• It’s rather hard to tell you my story, it’s not a long one I can promise but it’s actually rather sad. You see my name is Kayla and I’m a 18 year old girl. I should be in school but instead I’m sitting here writing in this journal. My story is different, or maybe it isn’t, but what I know is I need to tell my story or no one will ever know. I guess I should start off in the beginning, before everything actually happened.

    I grew up in a house with four other siblings and a drunken mother. My father had passed away when I was six in a car accident. I was the middle child of five kids. The oldest was Joey who I hadn’t seen in eight years. Kathryn was the second oldest and the prettiest, she had inherited our mother’s issues and was always out parting. Then there was me, stuck in the middle at fourteen years old, taking care of the twins; Ashley, and Michael and my mother along with the house. It was too much for a fourteen year old girl to do on her own but I managed. I went to school during the days and at night I went home to take care of the house.
    My mother was really a good mother when she wasn’t drinking, which I only seen before my father passed away. After she picked up drinking she began abusing me and hurting herself. I was worried about her on many occasions but each time I tried to get her help, she harmed me. I only stayed in the house to take care of the twins. Kathryn came home every now and then but when she did she was too tired or messed up to have anything to do with the family. I was tired all the time and somehow still managed to make good grades in school and keep up my relationship with my boyfriend Tyler.
    I suppose you could say all the trouble began when my father died, but you would be wrong. Everything went south after my eighth grade year. I had been sitting in class, listening to my teacher ramble on about World War II when our classroom door opened. The assistant principle had walked in and whispered something into the teacher’s ear. I took the opportunity of the teacher’s distraction to look over at Tyler. He was looking at me with a smile spread across his face. We had been dating since the sixth grade after he stole my heart playing football.
    He winked at me, giving me the signal that he could come over today and help me watch the triplets, though I know what he had planned and I couldn’t wait. I looked back to the teacher and the assistant principle, which had stopped talking by then and watched as she walked back to the door.
    “Children,” My teacher spoke to us. “Today we will be joined by a new student who is all the way from Russia. Her name is Veronica and she and her family just moved here, so please welcome her and is nice.”
    I rolled my eyes annoyed with the fact there was one more female in our class. The assistant principle walked back into the class room followed by a girl no older than me. Her hair was long and black, dyed of course because her red roots where coming through. Her eyes were a deep green that would make the prettiest emerald blush. Her complexion was smooth and pale, like a cream colored porcelain doll. Looking at her made me feel uneasy but in a good way. I turned to look at Tyler, feeling ashamed that I, Kayla Knight, was looking at another female in that way. Tyler sat in his seat, eyes focused on the new student, studying her closely.
    When I turned to look back at her, she had already taken a seat in the front of the class and the teacher was filling her in on our lesson. I sat there in my seat, staring at the back of her head in a daze. I didn’t understand why I was looking at her like that. Maybe it was because she was a new student and I was worried she’s steal my boyfriend or maybe I was just getting the feel of her aura and how she would act around people.
    By Lunch Veronica was popular with every student in the school. Everyone wanted to talk with her and be her friend. Tyler and I sat at our usual table with our small group of friends that consisted of Eden, Amber, Tyler, Dawn and I. We weren’t the most popular students in the school but we got around and had a few other acquaintances in other cliques. Tyler sat next to me, holding my hand under the table. Eden and Amber were talking about the new kid and how they had a bet going, seeing how long she would last in America. Dawn had her nose in a book like always and blocked everything out.
    Eden turned to look at me, her painted red lips curled up in a smile. She leaned across the table, close enough to where I could see her eyeliner and mascara start to run and smear under her bottom lashes.
    “So, Kayla, How long do you think the new item of the school will last?” She asked like a snake stalking it’s pray.
    I rolled my eyes not really caring to be a part of her game. “I don’t’ know.” I answered simply.
    She narrowed her hazel eyes and leaned back into her seat. Amber followed her motion as though she were her shadow. Tyler laughed and released my hand, leaning across the table to look at Eden and Amber closely.
    “I bet, she’d last longer in any school around here then you two would.” He said sarcastically.
    Dawn chuckled from behind her book, ducking her head lower, hoping to not be seen. I smiled, happy to hear some time of emotion coming from Dawn. Tyler laughed and leaned back into his seat, taking my hand in his again. As I sat there listening to the three of them talk about their beats, I turned my head slowly to look behind me at the table surrounded by people. Veronica sat in the middle of all the students, her long slender legs crossed over each other at the knee. Her long black hair pulled over her shoulder as she smiled and talked with the students. Something about her gave me butterflies as I watched her quietly. She turned her head to look at one of the students behind her and our eyes met. Her smile was the last this I seen before I turned back to our table and stared blankly at it.
