Chapter one- eyes
Looking out the window, I saw ice blue eyes staring back at me. I sighed and went to bed. I dreamt I was staring into those silver-lined ice blue eyes.
Running hard and fast, I thought I got away from him. I was wrong. I tried not to breathe very loud, but it still found me. It ran past me at first, but then my breathing gave it away. I never really looked at it before, until now. Before I could think about anything, or even breathe, the thing lunged at me, teeth bared, sharp and shiny.
I woke up screaming, dripping with sweat.
“Oh, it was just a dream.” I said with a staggered sigh.
“AiriBell! Are you alright?!”
“Yeah, mom, I’m okay. It was just a nightmare. Sorry.” As she was walking out of the door I said, “Mom, do you believe in werewolves?”
“What do you mean baby girl?”
“Exactly what I said, do you believe werewolves exist?”
“Why? What brought that up?”
“Oh, um, we’re doing a report in English, and um, I picked werewolf. So um, yeah.” I knew she knew I was lying.
“Well, um I used to want to believe they were real, but now I’m grown up, and I don’t believe in that stuff anymore. Sorry kiddo.”
“Oh, well um, thanks anyway mom. Oh, and um, do you thing Zephaniey, and Kaylar spend the night, please?”
“I guess, but you have to get your room picked up, and vacuum it.”
“Awe, mom, do I have too?”
“If you want Zeph and Kay over, then yes, you do.”
“‘Kay.” She left and I put on Skillet. No sooner had I started cleaning that I got a text from Zeph.
Help me! Bell, I need ur help! :s
Zeph, wats rng?
Twenty minutes went by with no reply
Zeph! Ansr me!
I went and showed my mom what she had said.
“I’m real worried about her mom. Zeph never messes around like this.”
“Call her then.” I dialed her number. I rang a few times and then went straight to voice mail.
“Zephaniey, call me as soon as you get this!” I hung up. “Got her voicemail, call her house phone, I’m going to call Kaylar.” Three rings, four rings, five rings. When it got to the tenth ring, it went to voice mail. “Dude, Kaylar! Pick up your phone! Zeph is some kind of trouble and she won’t answer her texts or calls. Call me as soon as you get this. Bye.”
“Any luck sweet heart?”
“No mama, did you?”
“Yes and no. someone did answer, but it wasn’t any of the Co-landers. They said, ‘tell your daughter AiriBell to watch her back. You’ll both be sorry if you tell anyone else, ya hear? I’m watching you.’ Honey, I’m scared"
.” I saw the same silvery, ice blue eyes staring at me again. When I blinked, it was gone. “Bell? What are you staring at? Is everything alright? Are you being bullied at school? Baby girl, hy won’t you answer me?”
“Number one mom, you won’t give me a chance. Number two, I just thought I saw something. You don’t need to worry about everything that happens in my life, okay?” I turned around in frustration. It was no soon that I was face to face with the silver-lined-ice-blue-eyes creature. I tried to scream, but it grabbed my mouth and before I could blink, we were in a really creepy, really old abandoned warehouse.
“Wha- What am I doing here? I said in confusion.
“Welcome to the clan.” I saw those eyes again. The thing with them seemed to be the leader.
“Who are you?” I said to the creature. “I’ll turn all of you in if you don’t tell me your names and what you’re doing.” I threatened.
“Well, that would be very hard, because you’re one of us. Being one of us means no turning on each other. By the way, we’re all werewolves. We all are, including you.”
“That makes no since at all and there is no such thing as werewolves.”
“Let me explain a little better. You won’t urn us in because to the cops, we don’t exist. Oh, and I forgot to mention something. I’m Melickaiya; this is Brandon, Ash, Rudee, and Emily. You’ll make the third girl, which will make us all even. Now lay down, it’ll help with the transition.” I lay down on the star covered floor. Melickaiya was the leader, a really hot leader, actually. His eyes were always very bright, but tonight, they seemed brighter than usual. Melickaiya bent down as if to kiss me, instead he bit down into my chest cavity, making me scream. Instantly, I felt like I was made of paper and a fire was coursing through me, burning al of me that it touched. My arms and legs were burning with such a passion. My back arched, and my spine twisted. All I remember after that is ice blue eyes.
