• Scene 5: The Taylore Residence

    [Maggie, a young latino woman with a long black ponytail is washing the dishes, while her grandmother Tanne, a woman with short curly whitish-grey hair is out on the lawn, deep in meditation. The phone rings and maggie picks it up.]

    Maggie: You have reached the Taylore School of Meditation and the Supernatural, This is Maggie how can I help you?

    Michael [on phone]: You’re Maggie Taylore?

    Maggie: Yeah. I said that. How can I help you, sir?

    Michael: Ok, one second [There is some murmuring in the background]

    Kae: Maggie! It’s Kae. My sister has been cursed by one of their fauns and we have another man here who we can’t let them get either, also unconscious from being attacked by the faun.

    Maggie: Sallie’s cursed? My goodness! Bring her here, How close are you, I will tell my grandmother to ready her spells!

    Scn 6: In front of Taylore residence several hours later

    [Michael is working to carefully bring in Sallie/Zae and Elis and set them in chairs while Kae is talking to Maggie and Tanne]

    Tanne: A Symbol? What kind of symbol?

    Kae: I don’t know. The magic he placed on it prevents me from seeing it, I would have administered a cure of some kind already if I knew what it is.

    Maggie: Let us take a look at it, What about the other?

    [There is some angry yelling and a crash in the other room]

    Michael: Elis, take it easy! You were unconscious!

    Elis: Do that again and I’ll rip your face off. And where the hell are w-

    [Tanne scurries over to Elis and grabs hold of his head, cutting off his speech. She tilts his head from side to side and looks him in both eyes, then releases his head and slaps him across the face]

    Elis: Ow! What the hell was that for you crazy b***h?

    Kae: Elis! They are going to help us!

    Elis: Shut it!

    Tanne: Sedath ur Orhu!

    Elis: You and your sister are…[Yawns loudly] the reason… we….[sits down in the chair and passes out.]

    Tanne: What a dirty mouth he has! [She goes over to Zae and begins examining her arm]

    Maggie: What kind of a spell did Cazten put on him?

    Kae: Shadeus Captai, Luckily it only sapped his energy though,

    Tanne: Magdalena! Sithus ori Yaeo! Quickly! [Maggie runs over to Zae and looks at the mark]

    Maggie: It’s another Captai spell…I’m trying to make out the rest here…

    Michael: Kae, what does Captai mean anyway?

    Kae: Capture. It’s to paralyze your enemies, some do other things though, Like the Shaedus Captai, or Shadow Capture.

    Maggie: Paeura-Tsa! It’s a Paeura-Tsa Captai!

    Kae: Oh no!

    Michael: Oh s**t! [beat] ….I‘m sorry, what is that anyway?

    Tanne: Poison. Of the worst kind. And there’s only one solution for it, too.

    Maggie: Grandmother, didn’t you have a book on the Captai spells?

    Tanne: I have several boxes of Captai Spellbooks, but this is an ancient spell. We need an ancient remedy for this.

    Maggie: [groans] Grandma…

    [Tanne starts to giggle and opens a door into the basement.]

    Tanne[from basement]: Let’s see…where is it? Aha! [you hear her strain to pick something up]

    Maggie: Are you sure you have it?

    Tanne: [struggling to talk and carry something up the stairs at the same time] Yes, Magdalena..uuf… I am sure.

    [Tanne brings a large ragged book and sets it on the table, a ring of dust spews out from under it]

    Tanne: I haven’t opened this thing in eighty years!

    Michael: [wide-eyed] How old are you anyway?

    Kae: Mike!

    Tanne: It’s alright, dear. I’m nearing 132 and still kicking! [laughs]

    Michael: Okay, that is probably the most believable thing that I’ve seen in the past 48 hours, and that’s saying something given what’s been going on.

    Tanne [continues laughing] : I like this one!

    Maggie: [who has opened the book while everyone’s been reveling in this lighter moment of the day] I found it! Page 874! [flips to the page] Paala-Tsa, Paela-Tsa…

    Tanne: Down here, doll.

    Maggie: Paeura-Tsa. There it is. Thanks grandma; now stand back. Kae, hold up your sister’s arm please.

    Tanne: Are you sure you can handle this? It’s ancient magic.

    Maggie: I’ll be fine, grandma.

    Tanne: Magdelenaaa… Edursi rueket…

    Maggie: [Groans] FINE.

    [Tanne scans the spell book and then places her hands, palms facing toward the mark and fingers straight]

    Tanne: Huleos-Khet, Paeura deya ti ka na! speig tuafc!

    [Camera pans in on Zae’s mark as it disappears in a flash of light, Zae murmurs something as her eyes flutter a little, but she remains asleep]

    Kae: Sister?

    Tanne: Let her rest for now, dear. She will awaken in her own time. But… the rude one, what are we going to do about him now?

    Kae: I’ve been meaning to consult with you about that as well. Elis has power against the magic of me and my sister.

    Tanne: He is not affected?

    Kae: Not as a human usually is.

    Tanne: The possibility that he is an enemy is not out of the question, you realize.

    Kae: My sister thinks that he may be Des ti ul Portales

    Tanne: Controller of Portals… I doubt he is. His magic is there but it is too weak. I sense darkness within him as well.

    Kae: There is darkness in us all, we just choose not to acknowledge it. It may be greater than his light right now due to his anger. My sister lied to him - more than once- about her name and he is unhappy about that.

    Tanne: Just be aware of it, dear. If you start to sense his darkness increasing then don’t doubt your senses. Deka ye na, Shaedus sprytus, meind os beidek.

    Kae: I fear for what my sister would do if that must be…