakfast.
    “Jasa I have to leave after breakfast my mother sent me out to get eggs three days ago.” I laughed at his forgetfulness. He smiled, “what do you want to eat?’ He asked me
    “Doesn’t matter whatever you think looks good.” He stood up his chair creaking in the sanitary cafeteria I messed around with my fork. I looked up at the cafeteria door and saw a big bozo again. It was the same one from the band of people at the tree. I screeched and ran to where Angeni was I held fast to his arm.
    I pointed like a little girl afraid of a bug he turned away from the register and looked at the thug. The man obviously was a bandit now that I looked at him he had silver glinting from every aspect of a pocket. Angeni set the tray down calmly still smiling as usual his white teeth showing amusement. He made me release my grip and helped me sit down. I stood up and stood next to him knowing I couldn’t do much but the fat one had the upper hand at the moment. All the other patients that had been startled by my scream ran to their nurses who had fled to hospital bedrooms. I looked out the window and saw another thug.
    “Angeni there is another one in the window.” I whispered under my breath to him. Angeni didn’t move but I was positive he had heard.
    He pushed me behind him with his arm making sure I didn’t do anything he was also probably trying to hide me from the windows. The big fat thug began moving through the tables knocking cups over he even shoved a piece of food in his mouth. Angeni was the bravest person I knew and I could never let him get hurt.