• -Fade in-
    Nighttime on a playground. The swings sway slightly in a nearly-imperceptible wind. Soft footsteps are heard in the background, quickly approaching. Enter WOMAN. She is unsure on her feet, stumbling. Her hair hangs in disorder. A bruise covers half her face. She looks like she was ready to sleep when she ran out of home – barefoot, disheveled, wearing nothing but a white sleeping-gown. She carries a rope.
    WOMAN approaches the slides, shakes her head, walks to the swing-set. She seems to be lost in thought, but resolved. She looks around, searching. Suddenly, she runs off-stage, comes back dragging a bench. It is heavy, she drags it with difficulty. She places it a little to the side of the swings, begins tying the rope to the horizontal bar that keeps the swings in place. She fumbles, nearly falls off the bench – the bar is still almost too high for her to reach. Finally, she’s tied the rope on the bar. She begins tying a slip-knot, making a noose.
    On the side of the stage appears LORELEI. She is almost out of sight. The WOMAN doesn’t notice her, pulls the noose over her head, adjusts it on her neck. LORELEI takes a step forward, as though to stop the WOMAN, but suddenly stops and lowers her head – she’s seen the bruise. The WOMAN sighs, lowers her arms, and steps off the bench. Her body convulses as the noose tightens around her neck, but she remains fairly still. The death is voluntary. LORELEI walks towards the WOMAN, pulling a small dagger from her belt. She crosses the playground with a few brisk steps, stops in front of the WOMAN, stands up on her toes to kiss the WOMAN’s forehead, and quickly drives the dagger into the WOMAN’s heart. She pulls the dagger out. A splotch of red is quickly spreading over the WOMAN’s gown. LORELEI lifts her hand to close the WOMAN’s eyes.
    LORELEI:: It is done.
    -Fade out-