• She was screaming. "Jamie JAmie!"I said but I covered her mouth to stop her screaming. She calmed down. "Where is TOny?"She asked. "I dont know."I said. She didnt say anything. "Jamie are you okay?"I asked her. She still didnt say anything. "Jamie Come on you gotta talk to me."I said to her. "Im fine just tired."She said. "Okay."I said. I helped her stand up. She started to walk but when she was about to walk out of her door she fell. I caught her before she did. And When I looked at her eyes they were closed. I shook her a little bit. She opened her eyes. "JAmie what's wrong?"I asked her.
    Then she whispered,"medication." What is she talking about. Was she sick. "What medacation?"I said. "In my room in m.....my bag. Its in a injection shot." She said. "Jamie are you sick?"I asked her. But I sat her down before she can answer and went to get.
    She was sick all this time. I didnt even know it. Maybe she just kept in to herself. Or it was not very major. I found her bag and got it out. I went back down stairs. "JAmie okay i found it now which one is it?"I asked her. She pointed to it. "Know where does it go?"I asked. "In my forearm on the vein."She said. "Please hurry up."She whispered.
    I injected it. When it was done I took it out. Know what? She started breathing normaly. "Okay Jamie what is going on?Are you sick?Do you have a disese?"I asked her. "No I'm not sick. I have a disese but it is very often that I have a reaction like that. I have lukimia." She said.
    She had that. "But its not a bad case I will have scenes like that sometimes but thats why I have that stuff. I have had for three years. I'm fine. Please dont worry about this."She said. "Why didnt you tell us?"I asked her. "Because I didnt want TOny freaking out forst of all and I didnt want anyone to treat me all special and be careful with me I like living so im living it to the fullest."She said. "Ok ." Thats all I said.
    Now we have to find Tony. I thought in my head. Where would he be? I looked back at Jamie. "Ohh My GOsh."I heard Jamie whisper. I looked at her and there was tears in her eyes. I looked outside and saw Tony.
    I ran out side and went to Tony. I looked at him and saw wooden stakes in his arms his leg. He was still alive. I pulled all the stakes out and took him inside.
    "Jamie come here."I called to her. "Whats wrong with him?"She asked me. "Well you can say hes in a sort of comma."I said.

    "Well how will he wake up?"I asked Charlie "Not sure it can be a long time but I'm not sure. I remember a vampire was in a comma long ago and he didnt wake up for about 12 years."The words he just spoke shocked me. He could be like this forever. "NO!"I yelled. I ran upstairs. i went into my room. Went to the closet. I grabbed a box of things. Took them down stairs again to where Tony was. He was on the floor. I lite a candles. I grabbed the glass of sand. I put it around him. Then last of all I took out a flower. It was no ordinary flower. I put it over his heart.
    I said then spell outloud over and over. I could see the candles flame getting big. The sand was glowing. And the flower it did nothing. I took the flower in my hands and closed my eyes.

    What was she doing? I looked at TOny I was going to see if he was ok. Right I was about to try and wake TOny, "Dont!"I heard Jamie say. It didnt sound like her. I saw the flower she was holding and it was glowing what was she going to do?
    She then put the flower back on his heart. And when she did his eyes opened. He stood straight up. "Hua Hua!"He breathed out. I looked at Jamie again. Her eyes were black, completely black. I went toward her and shook her shoulders. She would not snap out of it. Then I looked around the room. Everything was shaking. Pictures were falling. Light bulbs were going on and off. Doors opening and closing. What was going on?

    TO BE CONTINUED.,.......