• Once there was a girl who was all alone on an island. She had been there for many years, but never aged. That’s because there was a majik flower on the island called the Amaranth, or the undying flower. The Amaranth was a special flower and if you inhaled its sweet scent you would not age, and you would not die. Now if many knew its location, the Amaranth would shrivel and die from usage, that’s why only the lightest of hearts could go to where the Amaranth was. The Amaranth was guarded well though. You had to ride on a dandelion seed that goes with you heart. You also had to swim across a sea of sky dust, that would drop you in a moment if you had a heart heavy with greed or lust.
    Finally, you had to pass the guardian of the Amaranth, a young faerie named Yudale. She asked many questions, and only with her permission, or the Amaranth’s itself could you go by it. The Amaranth was a crystal hill and once you got to the top you saw it, a dark reddish purple flower.
    There was one loophole though. With so few knowing about the flower, not many came to visit the island, and the little girl was stuck. However, when she was little she had met a boy, who was determined to find her. When they met, she was seven and him five. Now even as an aging man he still searched for her. There was a storm though, and it roared like lions, and was terrible. It blew his storm apart and shipwrecked him on the very island the girl was on. She dragged him into the shade of the trees and fed him as he slowly awoke.
    When he awoke, he saw her and thought the child he once knew had loved. She protested though, and said she could show him what made her like this. He agreed to follow her out of curiosity. Together they rode on the dandelion seed, crossed the sea of stardust and ended up at the door to the Amaranth Yudale blocked. Yudale was upset when she saw the girl with the man, and ordered them to leave at once, but then the gate to the Amaranth opened and she stood amazed, for the Amaranth always had trusted her judgment before.
    The man walked forward and almost was to the flower when he looked back to the girl, and knew she was the girl he once knew. The flower recognized this was the purest of love and a glow of light purple surrounded him. He started to shrink, his face gaining back its somewhat fullness. His legs grew scrawny and limber like his arms. There before her was the boy she once knew. She ran to him and they embraced. Then he got close enough to the flower and inhaled its sweet scent. After that they went exploring everyday. They ran through fields, rode on dandelions, had swimming races in the sea of stardust, and visited the Amaranth and Yudale often.
    They lived contently, eating the many fruits of the island: mango, papaya, pears, apples, coconuts, pineapple, bananas, and another few dozens that existed only on the island. They even had a home, in the field built by roses and Yudale’s help. They lived content there for all eternity