• The first few hours I new the Joel Crimson boy I was hard at work trying to get as much information I could about his father while I was still in the office. I sat at my desk, with a pen sticking out of my lips, and staring at the computer with a glint of determination in my eyes.
    Joel was standing next to the large window behind my desk, just staring outside at the rain, with no interest at all.
    I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "Geez..." I grumble as I printed off more information on his father. I stood up and walked to the printer next to Joel.
    He jumped and cringed away from me.
    I blinked for a second before taking the papers and walking back to my chair. I read a few lines over and saw that the boys father was an abusive husband, more than father, and that the police had been called to their house more then once for loud screaming and banging coming from inside the Crimson residence. I narrowed my eyes at the boys fathers' name in hatred. This was sick. How could a father actually go far enough to rape his own son? Did he hate his family that much? Was the man confused?
    I tapped my finger on the desk and dug deeper into the mans files. I jumped when I saw that he had been to rehab for a few weeks before leaving. I clicked open the file and read more. His father {Carter Crimson} had left because he thought the rehab center was 'for f***ing lame a**holes who didn't have a life'... I rolled my eyes and decided to print it off and call it a day.
    Joel jumped when he heard the printer buzz back to life.
    I chuckled and stood up, stretching.
    He glanced at me and then went back to staring out the window.
    I smirked at him and walked over to the printer.
    Joel, again, cringed away from me.
    I took all my paper and put them in my breifcase. "Okay. Let's go." I say shutting down my computer and walking to the door.
    He walked past me, staying as far away as possible.
    I knew this was the way anyone would act after being raped and I didn't blame him for not trusting me just yet. But something about him seemed more secluded then usual... He seemed like he would push anyone away, including his own family. He seemed the type to stay away from everyone, even before this whole thing happened to the poor kid.
    I shut off the office light and started leading the way to the elevator.
    Everyone turned and stared at the kid.
    I smiled at them, trying to show facial signs that they should look away for the kids sake. But they didn't. I sighed and stopped in front of the elevator. "People these days..." I growled.
    Joel held his hands tightly together and stepped behind me so he was out of the sight of my co-workers. But it didn't stop them from trying to keep looking at him.
    I looked down at him and smiled. "Don't worry, everything will blow over soon. I promise. You won't have to live like this after I'm done with cutting that man down." I say strongly.
    He swallowed and looked at the floor.
    The elevator opened and went 'ding'.
    Joel practicly jumped in and hid in the corner, his eyes on the floor, his hair covering most of his face.
    I stood next to him and hit the main floor button.

    When I got home I let Joel in first and showed him where he will be sleeping. And since I had two extra bedrooms in my house I thought it would be best if he had a bedroom closest to mine if anything happened.
    He nodded and took his things into his room silently before walking over to the window and staring out at the rain again.
    I pointed to the kitchen near by. "I'll be making dinner if you need anything. And there's a bathroom right there through that door." I say pointing to a door next to me. {Every bedroom had it's own bathroom}
    He didn't say anything and just blinked at the rainclouds.
    I sighed and walked into the kitchen.

    After making dinner I walked to Joel's bed room and knocked. "Can I come in? I have food." I say.
    The door opened a crack, not enough for me to see inside.
    I pushed the door open all the way and carried in a plate of food.
    Joel was sitting on the bed, his back on the wall and his eyes staring out the window still. He only wore a tank top and long briefs.
    I walked over and set the food down near him.
    He pulled his long legs away from me in discomfort.
    I stepped away and looked at the floor. "Do you want anything else?"
    He shook his head, not looking away from the window.
    I smiled. "I hope you like the food. I'm not that much of a cook. But... I try." I laughed sheepishly.
    He didn't say anything.
    I walked away, but stopped in the door way. "Oh yeah! My boss wanted to know if you have any bruises or marks on your body from him. I know it's hard, but we need to get this so we can get him for doing this to you."
    He swallowed and looked at the floor.
    He sat up on his knees and lifted his shirt up.
    I gasped.
    Bruises and cuts left their ugly faces all over his chest and stomach. Teeth marks left their ugly faces on his skin as well.
    I glared at his skin. "That b******."
    He put his shirt back down and went back to what he was doing, just staring out the window.
    I crossed my arms over my chest. "Would it be alright if I take photo's of the marks so we can present them to the court? It would help." I say.
    He nodded slowly.

