• Dreams, the one phenomena that has longest evaded explanation.
    Some believe them to be representations of subconscious desires, another theory is that dreams are an interpretation of random signals generated by the brain during sleep. But what are they really?

    In truth, one of the earliest theories is correct.
    Dreams are in fact, connections to another world.
    A world governed by the minds of those within it, anything can be created, altered, or destroyed in an instant, if it is so ordered by any mind connected.

    Such would usually be without consequence...

    ... If the world, Spyronia as it was called, were uninhabited.

    The inhabitants of Spyronia, like the world itself, are shaped by the minds connected, but with one inexplicable difference-- They are permanently fixed in whatever form they are initially made into.
    These entities that live there, the "Eivral", do so in silent fear. Capable of being killed by a Human's stray thought, or losing every ounce of their being from a particularly conflicted mind's creation.

    There are a few places safe from tampering by Human minds however, the areas of Spyronia created by non-sentient minds, such as plant life. These areas are unchanging, and stable.
    But the Eivral are slowly losing these areas to Humans too, every time another forest is clear cut, contact with another settlement is lost.

    The Eivral are forced to venture out into their conflicted world, this time in search of the legendary "Spyrone Link".
    Equally enigmatic as Spyronia itself, the Link is incapable of destruction, or alteration of any sort from Human interference. The true nature of the Link has always been shrouded in mystery. Some believe it to be a portal to a safer world, some instead believe it to be the cause of their world's fragility, others revere it as a deity, and many seek it out in hopes that it will help them, grant them a wish or give them special powers...
    None know for sure, perhaps it has been found and moved the one to the safer world. Perhaps it doesn't exist, and the adventurer was killed in the wilds in his endless search.

    Legends are diverse, with new ones surfacing each day.
    However one fact is accepted almost universally-- That the Link exists, for whatever it may truly be, it is the Eivral's only hope to escape their decaying world.


    While the vast majority of Eivral inhabit the unchanging areas of their world created by plants, some smaller settlements, most of them temporary or nomadic, do settle in areas prone to Human alteration. These Eivral quite literally thrive on ignorance and stubborn-ness.
    In Spyronia, like minds group together, and reflect their view of the Human world.
    If it has ever happened or existed, even in thought, it so once did or does exist in Spyronia.
    Every war, every creature, every feeling, every ideal, all found and magnified in the fragmented world of Spyronia.