• Somethings Wrong!!!

    As James woke up from his afternoon nap he noticed that something was wrong; something wasn't there. He got up from the recliner and looked around. As he was searching the room for something...anything... that was out of place.

    He got up out of the recliner in a panic and thought to himself, Where are my parents? But as soon as he thought about his parents they came walking in the door. What was strange was that his parents got off work at different time of the day and were never home at the same time. He had asked them how their day was but they just replied that they were tired and were going to bed. That was another thing that seemed out of the norm because it was around 5 o'clock and his parents never went to bed that early.

    The fact that his parents were acting so weird only increased his suspicion that something was wrong. He walked to the door thinking that some fresh air would help clear his mind and him think. He opened the door and stared out only to see a white abyss. Suddenly he was struck with a horrible headache and collapsed onto the floor.

    TO BE CONTINUED........