Chapter Two- The Reason
When I awoke the next morning, I saw Tyler standing over me. “Good morning Jade, did we sleep well?”
“No one could sleep well with you around.” I said sourly.
“I wasn’t in this room Jayde. I was outside guarding the pack.” He sat down by me, making me scoot away from him. Today I noticed, he was in a silver-gray t-shirt, broke- in- looking blue jeans, and sneakers. His hair was dark blonde, probably spiked up in gel. His face was basically clear, and of course, his eyes were blue. I guess they were bright and silver at night instead of in the morning. “You’re staring at me, why are you staring at me? Couldn’t resist me good looks?”
“No, I just noticed your eyes were different than they were last night. That’s all.” I said, telling half the truth.
“Yeah, they’re brighter at night, when my wolf side takes over.” I had been working up the courage to ask him the questions that kept badgering me.
“Uhm, a few days ago, I had a dream, similar to what happened last night, and I don’t know what it means.”
“What was it about?”
“I was running and it was dark. Something was chasing me. I went behind a corner. It went past me and then backtracked and found me. I screamed and it bit me.”
“That’s all?”
“Yeah, I woke up after that. And, there’s something else I wanted to ask you.”
“Go ahead, what’d you wanna ask?”
“Well, w-why did you pick me, the average geek with one or two good friends, who’s not athletic, strong, or good at running fast, who hates meat, and dogs, including wolves?” I scooted a little closer to him. He wasn’t looking at me, but at the west wall. I decided he wasn’t really that bad. I was staring at his lips when he replied.
“I didn’t think that it would affect you or your friends and family. I wasn’t thinking. I was thinking about how you looked like a wolf. Your calves looked strong and you looked a little miserable, so with me being so ‘selfless’, I thought I would be helping you out by turning you into a wolf. I’m so sorry Jayde. I really didn’t think this one through.
“The others, well they wanted this. Ash, his father beat him and his mom did drugs. I was the one to stop him from killing himself. He even wrote a suicide note, I stopped him from doing that. Brandon, he was doing drugs. I kind of stalk my next wolf, as you know, so I overheard his dad say that he was literally going to shoot Brandon if he said one word because he was caught with drugs. He went into his room and found a knife, started cutting. I saved him too. Emily and Rudee both were shunned for their sexuality. I told them about the pack, they consented.”
“W-wow, i-i didn’t know. But what about you, how did you become one?”
“Well, I was thirteen, right, and I had just gotten home from school. My mom told me that she was leaving me and my dad. I told her I didn’t want her to leave us. I told her, reminded her about how she told me she would never leave me, no matter how bad her and my dad’s fights got. I reminded her of all the fun times we had eating ice cream on the patio and taking pictures, going to six flags, and camping. She said ‘baby, I could never ever forget those times, memories we’ve made. I’m sorry, but I have to leave son. I’ll call when I can, write you letters every week. I love you.’ And she left in her cab.
“I sat down on my front steps and cried. Cried because I lost the most precious person in the world, because I was thirteen, I wasn’t supposed to cry, because I hated my dad for making my mom leave. I purely hated my mom for just leaving me to practically raise myself, because my dad went zombie-like.
“I ran away about a week later because I couldn’t take it anymore. I was running my usual rout when all of a sudden; I was on the ground, pain shooting all over. I screamed a blood curdling scream, and then I started growling. I looked down and saw I was a wolf. I guess I went ballistic because the next thing I knew there were murders on every T.V. screen and fires everywhere.
