• Well first of all my name is Jerry and It All Started when i was home alone with the remote on the table and my faviorate Movie on 'Twilight' , my cousin Shela was outside playing around like she always does, Shela was 10 years old And i, well i was 12, it was a Saturday afternoon, when i heard Shela scream of horror, i got up tripped over the table and banged my leg Against the side of the wall, but i finally made it out the door. when i did i couldn't believe my eyes,MY cousin was gone, all that was left was a drip of shiny slime. i swallowed hard as i new i had to find my cousin, she was family after all. i fallowed the slime trial as it led deep into the woods, i fallowed the trail till it ended, ''Great This is Brilliant, I'm lost and i have no idea where to start looking for my cousin''. i mumbled to myself, a girl my age came out of no where.[ she walked up to me and said in her Native Languish ''Youii..Cuinsin Has a Goi'n paja..Your cousin Has been taken by the great beast Paja..there is no way to get her back, you must turn around quickly before its to late''. The Girl said. Jerry stared at her as if she was crazy..''wait..Paja the great beast?..what the hell?'' he said, he thought this was a load of Crap and he was going to find his cousin no matter what the cost wee. ''Come..and i tell you what Paja is..'' The Mysterious girl said as she began walking around trees, a couple of minutes later we came to a small Hut, she walked inside and so did i, after she was settled and i was as well, she began speaking. ''In 1998 It was a great Named Paja, everyday he would come to the mortal world and attack children that were alone and the age of 10 or lower, he always took them to the mountain of Victory where he would keep them Captured and wait till a full-moon before he would sacrifice that child to be once again restored a Human part''. Jerry said ''wait...why does he need Human parts?'' he asked not understanding. the girl said ''He...'' she bent down lower and closer to Jerry as is she was Afraid someone was watching them ''The Paja once was a prince, a human just as us, before he did bad things in our world and the evil wich told him if he wouldn't stop he would regret it someday, the Paja never stopped, therefore the legend is told that the Paja must feed on the younger souls to restore and return to his human figure''. she said sitting back up. Jerry didn't know what to think right now, just an Hour ago he was sitting on the couch watching Twilight and then his cousin vanishes...THEN he walks into the woods and ends up in this...Magical World...he didn't know he cleared his voice as he said ''Well..how can i get my cousin back?''. The girl looked at him and said ''There is no way..'', Jerry wasn't believing that crap ''there has to be a way!'' he whispered Angrily. The girl sighed as she said ''The only way is to travel a long journal to the mountain of victory..and there you will find Paja..it is told that you must Defeat him before you save the ones you love'' the girl said. as she dusted off her dress she was wearing.

    [To be Continued]