"alice come" says a strange voice that echos through the old house, looking both ways down the corriador i follow the voice
step by step the wooden planks screach and wind whispers through the houses cracks. "alice help me" the mans voice called again
a smell started to linger throughout her path as she wonders to find the man calling for him ,thinking for a momment she stands still
and looks up finding herself at a door at the end on the hallway ,the door was old and black with beautiful caveings on the sides
. she reaches for the door knob ."ALICE" calls the man louder with a blood curling scream. she opens the door quick with her heart raceing...
she flings herself up in bed breatheing hard as her black hair falls into strings down her face she looks around noticeing that it was just a dream
"what a horriable nightmare" she whispers to herself. slideing outa her bed she peers out the window and whatches the rain fall on the window
it makes a soothing taping sound. she hums to herself befor geting her coat and shoes and steps outside walking in the rain.
She sits on the eadge on the brige looking down smileing at the rain falling on her palm ,she turns her palm to the side letting the drops drip off one by one see whatches them fall into the
small river below her . she gets up and contiues to walk along the path . finally getting to a road with trees cruveing like a tunnel ,she walks under them ,humming a soft tune smileing to her self. she looks behinde her thinking she heard something , her eyes glance back and forth looking for what could have made the sound , finding nothing she turns around and contiues her walk.
she stops in her tracks and stands still, wind brushes through her hair ,she slowly turns around to see a man ,a man about 20 or so, tall and slender with thick black hair same as hers, his shirt was white and had a blood stain on the side of it and on his arm. His head was lowerd and his hair coverd his face ,as he called out "alice" now with one hand covering the injory on his arms , he slowly looks up and calls again "alice"
Alice stands and says not one word she almost forgets to breathe ,and almost as if she wasnt trying she took a step toward him ,she blinks, and turns away from the man calling for her ,she runs without looking back she hopes its all a dream ,once she feels far enough away she stops and turns back seeing if he was still there , to her surprize nothing but leaves blowing in the wind remain from where the man was standing .
she walks back to the spot she ran from ,she looks down and finds a small black box with a strong pine smell . Alice trys to open the box but nothing she does will make it open , she bites her lip looking around wanting to know whats inside. she feels around it the eadge and picks it up and walks back home .
She runs to her door and slams it close locking it along with the windows just in case he follows me she thought to her self . slowlys walking to her bedroom door and opens it she lays the box down on her bed and going over to her dresser and finds a hair band to put her hair up in she goes over and plops down on her bed looking at the box not takeing her eyes offa it almost like she think somethings supost to happen now . she lays back on her bed and thinks of the man. she slowly starts closeing her eyes deep in thought and she falls soundly asleep....
music box
ok i finshed this chapter and i thought id just put it in here oh if you like it go to my journals and i have chapter 2 :D
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