“The next couple of weeks I ran around, trying to find a place to hide. That was about two years ago.” I saw a tear slip from his cheek. I felt sorry for him.
“I-I’m sorry. I guess that everyone, including you had a bad past. If you have a bad childhood or something like that, you change them, or in your case, change?”
“Yeah, basically.”
“But what about me?”
“You were a different story. So you we-“
“Hey Ty, newbie, whatcha talkin’ about?” Ash hollered.
“Uhm, Ash, we’re kind of in the middle of something, is something wrong or are you just being your normal butt headed self?”
“Nah, nothing’s wrong with the pack if that’s what you mean. Hey are we going hunting tonight? We’re about out of meat.”
“Probably. Now, can you leave us alone, and tell the pack to not bother me or AiriBell.”
“Why, you gonna kiss her? Ooohh kissy kissy. Well I got to go. Catch ya later.” He ran off.
“Sorry about Ash. He’s not very…polite when it comes to people’s privacy.” He kind of leaned closer to me, closing in the rest of the small space between us. He looked me in the eyes; I looked him in the eyes. His eyes were faded blue, dark rings of blue around the pupil, getting lighter and lighter as the end of his eye came around.
“I- I uh, got to go.” He leaned closer to my face, his breath on my face. He smelt of lemon and lime. He gently cupped my face and looked me in the eyes, one last time.
“No, not yet.” Was all he said, because the next minute, he brushed his lips against mine. My breathing quickened; my heart beating rapidly, I gave in, letting Tyler kiss me, and I kissed him back. We were like that for about five minutes. When he pulled away, he was breathing hard, as was I. “You have really pretty green eyes.” He said in a breathed whisper.
“I-I-I…” was all I could manage.
“Go home to your mom. Tell her you have to leave for her safety. Tell her you’re going to live with your friend who just moved here. Or better yet, just tell her you love her. Tell her that you’re sorry, but you don’t want to hurt her anymore that you have.” He got up and helped me up.
“But, I want to stay here, with you. With Ash and Brandon and Rudee and Emily.” I said, hoping he would let me stay.
“You can stay, but call her. Call your mom, tell her everything’s fine.”
“Okay. Ugh, I left my phone at my house.” I mentally kicked myself.
“Use mine.” I dialed my house number.
“Mom, i-it’s me. Yes, I-I’m fine. No, I just disappeared out of thin air, of course, someone kidnapped me. But as it turns out, it was Zeph. Well, mom I love you. I’ll see you when I can. Love you so much. Don’t ever forget that mommy.” I ended the call, not being able to hear my mom’s reply. A tear rolled down my cheek, falling onto the floor. As I turned to leave, someone grabbed my arm and kept me from turning. And then I was crying on Tyler’s shoulder while he held me.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay.” He said, comforting me. I couldn’t help not crying. I was there for maybe five, ten minutes.
“Hey, Tyler, we uhm, need you in the practice room.” Someone, I think Brandon had said. I looked up, with snot and drool everywhere. I sniffed and took a good look at him, tall, blonde, and kind of stocky.
“Brandon, i-I’ll be there in a few minutes. Right now, I’m comforting the newbie.”
“Oh, so that’s what I am to you? The ‘NEWBIE’, has a nice ring to it don’t it?! Why don’t you demote me to a-a street rat?!” I screamed into Tyler’s face. I turned around and ran out the door. I ran as far as I could, trying to get away from that place. I sat down by a tree and just cried. And cried, and cried, and cried.
“Jayde, Jayde, JAYDE!!” I heard multiple voices say. The strongest and closest voice turned out to be, you guessed it, Tyler. I just kept crying. Today just got worse and worse huh?
Chapter Three- Truth
“Jayde,” Tyler said when he found me, “I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make it sound like that’s all I thought about you. I really like you Hun.” He sat down by me and pulled me in closer. “I hope you know that. I really hope you believe me, that I really like you.” He said. I looked him in the eyes. He had tears in his eyes. And then, I kissed him. This time, it was a little rougher than the first kiss, but just as nice.
