• Gunners #1 Resurrection
    HellsBound Crisis

    Restoration at 90%!

    Make sure she recovers!

    Restoration at 95%!

    This is it!

    Resoration Completed!

    Type 709… welcome to your awakening…..

    Her blue and red eyes glowed with anger but she was calm

    The next morning Hakuru wakes up with her scar on her torso. She stands up, puts on her green jacket, black pants and shoes with her blue cap on and walks to Saya’s grave

    Yamota: hey Hakuru! two more days till….

    She was gone

    Yamota: work….

    Kikio: shes off to Saya’s grave again?

    Yamota: yeah…. 15th time this week

    Kikio: you know it’s a good thing though, she’ll come back eventually

    Yamota: yeah…..

    At Saya’s grave Hakuru sits down by the tombstone

    Hakuru: morning Saya… had a good night sleep? Bad huh? Mine was worst my scar kept bleeding every second when I sleep…. Man….

    The wind starting blowing

    Hakuru: you had no idea what kind of a fight I ran into, yesterday I was into some heavy crap man I started to talk the fight out! But man she kept on beating the crap out of me!

    Hakuru: but I still won…. Heh!

    Girl: won….?

    Hakuru: ?!

    Girl: won what….?

    Hakuru: *that voice just now?!*

    She turns around slowly

    Hakuru: *it has to be?!*

    Saya Hurisha!

    Hakuru: Saya! you…. You came back! I knew you would come back! Man just wait till the others! The others will be shocked! Come on buddy! Lets head back-

    Saya smacks her hand away from her

    Hakuru: ow.. shesh Saya what gives? Although that really did hurt… did I did something wrong?

    Saya: orders…..?

    Radio: kill her… and bring her back dead….

    Saya: roger that….

    Hakuru: Saya what are you doing…?

    Saya’s hand was unleashing a lightning bolt while her left eye was lightning blue covered in devil flames

    Hakuru: Saya what are you doing?!

    Saya shoots out a lightning bolt at her


    Saya: …..

    Women: its done….

    Saya: …..
    Hakuru: ah!!

    Saya: ah!

    Women: what?!

    Hakuru gripped onto her knife and pushed it against to Saya’s blade

    Saya: ….

    Hakuru: ahh!!!

    Women: impossible! Saya unleashed code seven b!

    Saya: roger….

    Her blue eye glowed and cast out a sharp deadly spell and stabbed Hakuru straight through the scar

    Hakuru: ngah!!!

    Monitor: energy readings are picking up between the two Gunners!

    Women: so the battle begins….

    The dark black cloud started to slowly move making it to rain

    Hakuru: what did they done to you Saya…?

    Saya: ……

    Hakuru: answer me?!

    Saya: Hak……u…ru……

    Hakuru: huh?

    Monitor: somethings going on inside of Saya!

    Women: make the pain go into her!

    Saya: AHH!!!!!!

    Hakuru: Saya!

    Saya: ngah!!!

    She cast out a powerful spell and kneed her to the scar

    Hakuru: AH!!!

    Saya: Crusader Bullet!

    Hakuru: crap!

    She moved but got hit by the arm

    Hakuru: s**t!

    Saya: Lilium Shed!

    A huge lightning striked her stomache

    Hakuru: AH s**t!

    Women: yes kill her! Kill her!

    Saya was hitting her like a punching bag as Hakuru standed there with her clothes being a bit shredded by her fists

    Hakuru :AH! NGAH!

    Saya stopped hitting

    Hakuru: whats wrong….? Take the hit….

    Saya: why…?

    Hakuru: huh?

    Saya: why won’t you fight back….?

    Hakuru: why you ask….?

    Saya: fight…back…. Please… I beg you… Hakuru…

    Hakuru: Saya… is that you…?

    Saya: kill me… before…. it takes over me…

    Hakuru: I can’t….

    Saya: do it..

    Hakuru: remember that promise…?

    Saya: promise…?

    Hakuru: I promised that i’ll visit your grave everyday until you come back…. Heh…. I still kept that promise…. And now you came back… trying to kill me….

    Saya: Hakuru…

    Women: make her feel pain!

    Saya: AHH!!!!!!

    Hakuru: ah?!

    Saya: die!!! DIE TILL YOU FEEL PAIN!

    Hakuru: you hurted me more than enough Saya…. although yo usaid you wanted a rematch right…?

    Saya: DIE!!!

    Hakuru: well here it goes then… I’ll fight you with all my strengh… here it goes…

    They both run as Saya unleashs her full strengh wihle she goes out of control

    Monitor: shes out of control1 I can’t get her back online!

    Women: What?!

    Hakuru: Crusader Bullet!

    Saya: Unleash Hell!

    The red and blue bullets colided each other as Hakuru runs and did a triple bac kick at her up the air but then Saya blocked her leg attacks and did a triple jab and elbowed her to the scar

    Hakuru: AH! Still got moves Saya! try this one!

    She goes and dives in to her and kicks her like a rocket

    Saya: DIE IN HELL!

    Hakuru: not today!

    She grabbed her fist while she unleashed a powerful blow. Saya was about to turn into an angel instead she unleashed a powerful power

    Hakuru: unleashing your full?! I can do it too!

    Hakuru’s power was blue and Saya’s power was red, they both colided with powerful wings. The grass started blowing as the wind started to breeze faster

    Saya: GO TO HELL!!!!

    Hakuru: I WILL NOT DIE!!!!


    They both were blown off into the city

    Photographer: what the hell…?

    Hakuru: ah!

    Saaya: your shaking!

    Hakuru: its because my goddamn legs aren’t working…. I’m gonna make sure you get the hell out of Saya’s goddamn body!!!!

    She grabs her head and slams it to the wall while running into it one by one

    Hakuru: AHH!!!!

    Saya: RAH!

    She used her hand and cast out a fire by her right hand and slammed it to Hakuru’s stomache

    Hakuru: AHHH!!!!!



    Saya: AHHHHH!!!!

    A huge red and blue explosion started to explode between the two of them but then suddenly it vanised
    Saya: ……

    Hakuru: ahh…. bloody hell…. Ahh…

    She falls down

    A few hours later Hakuru woked up

    Hakuru: ah… s**t my head!

    Yamota: rise and shine beauty

    Hakuru: Yamota?

    Yamota: that was some fight… who attacked you…?

    Hakuru: attacked me..? no…

    Yamota: what is it?

    Hakuru: where Is the other girl?

    Yamota: what other girl? all there was, was just you

    Hakuru: was just me?

    Yamota: yep you were beaten pretty badly

    Hakuru: is that so…?

    Yamota: so who was it that just attacked you?

    Hakuru: *it had to be her…. It was Saya wasn’t it?!*

    Yamota: Hakuru?

    Hakuru: I know who attacked me

    Yamota: you know her name?

    Hakuru: it was… Saya Hurisha…

    Yamota: ?!

    To be conintued

    Next Chapter:#10 Rematch