I felt violated. I felt like I had been taken advantage of. I felt like I would never be able to live this down. I felt like I was being imprisoned in someone else's home. I felt sick to my stomach. I thought my heart was going to explode. I thought I was going to throw up all over the place. I just wanted to go home and pretend I never met the damn Corpse.
Cold fingers ran along my spine slowly, as if memorizing it.
I shuddered and curled into a little ball. {I had been on my side, facing away from him, and staring at the wall for the past few hours. I had still been awake as he was sleeping during the day. I was too afraid to sleep near him.}
He ignored my movement and ran his finger along one of my ribs.
I shivered and got a few goosebumps.
He chuckled and leaned forward, kissing the bone on the back of my neck.
I jumped and cringed away from him.
He's going to eat me! I think covering my neck with my hands.
The corpse put his hand on my waist. "Calm down, Kevin. I'm not going to feed off of you."
"Could've fooled me." I think outloud before I could stop myself.
He ignored me again and kissed the bone of my neck.
I bit my lip, trying hard not to run away from him in fear.
He put his arms around my waist and pulled me.
I jumped and grabbed onto the mattress covers, trying despretly to keep away from him.
He stopped pulling me and took his hands away. "Sorry."
I nodded and scooted away from him, holding my neck and cringing into a ball again.
He sat up and sighed. "I'm going to get something to eat. What do you want to eat?"
I shook my head and closed my eyes, not wanting to look at him.
He nodded and stood up, walking to the door and stopping, his hand on the door knob. "I... I apologize, Kevin. I didn't mean to hurt you like that." He said.
I ignored him, denying his words. They were lies probably anyway, so why listen to them and believe them when I was going to be proven wrong?
He opened the door and walked out, not closing it, just walking out, with only a robe on.
I sat there for a minute, before realizing this was my chance to run away. I jumped up and put on my only clothes that weren't ripped and stained with blood. {The only he left unharmed were my underwear, my sweat shirt and my jeans... Well... The jeans had a ripped knee and there was a small hole between the legs from when he was trying to rip them off...} I ran for the door and looked around, making sure he wasn't around. I would get my s*** back from him later. I didn't care. I had more clothes at home. If he didn't mail them to me, then I would just let him have them. I really didn't want to come back here.
Thoughts raced through my mind as I ran down the hall way. This is cruel! I shouldn't do this to him! I should stay... I part of me pleaded. But another side was cheering me on towards the door. Move it! The voice said. Run faster then that d*** corpse could ever dream of!
I listened to the feirce and angry voice that wanted me to leave and ran faster. My lungs stinging and my legs soar. My a** hurt too... But that was beside the point.
S***! Where the hell is the door!? I shout in my head.
"Crap..." I whisper turning around and looking around myself for another route or something that might lead to the front door. But the way I was heading in led to the kitchen, and the Corpse was deffinetly in there, so I couldn't go in there unless I wanted to get caught. And I didn't want that... So I turned around and ran the other way.
When I got to the door I burst through the door, not caring to close them and ran for all my life towards the front gate.
People at the front gate, who had seemed to calm down and were no longer screaming at the house, turned around and looked at me in confusion.
I kept running, not caring if I now had an audiance. I glanced behind me and saw dark eyes watching me from a window near the door. They weren't angry, but sad.
The people cheered me to run faster, for some reason I didn't know why.
But I listened. I ran, practicly for my life. I threw the gates open and slammed them shut right behind me. Panting and feeling the sweat run down my forehead and into my eyes. I whiped the sweat away and looked at the people.
They smiled and patted my back. "Congratulations." They said.
I blinked in confusion. "For what?"
"For getting away from him. He's the scum that is turning this world into crap." A woman said.
I nodded and began walking away. "Sure..."
A few days later, after I signed in my resignation forms in the office, I recieved a check for two thousand dollars.
I gasped and stepped back in shock.
Michelle Joseph's name was writen on the signature.
I felt my heart go cold and I felt like I should throw away his money. As if thinking he didn't deserve to give me money. But I put the check in my pocket and planned on taking it to the bank later today. But for now I was going to go to the computer and look up jobs nearest my house.
I quit my last job because my boss said that he wasn't going to give me any other tasks to do until I finish the one with Corpse. So I quit. I would not go back into that house as long as that Vampire was there.
The second I sat down the door bell rang.
I sighed and stood up. "Coming." I say half heartedly.
"I'm only here to drop your things off." Said a dark voice.
I jumped and stopped only a foot from the door. "How did you find my house?" I growl.
He sighed. "I got it from your boss."
"Oh. Just like you found out I was easy to get in bed from my friends?" I hiss.
He shifted his weight, making the floor boards on my deck creak. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to know more about you. So I cast a little spell on them to find a few things about you."
I growled. "Yeah. I kinda figured that out for myself."