    After getting all the photo's I, and the court, would need to put him away I let Joel go back to his room.
    But he just stood there for a while, staring at the floor.
    I blinked and tilted my head. "Joel?"
    He jumped and quickly walked away into his room.
    I smirked and put the camera on the counter, then walked into the living room, turning on the television.
    "Today in the small town of Robbinsdale, Washinton, a man was arrested for the raping and beating of his son Joel Crimson. Jeff has the story." Said the female reporter.
    I grimaced at the screen.
    A man with blonde, well combed hair came on the screen. "Thanks Cindy. Yes, the story here today was that the son of Carter Crimson was found unconcious in his room by his mother after he was brutally rapped and beaten by his father. His mother immediatly called paramedics and had them arrest her husband of over fifteen years." The story went on. But I was too disgusted by the image of Joel's father on the screen to pay attention.
    He's the man I'm going against. He's the scum that has hurt his own son badly enough to keep him from even trusting the people that are protecting him.
    I heard the floor boards behind me creak from someone's weight. I jumped and turned around.
    Joel was staring at the television screen in complete fear.
    I stood up and shut it off. "I'm sorry, Joel. I didn't hear you standing there."
    He swallowed and looked at the floor.
    I took a step closer to him. "Are you okay? Did you want something?" I ask reaching out towards him.
    He jumped and stepped away. "No!"
    I pulled my hand back and nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I say putting my arms up. "I won't come too close. I understand-."
    "Everyone says that..." He murmured. "Everyone says they understand, they know how I'm feeling. But they don't. I hate people like that." He growled.
    I looked at the floor. "Okay. I'm sorry. I don't know how your feeling. But people like to hear that people know how they feel, it comforts them. It makes them feel not so... alienated. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to upset you. Would you like me to get something for you?"
    He hesitated but talked. "I can't have some types of meats. It upsets my stomach." He grumbled.
    I smirked. "You want me to make you something else?"
    He nodded and looked the opposite direction I was in.
    I chuckled and walked past him. "Sure thing. You could have just said you wanted something while you were standing there." I said.
    He followed me in the kitchen and leaned against the wall that was behind me.
    I started the stove up and looked through the refridgerator. "Is egg's okay? I won't have any good foods for you until the delivery guy comes tommorow."
    He nodded and crossed his arms over his chest.
    The pan that I had boiled the meat in earlier was on the hot flames, getting hot and starting to pop from the heat.
    I gasped as I taking out the eggs from the fridge. "Shoot! I forgot to take that off first." I grumbled.
    Joel stood up and walked over to the pan, picking it up.
    I smiled. "Thanks." I say appearing next to him.
    He jumped and his hand jerked, causing the oil fly out of the pan, and landing on his bare skin and hand. He bit his lip in pain and threw the pan away, causing it to bash into the back of the stove.
    I gasped and reached to grab his hand. "Joel! Are you okay-!?"
    A hand came flying through the air and slapped me across the face.
    I covered my cheek as a red hand mark formed on my skin. I looked down and saw a teary eyed boy glaring at the floor.
    He stepped back and held his hurt hand with the hand that had slapped me. "Don't touch me!" He shouted.
    I nodded. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reached for you like that. And I'm sorry. I would never harm you, Joel. I'm here to protect you."
    A tear fell on the floor. "That's what fathers are supposed to do too! But look how that turned out for me!" He said raising his voice even louder.
    I felt my heart ache in anger against his father and in pity for Joel's pain. "It was wrong of him to do that, yes. But I'm not like him, Joel. I would never put an unwelcomed hand on you. I was just trying to help your hand. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry."
    He winced at the pain in his hand and held it closer to his chest.
    I narrowed my eyes at it. "You should have it looked at. I promise I'll only wrap it up and put ice on it to keep it from getting worse, okay? And if you really don't trust me I can take you to the hospital to have it looked at by real doctors."
    "No doctors." He said turning away from me.
    I nodded. "Okay. Then come into the main bathroom with me so I can wrap it up, alright?" I ask pointing to a bathroom connected to the living room.
    He walked in front of me to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet.
    I followed him and took out the medical kit. I grabbed the bandages and some gel that would keep the skin from getting irritated or infected. I kneeled down in front of him and put some of the gel into my hand. "Now, this will only sting for a little while, but it'll keep it clean and cool, 'kay?"
    He nodded and swallowed.
    I took his arm and held it up. I took in a deep breath and then began wrubbing the gel all over his red, flamed like, skin.
    He winced and his arm twitched a few times.
    I smirked. "Sorry." I said.
    He winced again.
    I ran my finger over the gelled up skin and tilted my head. "Does it hurt?"
    He let his facial expressions explain it all to me. He was in pain, and yes, it did hurt.
    {Me: *Grins wickedly* I could make this sound so 'bad'.. Kukukuu~. *Sighs* But than again.. I could get in trouble... I guess I won't this time. Sorry, guys.}
    I started wrapping the bandages around his fingers and his hand.
    He would wince occasionally, but after a while he just stared down at my hands that hovered over his hurt skin.
    I finished rather quickly and stood up. "There you go. And we'll have to change your bandages every day so it can breathe and such. 'Kay?"
    He nodded and stood up silently, walking out of bathroom.
    I smiled. "Your welcome..."