• What were these things saying? Who were they? Where were they?

    Footsteps. Getting louder and louder. As if they were walking my way. I looked

    around me. But there was nobody..Or anything.. Around me.

    "Whos there" I screamed. "What do you want?!" I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands. Afraid of whatever was coming.

    But everything suddenly got quiet.
    I opened my eyes and looked around. What was it?
    Suddenly the footsteps began again. Soft. Then louder. Then even louder.

    "Please be a dream...Please be a-" Cut off by a scream.
    "Kayla" a voice said casually, Laughing slightly. "What are you scared about?"
    I hesitated to answer, But when i was about to, It turned out i wasn't the Kayla the voice was speaking to.

    "Isn't this haunted" A girls voice replied to boys.

    Both of the voices were young. Teenagers...Probably around my age.

    "That's only what they say to keep people from messing around here and getting hurt" The boys voice replied.
    "That's right. So why should we take our chances here?" She said.
    "Don't be afraid, Nothings gonna happen. I promise" He replied, Laughing a little.
    "Fine. But this is the only time were ever coming here. This place scares me"

    What was this. I thought to myself for awhile. Before i heard the girl scream.

    "Oh my god" She repeated over and over. What was it. What had happened?!

    The the footsteps came again. running this time. But not coming at me. It sounded as if running away.

    Suddenly they stopped. "What do you want?!" The girl screamed "Im getting out o-"
    She was cut off. What had happened?! What was going on?!
    Suddenly a knife came from above and hit the ground near me. It was bloody.
    There was also a note.

    "Those who enter...Face a greater terror than Hell itself",

    Written in a red substance. Blood?

    I dropped the note. Horrified. But curious.
    My thoughts were cut off by another scream.
    And then...quiet again.
    And then there was nothing.
    I opened my eyes. It was all just a dream. A terrifying dream.

    But was it real? The story. The death...

    The phone rang. It made me jump a little. I picked it up. My friend Skylar.
    "Hello?"I said.
    "Hey, Its Skylar" He replied
    "I know" I said " I have caller Id"
    "Oh, yeah" He said" Well you know that haunted Aseelum"
    "Its an Asylum" I corrected him"And yes i do"
    "Asylum.Well were going down there Saturday night" He continued "Wanna come?"
    "Uhm.." I thought for a moment, Then remembered the dream"Ill think about it?"
    "It would be better if you gave me an answer Now..." His voice trailed off. More than likely not sure if he should just tell me to forget about it.
    I thought for a moment then replied.
    "Sure, Ill come" It was just a dream, right?
    " Cool. Well I have to go now. Ill tell you more about it latter. Kay?" He said.
    "Okay. Ill talk to you later then" Then he hung up.

    It was only a dream I told myself...Right?..
    Suddenly the lights went out. A few moments later, they came back on.
    "Just a power outage..."I said to myself"But whats that"
    There was a newspaper sitting on my desk by my computer. It wasn't mine..
    I picked it up. The date read January 25 1998. Old... I continued reading
    "Two teenagers found dead in the abandoned Asylum Yesterday..."

    It couldn't be...The dream... I continued reading.

    "The teenagers were inspected and found to be 16 year old female named Kayla Jacobs And 17 year old male named Micheal White. If you have any information of the two teenagers deaths please contact..."

    It couldn't be...could it ?...
    Suddenly My computer screen flashed on. A window opened up.
    It was a unsolved case site.
    It told of the case of many teenagers going into an asylum. All being found dead. And said they never found the killer...Or the cause of the death.

    So. It was true. Maybe it was just me... No. There was no logical explanation anymore. I dreamed... Something that really happened...
    No doubt...
    I turned away from the screen after pressing the x button on the browser.

    And then i noticed a note on my mirror.
    "Don't go..." It said.
    Under it was another note...
    "Those who enter...Face a greater terror than Hell itself"
    To be continued...