He was silent.
"Just leave the crap at the door and go away." I order.
"Can't I come in?"
"But what if someone takes your stuff?"
"No one will take my s*** if it's right in front of my door, dumb Corpse." I rumble.
He turned away. "Fine. I just wanted to bring you your clothes that you left at my home." He said stepping away.
I leaned against the door, waiting for him to leave.
When the foot steps were far enough away I opened the door and grabbed my bag.
His shadow lingering in the moonlight as he walked down the street, almost as if to say good bye.
I glared at him and slammed the door, throwing my stuff on the floor and going back to looking for job. "What a stupid corpse."
Another three or four days later I was walking to the mail box outside my house and saw a shadow on the sidewalk across the street. I stopped and narrowed my eyes, peering through the darkness to see who it was. And sure enough, there he was. Just standing there, watching me with a blank stare on his face.
I glared at him and kept walking to my mail box.
He straightened, probably thinking I was walking to him instead.
I opened the mail box and took out the letters and bills, then shut the lip of the box and turned away. Leaving him there all alone in the darkness. Not giving a d*** if I had hurt him. I couldn't sit or stand that well for three days thanks to him! And I was afraid to leave my friggin' house! I couldn't even think about going into work, until I had to hand in my resignation slips and cash that check, but other than that, I never even thought about leaving.
Three month's went by, and before I knew it I had pretty much forgotten all about that creep. I started to go on with life again.
I got a job at an office, during the day, and I would file and copy at a large scale bank only a few blocks away from my house, so I could walk and save money on gas. The job paid just alittle less then the other job I had, so I was taking all my extra money away in the bank, along with that thousand or so dollars that seemed to catch me off guard everytime I went online and checked to see if my pay check had gone in properly after every week.
It was cold outside and the heater clicked on as I stood up from my computer and went to the fridge, getting something simple and easy to eat and make.
A bowl of fruit stood out like a black stain on a white silk shirt. I grabbed it and saw grapes just sitting there.
I grimaced and threw them in the garbage. "Gross." I muttered walking back to my computer and checking to see my if my pack check went through. "Perfect." I say seeing that the amount in my bank had risen another four hundred dollars since last time.
Only a few hours ago I was at work wishing I could be at home looking at this number, and now here I was, looking at the largest number I had ever seen in my acount.
I sat back and sighed contently. "Not a bad number." I say to myself laughing. I reached out and grabbed for my cigerattes.
A cold breeze swept over me and made me shiver.
I jumped and looked in the direction it had come from in the corner of my eye.
A widely opened window made me blink in confusion for a second.
"What the f***?" I growl standing up, though I grabbed a smoke first and took my lighter with me.
The scent of death made me crinkle my nose.
I slammed the window clossed and locked it. "Gross." I said a deep rumble {Growl} ripped through my chest in disgust and angst. "What a f***ing gross smell." I mumble lighting a cigeratte that was held tightly between my lips.
Maybe the Vampire went walking around for the first time in a long time and forgot to cover his scent this time... Hmm... Or maybe it's just another Vampire around the neighborhod. I don't care. Just as long as they don't get mixed up with me, I really don't give a d***.
I turned around and took a long drag, slowly closing my eyes, trying to relax myself. "I need a vacation," I say as smoke slipped out between my lips.
"I can help you with that." Said a husky voice.
I jumped and opened my eyes.
The corpse sat in my chair, his face being half shadowed by the computers light, since all the lights were off in the house at the moment {I don't turn on lights unless I have to}.
I glared at him. "Who let you in?"
He shrugged and leaned his arm on the desk top and put his head on his fist. "No on in particular."
I pointed to the door. "Then get out."
He sighed and his eyes softened as they looked over my body. "I missed you. I couldn't keep myself away from your adorably small house and your even more adorable body."
I didn't waver from his words. "Get. Out."
He ignored me. "I wanted to have you again, too. The last time was so amazing, I want more." He purred.
I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah, maybe for you. But for me it was painful. I couldn't stand or sit for three whole f***ing days! I had to quiet my job! I have to work at a crammed office with humans who shower only once every three days because their so caught up in their work! I was afraid to leave my house! All because of you!" I shouted.
He stood up, not saying anything and looking me right in the eye.
I growled.
"I'm sorry."
I smirked. "That's it?"
"Do you want me to grovel and beg for forgiveness?"
I shrugged. "It would be nice."
He nodded and got on his knees, putting his forhead on the ground. "I beg for forgiveness from you, Kevin. I am not worthy to be in your pressence. I can only ask that you accept my apology, or at least hear me out. I'm sorry." He said.
I chuckled. "How many times have you done this?" I tease.
"Too many." He grumbled.
I glared at him, realizing I shouldn't get carried away by his words or his stories like I did last time when we were on the roof. "Whatever. I don't accept your apology. I'll only accept it is when you leave me alone till the day I die. Got it?"