    Later that afternoon in gym, Veronica walked out of the girls locker room dressed in short shorts and a too big of a t-shirt, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Eden sighed as she leaned forward, placing her elbow on her knee and resting her chin in the palm of her hand.
    “I wonder exactly how athletic she is.” She muttered.
    I shrugged not caring what Eden had to say. From the looks of Veronica, she was more active than anyone in the gym was. She walked over to where Eden and I sat on the floor next to the wall. Her light pink lips were curled into a small smile as she approached us.
    “Do you mind if I sit with you?” She asked us in her sweet, beautiful accented voice.
    “It’s a free country isn’t it?” Eden said rolling her eyes to watch the boy play basketball.
    Veronica frowned and stood there looking as though she were unsure what to do. I smiled at her and scooted closer to Eden.
    “Here you can sit next to me I won’t bite.” I said to her, feeling awkward and shy.
    She smiled at me and sat down, crossing her legs Indian style. She was quiet as she sat there, though I was sure it was because she did not know us. Feel like a jerk, I cleared my throat and turned to her.
    “I’m Kayla.” I said to her holding my hand out. “Welcome to Nebraska.”
    She smiled and took my hand; her skin was soft and wonderful.
    “I’m Veronica, I believe I seen you at lunch earlier. You were one of the only students who didn’t swarm over me.” She joked.
    I laughed nervously and turned my attention to a group of guys that were pointing and looking in our direction.
    “So what brought you to Nebraska out of all places?” I finally ask.
    She shrugged and watched the people run past us. “My parents are very strict, and when I became too much out of hand in Russia they though bringing me to America would straighten me up.”
    I nodded still unsure as to why she had come to Nebraska. “So why here? There are like thousands of other places to go.”
    She laughed and turned her attention fully on me. “My parents have a weird way of doing things. They could not make a choice so they pulled out a map and where every the needle stuck was where we were going. Lucky us, it landed on Nebraska.”
    Eden scoffed next to me, sounded bored. “Please, maybe they just wanted you to get a taste of reality. You seem like a stuck up person to me.”
    “Eden!” I snapped looking at her. “Behave, not everyone is as they seem.”
    Veronica laughed amused. “It’s quiet alright Kayla, I get that a lot. In fact I’m completely far from that. My father is a powerful man but I don’t let his wealth get to me. As far as I know I’m just like you.”
    Eden scoffed again and stood, dusting her pants off. “Please, don’t give me that bull, just stay away from me and my friends and everything will be smooth for you.”
    I sat in disbelieve as I watched Eden walk off to flirt with a group of boys. I turned back to Veronica shamefully.
    “I’m terribly sorry about Eden. She is a tough girl and she thinks she is all big and bad. Just give her time and she’ll loosen up around you.”
    Veronica shrugged. “I’m not worried about it. I’m use to people not liking me; it comes with who I am.”
    I looked at her puzzled by her statement. “Comes with who I am?” I questioned myself quietly. I went to ask her what she meant but the bell rang, notifying us it was time to change and get ready to go home.
    After school ended, I forgot about Veronica and let my mind slip into the moment with Tyler as we walked down the street hand in hand toward my house. It had been a while since we had walked like this and not been bothered by our friends. Tyler let go of my hand and slipped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I giggled and wrapped my arm around him as well. We walked toward my house, giggling and flirting with each other. Every time a car drove by, Tyler would lean in as if he was whispering something dirty as he stared the driver down. I never understood why I found it amusing but at the time, it was funny.
    I opened the door to my house and walked in. My mother lay on the couch fast asleep, the twins still not home from school. I set my book bag down on the floor next to the door and walked over to my mom, pulling a blanket over her. She snuggled further into the blanket and fell further into her sleep. I smiled down at her and turned to Tyler. He stood by the door and smiled at me.
    I lead him down the hall to my room quietly. When we entered, I closed the door leaving just a crack so I could hear the twins when they came in. Tyler sat his book bag down on the floor and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began kissing up my neck. I giggled like a little schoolgirl as I tried shoving him away.
    “Tyler, stop.” I said with a smile on my face.
