• Slaughter House Spirits

    Cows, millions of them slaughtered. They were slaughtered for steaks, cheeseburgers, hot dogs and various other food products. Before being eaten they were kept in crowded quarters before being smacked upside the head with a sledgehammer by workers who would taunt the bovine for laughs and giggles.
    This horribleness all started over 60 or so years ago. The slaughtering started on a wide scale when the large slaughter factories were being made all across the United States. The cows were herded quite forcibly from the large fields where they could graze in peace into a cramped enclosure field while being forced single-file into the slaughter house. The slaughter house owners thought they would get rich, fat, and happy. They thought that would be the end of it, though it rarely ever is.
    Now the spirits of the slaughtered cows wreak havoc on not only the slaughter houses of America but anywhere bovine meat is sold and anyone who eats it. Swarms of cow specters harass the general populous of America. They caused traffic accidents by appearing in the back of people’s cars and mooing very loudly. They kept people up at night by glowing as ghosts do and one again mooing loudly; causing people’s performance in school and work to decline, causing people to fall asleep at the wheel and in some cases just dying of sleep deprivation. The cow spirits had much fun with their revenge.
    Droves of people became vegetarians and vegans or just ate chicken. Those who did not were killed and of course there were the inevitable suicides cause by stress, loss of faith and other reasons but eventually the only people who remained in the United States were vegetarians, chicken and venison eaters, and Hindus.