“J, n-no, stop.” He pushed me away.
“I-I thought that you wanted t-this.” I stuttered.
“No, I don’t want this. I want to be yours but not like this.” He looked at me. My face and eyes were still red, but then he said, “You’re so beautiful AiriBell.” He gazed into my eyes, and I stared into his. They were shiny with tears, but still blue, with green shaded into the blue.
“I-I-I...” was all I could manage to say because everybody had found us by then.
“Hey, thought we lost you too Tyler. Thank God you weren’t. Hey Newbie,”
“Her name isn’t Newbie. It’s Jayde.”
“Shut up Ty.”
“Make me, Ash.”
“Haha, you care about a worthless piece of trash? You told me she was the worst looking girl in the world. How the heck could you say that and care about her?”
“Jayde is not a piece of trash! She is a loving, fragile, innocent girl.” Tyler growled.
“Oh boo-hoo! How the hell am I supposed to believe that?! You tell EVERY GIRL you add to the pack! Ask him about that Newbie; ask him what he’s done with Rudee and Emily. Go on, ask him.”
“I-Is that t-true, T-Tyler?” I said, about to cry.
“J, i-it’s not what you th-think. I-I swear it.” He said.
“IT’S NOT WHAT I THINK?!?!?! WHAT THE HELL TYLER, WHAT THE MOTHER ******** HELL?! I LOVE YOU FOR ******** GODS SAKE! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE IT?! BELIEVE THAT YOU AREN’T LYING?! I’VE BEEN AROUND LIARS MY WHOLE ******** LIFE! I HAVE NO ******** IDEA WHAT THE HELL THE TRUTH IS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!” I screeched. I pushed him down and ran. I ran as far as I could. I think I went into another state or town, because I was suddenly surrounded by mountains, and I was not anywhere by mountains. I started shaking, my bones cracked, my spine twisted. The next thing I knew, I had fur all over me. I roared as loud as I could.
“A-all right, lets-“ They heard a massive roar from around twenty miles away. “Go check it out. Emily, stay here, incase Jayde comes back, everyone else, come with me.” Tyler barked orders at the pack.
Dammit, dammit, dammit! I can’t believe I did that. I can’t believe that I just let her run away like that. He thought. He was almost positive that he loved AiriBell, but he ruined the chance of being with her, twice.
“Ty, Tyyy. TYLER!” Emily broke into his thoughts.
“W-What, did I miss something?” he said.
“Leave!” she yelled.
“O-Okay. What happened to everyone else?”
“They left already.” She said, clearly urging Tyler to leave her alone.
“Okay, bye.” He ran, sniffing out Ash. Finding him by a tree his marking territory, he said, “Having a good time, brother?”
“Oh, hey. I- I uh, have to tell you something.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“Tyler, I’m uh, I’m gay. And I’m sorry I made Jayde run off, I was just jealous. S-sorry.” Ash said.
“I-I uh, I’m not. I’m sorry Ash, I’m not like that. Strictly girls for me, one girl actually.”
“Oh,” Ash ran off.
“Leave me the hell alone!”
“ASH, wait! Don’t do anything! I’m sorry I’m not into guys! I’m sorry you have no one. But just because I don’t like you, much less guys, doesn’t mean you can run off and abandon this pack!” Tyler yelled from where he stood. He started jogging off in the direction of Jayde’s roar.
- by Michael_4Ever1 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/16/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Chapter one- eyes
- Artist: Michael_4Ever1
- Description: its a bout wolves
- Date: 02/16/2011
- Tags: fiction wolf mystery
- Report Post
Comments (1 Comments)
- ioreth - 02/16/2011
I really like this so far. It's interesting, and it's kind of a funky introduction into werewolves.
If you're planning on making this an extended piece, like a novel or something, you might be interested in a guild I help run:
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