• Your running as fast as your body will possibly allow in a lifetime. The terror that lurks behind you is too unbearable for any human being to face, no matter what betrayal they have dared to bring upon themselves and others. You can barely see a thing only a faint light up ahead and you know if you could just reach it, you would be safe. All you seem to think about is to ‘Run and get away from this place’. Your body is pleading and screaming for mercy but you have to keep running or your life will definitely end in seconds.

    Your lungs are restricting and your legs are about to snap in two. Behind you the unknown is easily devouring the gap between you and a painful death. A horrific breathing behind you grabs at your shoulder you try to scream but nothing comes out of your mouth, suddenly you fall over and smash into something hard. It’s your head smashing to the ground; an extreme pain goes through your entire body. You black out for a second; only to wake up to what seems to be the beast’s hand. Your heart is racing and you try to get up but the hand swipes furiously at your weak and shaking legs. The last thing you can think of is to scream for help. “SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!” you scream with the last of your strength.

    Just then the beast attacks you again making you go into unconsciousness but you wake up only to be back in your warm, SAFE bedroom. You look around and see a book, this book isn’t yours but it definitely hurt your leg. Your leg is throbbing so you inspect it. Your head starts to spin. “How can it be...I ...how...wasn’t it just a dream?” On your leg is the same sized gash that you received in your dream. You tell yourself to get a grip and just stay calm. Maybe you’re just too tired and you’re having hallucinations because of that. You look back at the book, “What should I do with this? I mean it definitely isn’t mine because I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before”

    1. Go to the shelf but then decide to read this Mysterious book
    2. Rephrase over what has just happened in your dream

    Choice one

    You come to a decision to put this book on your bookshelf, so you work up the energy to get out of bed. Your sit up in bed and put on your slippers, as you stand up you are still half asleep so you look like a zombie. Looking back at the book on your bed, you pick it up and walk over to the bookshelf directly across from the bottom of your bed frame.