• “Silly! Don’t you remember? Yesterday, Jam gave me this mask. I popped it on back at home last night and I guess I forgot to take it off before sleeping.” Staring at each other, new laughter burst forth before someone remembered the time and returned Aurelia to her bustling.
    By the time the streets were fully awakened with traffic and noise, the sisters were well on their way to their separated buildings to attend their final school term for the year.
    Aurelia paused as she looked up at the cold, white building that gave off a crisp and professional vibe. Shivering beneath the layers of her hoodie and coat, Aurelia breathed in the chilly scent of winter air and strode quickly into the school, her footsteps making light, hardly visible impressions in the thick carpet of slush covering the ground.
    She entered the University with hesitant steps and stood in the hallway, momentarily confused by the throng of pupils rushing around the gigantic room. After being hopelessly jostled around by the crowd, she stumbled into a little alcove untouched by the waves of moving students.
    “Mind if I join you?” At those words spoken in the familiar tone, Aurelia swung around, her face bright with anticipation as her eyes sought the face she had come to know and admire as that of her friend. Indeed, a pair of hazel brown eyes framed by soft chocolately hair secured in a ribbon of a creamy white hue met her gaze and her smile stretched and grew.
    “Jam!” She hugged the girl next to her and Janiquil hugged back, happiness that was contagious radiating from her like heat waves from an oven.
    “Rea! I didn’t expect to see you here!” Janiquil patted Aurelia on her back and smiled teasingly as the girl batted her hand away.
    “Now come on, we have to get to class sometime preferably this year you know?” Aurelia teased mischievously as both girls headed out into the stream of students again and their voices intermixed with the conversation floating around in the air that was typical of any school.
    “What class are you in?”
    “Me too! How come I didn’t see you in class before?”
    “I recently transferred into your class.”
    When Aurelia streamed into the classroom along with the other students, they didn’t say it, but, they felt it. Something different about her. Not in her looks, but rather, in the vibes she was giving out. Usually, she felt cold and detached, as if just by talking to her, one would be encased in ice. Now, it felt as if she was slightly thawed out, but only just the slightest bit.
    Also, most, if not all of them noticed that Aurelia had chosen to sit at a desk with an empty desk beside it. Not that anyone would even dare to ask the reason for it. She was just too chilly; they rarely saw her open up.
    “Class! We have some new students today.” The first thing their teacher did was to announce it to the room at large and instantly, everyone’s attention was reverted to the flabby form of their form teacher and the door leading into the classroom.
    The door swung open, inwards and revealed the nut brown hair and eyes of Janiquil and the boy following closely behind her. A familiar looking boy with dark charcoal hair and deep orange eyes. Aurelia’s breath caught in her throat as she realized she was staring into the eyes of the very same guy she had defeated way back.
    “Class, I want you to meet our new students, Janiquil Galena and Justin Kurdish. They will be with us for the rest of the year so please treat them well.” The fat, balding, bespectacled man known as their teacher; introduced the duo before biding them to their seats. Mixed feelings of identical delight and horror settled in her soul as the two of them made a beeline for the empty seats at either side of her.
    “Hi Jam.” Aurelia whispered a light hearted greeting to the girl who settled in the desk on her left side. The girl grinned back as she pulled out her pencil box and positioned it neatly on her desk.
    “Please guide me.” The girl whispered a response as the teacher pulled a piece of chalk out of his enormous pockets, marking the start of lessons for that day.
    When the big bell jangled in an excessively loud tune, signalling the start of their lunch break, students alike jumped out of their seats and streamed out of their classrooms, duly carrying out promises they made to their friends and just plainly relaxing in their own ways. Aurelia and Janiquil each dressed in warm, cosy layers, popped out of the warm classroom and headed towards the canteen, both deeply engaged in conversation, much to the surprise of the surrounding pupils.