• Two months have passed since Sam killed himself and everything was going fine. Tim, Jim, and Morgan were in Jim's truck.
    tab "Your new truck is off the ******** chain," Tim said.
    tab "I know," Jim said.
    tab "Where we going?" Morgan asked.
    tab "We're going to meet Tyler and the rest of the guys at pool," Jim told her.
    tab "But I didn't even bring swimming wear."
    tab "Well," Tim said, "you can go in topless."
    tab Morgan slapped him on the back of the head. "You are an a*****e."
    tab "Sorry for wanting to see your tits."
    tab As Morgan and Tim argued, Jim grabbed a CD and opened the case, and when he did it fell. "s**t," Jim said as he went down to get it.
    tab "Watch out!" Jim heard Morgan scream. He looked up and saw a deer. He tried to break but he still hit it.
    tab "Oh, ********," Tim said as he got out.
    tab They all looked at the deer and Morgan threw up.
    tab "The ******** is that?" Jim said, "Is that its liver?"
    tab "Weird," Tim said, "The impact wasn't that strong."
    tab Morgan came up again, "We should get it out of the road."
    tab Jim and Tim looked at her. "What?" she asked.
    tab "Nothing," Jim and Tim said in unison. Then Jim took lead, "Its just that, well, we ain't touching that." Jim pointed at the deer.
    tab "We got to get it out of the road or they're gonna run over it again."
    tab "Then let them do it."
    tab "We could try to stand it up again and the next dumbass that runs it over gets to do it," Tim said, "all we have to do is find a way to do it and a way to put the liver and the rest of the intestines back in."
    tab "Tim..." Jim said.
    tab "What?"
    tab "That is genius."
    tab "Yeah, I know."
    tab "Yeah, bro. Gimme five."
    tab They raised their hands but instead of clapping his hand into Tim's, Jim slapped him.
    tab "Ow," Tim said, "You b***h."
    tab "We have no choice but to move it out the way," Jim said.
    tab The teens came up to the dead animal. "Alright," Tim said, "It ain't got no horns but it isn't big neither, so its just a teen."
    tab "Yeah," Jim said, "Okay, I'll grab the rear legs and you, Tim, will grab the front."
    tab "Alright, on three."
    tab They counted, "One, two, and three." They lifted the deer and moved toward the side of the road, "Hey, Jim," Tim said, "Let's throw it in the ditch on three."
    tab "Okay," Jim agreed.
    tab They counted, "One, two-" Tim let the animal go and Jim went along.
    tab "Oops," Tim said, "I think I let it go early."
    tab They entered the truck and Tim holding his jaw. "You didn't have to punch me."
    tab "You deserved it," Jim said with blood on his shirt, "Now my clothes will smell like deer entrails."