    He chuckled and pushed me down onto the bed. Our lips met with fire; a warm, cozy fire that ate at my skink. We quickly fell into a long, deep kiss that seemed to have no end. I could feel his hands gently move around my body. Each fingertip leaving a trail of fire as it slid up toward my neck. I could hear the sound of the bus stopping in front of our house. My eyes snapped open and I shoved Tyler off me. He fell to the floor with a thud and stared up at me in shock.
    “Sorry Tyler, but you know the twins come first.” I said to him as I smoothed my hair and opened the door, walking toward the living room.
    The front door opened and Michael walked in first, shortly followed by Ashley.
    “Kay, Kay!” shouted Michael as he dropped his bag and ran into the kitchen.
    “Cookies, we want cookies.” He finished as he sat in his chair.
    I giggled as I looked at the cutest boy in my life. His hair curly and brown, his eyes a bright cheerful blue. Looking at Tyler and Amber, you would not think anything was wrong with them. They walked, talked and acted just like any other six year old. Sadly, though, Ashley and Michael would never develop past six years old. Their mental level would stop developing on their seventh birthdays. The doctors said it was because it’s generic, others; such as family, say it was when my mom was secretly doing drugs.
    Ashley slowly walked into the house and dropped her book bag. She walked over to me and held up her arms. I picked her up and bounced her.
    “What is it Ash-Ash?” I asked her in a little voice as if she were a baby.
    “Tired.” She whined.
    I pulled her back placing my hand over her forehead. It felt warm and I sighed.
    “Tyler can you keep an eye on Michael as I take Ashley to her room and get her in bed, she’s running a fever.”
    Tyler nodded his head as I walked down the hallway holding Ashley. When we entered her room, I put her on her bed, telling her to put her pajamas on. I walked out of the room to the bathroom to get a cool, wet rag. Before I went back, I paused and snuck a peep at Tyler and Michael. They sat at the table together staring at each other. Tyler’s blue eyes were narrowed as though trying to look past Tyler. Puzzled by what was going on, I leaned against the wall and watched them.
    “I don’t like you.” Michael said in his childish voice.
    “Why is that? I haven’t done anything to you.”
    “Because you’re going to take Kay-Kay from us.” Tyler whined.
    Tyler laughed and hung his head, shaking it in disbelieve. “Man, how can people put up with kids?” He said quietly, but loud enough to where I could hear.
    “Look, I’m not taking anyone away, besides, I hardly get to hang with her because of you and your sister. She is always too busy taking care of your messed up family to have enough time with me.”
    Listening to Tyler; my best friend and boyfriend, talk to my brother like that to his face pissed me off. I was about to come from behind the wall when I heard Ashley moan in her room. I sighed, trying to cool off as I turned and went to tend to Ashley.
    When Ashley finally fell asleep, I pulled the door shut, leaving it cracked and walked back to the kitchen. When I came around the wall, I paused taking in my surroundings; something was missing. I looked at the kitchen table and seen Michael sitting there playing with his cars; Tyler was nowhere to be seen. I turned to look at the couch and seen that my mom was no longer laying there.
    My heart began to race and I prayed that my thoughts were wrong. I turned to the hallway and quietly walked down the hall. I stopped at my mother’s door and hesitated to knock. I stood there, heart racing, palms sweating as I raised my fist and knocked. I could heart scrambling and movement on the other side. Footsteps came to the door before my mother opened it slightly. She poked her head out of the crack and looked at me. Her blonde hair curled up in a mess, her makeup running under her eyes from days ago. Her worse her silk robe, holding tightly onto the collar.
    “What do you want?” She asked looking me over.
    “Have you seen Tyler?” I asked her trying to look into the room.
    She laughed and opened the door. “Does it look like I’ve seen Tyler?” She asked holding her hand out toward the bed and the naked man in her bed. I shut my eyes and turned my back to them. She laughed and tapped me on the shoulder.
    “He said something about seeing you at school tomorrow; he had football practice or something.”
    I nodded and walked back toward the kitchen, listening to their laughter and slamming the door shut to return to what they were doing. I walked over to the kitchen table and sat down, pinching the bridge of my nose.
    “What’s wrong Kay-Kay?” Michael asked looking at me worriedly.
    I looked up at him and smiled, shaking my head. “Nothing Mickey, do you still want those cookies?” I ask, trying to distract him.
    He smiled and nodded his head excitedly. I laughed and pulled down the jar of cookies placing them in front of him along with a glass of milk. I gathered myself a few and sat down with him, sharing the glass of milk and enjoying our cookies together.