He stood up and seemed confused. "But... That's too long... I can't do that. I won't agree."
I growled. "Then I'm going to hate your forever."
He turned into a cloud of smoke and the room went silent.
I gasped and looked all around me.
A cold hand grabbed my arm and pulled it behind me.
I yipped and tried to swing my leg around to kick him, but he was two steps ahead of me.
He pulled my arm harder and shuved me against the counter, grinding my face into the wooden cutting board, a knife only a few inches from my nose.
I growled and cursed at him. "Get off of me! You s*** face!"
He smirked and leaned down, putting his lips to my ear. "Calm down. I don't want to have to repeat our little night together at my home. But I will if I have to." He whispered.
I shuttered and froze still, like he wanted.
He let my head go and reached down, embrassing my a**.
I gasped and closed my eyes, not wanting to watch him.
He chuckled. "Still as sensitive as before, I see."
I opened my eye and glared at him. "F*** you!"
He narrowed his eyes and dug his nails into my butt's skin.
I clentched my teeth and closed my eyes in pain again.
Where the h*** did my smoke go? I ask myself looking for a trail of smoke.
There it is! I say in my head as I see a trail leading from the floor near the window.
I rolled my eyes. Of course. It would be all the way over there too...
He licked my ear and started to pull my pants down.
I squirmed. "Knock it off! Get away from me, Corpse!"
He grinned, revealing his fangs. "That's exactly what you'll be if you keep making so much racket!" He shouted.
I cringed at how powerful his voice was when he was angry.
His tongue ran down from my ear lob to my neck to my shoulder, pulling the shirt away. "D*** these clothes. Their always in my way!" He hissed ripping my shirt off.
I gasped and felt the full blast of his radiating cold skin touching my own.
His hand pulled my pants even farther down.
I jumped and tried to get away. "S-stop it!" I bark.
He chuckled and leaned down, pressing hips to mine. "What's wrong? Afraid you'll react the way you did last time to have something so large inside you? I loved the faces you made, they were delicious to watch." He said licking his lips and glancing at my neck.
I growled and strugled against him. "No! Get off! You wouldn't dare feed off of me again! You promised!" I say feeling tears begining to threaten against my eyes.
He nuzzled my hair and pulled my pants as far as he needed them to go. "Shhh~. Don't make so much noise. You'll wake your neighbors up. And you don't want that, do you?"
"What is with you!? I thought you were so nice and weird! And now your all f***ing perverted and peto-like!? The f***!?" I shout.
He reached around me and grabbed something 'sensitive'.
I gapsed and clentched my fists, the hand being held captive was digging into his skin.
He purred, almost, and nuzzled my hair again. "So sensitive."
I blushed and bit my lip hard enough to draw blood, trying so much not to cry out or show any sign of wanting him too.
But my body betrayed me to the fullest.
"Look at that. At least one part of you missed me." He chuckled.
I felt ashamed of myself and dug deeper into his skin. "Shut up... You... your fingers are..." I panted and begged god for help. But he didn't answer fast enough.
The corpse licked over his fangs and then over a small spot on my back.
I shook my head. "Don't-!"
His fangs sank into my skin deeper then the time on the roof and produced a peircing shock through my body.
I gasped and felt my body stiffen and go numb, except where his hands touched.
In fact the venom seemed to ampliphy the feeling of his touch. It didn't help me either way...
He sucked on the spot and kept playing with me.
I felt tears fun down my cheeks and my body quivered in pleasure. "N-no... no more... Please... Michelle... No more..." I beg.
He grinned and pulled his lips away from my back, but moving his long fingers faster. "What was that? What did you call me?"
I panted and let his name slip through my lips, making it sound like I was enjoying this in some sick twisted way.
He chuckled and licked my ear. "Good boy."
I held my breath and 'went' in his hand. I regretted it immediatly. I fell against the counter with a thump, and panted in exhaust.
He laughed and pulled his hand away. "Very good, Kevin. Now it's my turn." He said in my ear like a snake taunting me.
- by _Kimino_Katashi |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/17/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Death by chocolate. 5
- Artist: _Kimino_Katashi
- Description: Part five.
- Date: 03/17/2010
- Tags: death chocolate
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- Puppy Arin - 03/17/2010
- HA. For a while there Michelle became a stalker.O.O But it was cute because he just wanted Kevin. Poor Kevin so confused....
- Report As Spam
- Puppy Arin - 03/17/2010
- HA. For a while there Michelle became a stalker.O.O But it was cute because he just wanted Kevin. Poor Kevin so confused....
- Report As Spam
- Puppy Arin - 03/17/2010
- HA. For a while there Michelle became a stalker.O.O But it was cute because he just wanted Kevin. Poor Kevin so confused....
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