• The Spectre Program: a combination of physical training and dangerous surgeries. Those who survived were known as "Ghosts" the best of the best. Gifted with superior strength and speed these augmented super soldiers were fearsome warriors in the field. Trained from the time they were young these soldiers are hardened against the horrors of war. They were the first on the front lines when the wars erupted. The worlds countries had finally begun colonizing distant planets and now they fought for control over them. It was as if world war three had erupted. It was as it had been once before the axis powers versus the allied forces. When the Axis attacked the Glacias colony in the Tiburon star system the Ghosts were the first to react. They were the first on the front lines using the latest in military technology. Plasma fitted M-16s, Scar-Ps, even infantry usable railguns that fire through walls without damaging possible cover and yet could still do considerable damage to infatry. It was three years since I had graduated the Spectre Program and sent into battle. My unit had Succeeded in taking an Axis armory. I was in a squad with twelve other men, all of whom were standard soldiers. There was however one woman in my plattoon that caught my eye. I was never sure if starting a relationship when I was in a war was a good idea or not, but she was beautiful. I would push her from my mind only to find myself thinking about her seconds later. During the events that I am about to describe she and I were talking having a conversation while the fighting had dulled down. Her name was Silver. It was a nice conversation: we were talking about our home planets. I had been born on New Earth, Tiburon star sytem. She had been born a quarter of a million lightyears away on Zeus, Scorpios nebula. Her parents had been murdered by Axis forces during a raid. Her home world was now controlled by the Axis and she had sworn to avenge her family and liberate Zeus. She spoke of her goal as if dying didn't matter to her. She was only interested in removing the Axis occupation and when that mission was done then she could rest in piece. Her hair was a golden blonde and her eyes a deep enchanting blue. I was building the nerve to ask her if she had anyone special to think about back home when suddenly the air erupted with the sound of gunfire. We both dropped to our knees with our weapons at the ready but that would turn out to be a futile effort. They were using screamer railguns, weapons that could fire through walls using super heated aluminum rounds and pass through infantry armor killing a person almost instantly. While trying to pinpoint the enemy location to mount a counter attack I was hit in the chest. My chest plate exploded in a terrifying display of sparks. The round had done no visible damage to my armor but blood leaked through my uniform from my chest. My vision slowly blurred as I only heard mumbled voices and the sound of distant shots. The last thing I saw was her face then, nothing.

    I woke up an hour later with my torso wrapped in bandages. It hurt to move and there was medical staff wandering around with devices in their hands. I allowed my eyes to wander the room I was in. I saw Silver sitting in the chair next to my bed, asleep. One of the medics stepped in the room. "She was here all night and refused to leave the room until she knew you were alright,"