Music notes and melodies swirled around her. Gone was she from the dull, cramped practice room. Her soul now twirled with the stars, spinning them with each twirl of her petite frame. In her hands was a silver instrument, her passage to the stars. As her fingers danced across the smooth keys, her being danced away from the horrors and stresses of the world. No longer could she remember the tears of hunger, the cries of sorrow, or the low growl of hatred. The light freedom of her song was all that filled her mind.
On and on she played, weaving intricate tunes through her flute. A complex run of notes here, a crescendo there. She was completely lost in her own world of music, and had no intention of returning to the real world. Nothing could jerk her back to the cold grasp of the reality.
Except a soft rap at the door. Down she fell from the stars, reaching out to them in a vain attempt to stay. She was back now in the stark practice room, and someone was at the door. Lowering her flute, she quickly made her way over and opened it, revealing the manager of the show.
"You're on in five minutes," the man instructed her. Without another word, he turned on his heel and exited the doorway. Letting out a nervous breath, she turned from the door and gathered all of her sheet music before following the path the man had taken down the narrow hallway.
Finally she arrived in front of a thick, gray door guarded by a stern looking man. She could here the muted claps of several hundred people, and her heart began to race. The man looked through an eye-level window in the door, waiting for a cue, before opening it.
"Good luck," he whispered as he ushered her through with a nod. A shaky smile was all she could muster in response.
Onto the stage she went, following the curtain to her stand in the center. She was relieved the thick black curtain shielded her from the crowd, hiding her pre-performance anxiety. Looking down at the flute in her hands, she built her confidence. Never would she be alone here, not with her instrument in her hands. She let out another breath as her shield slid away, revealing an auditorium full of faces with eyes focused on her.
Then, without hesitation, she lifted her flute in a graceful movement. She took a deep breath and began to play. In an instant she was whisked away, flying through the sky once again. The notes guided her spirit through the unknown, only this time it was not just her soul. There behind her was the audience, following in awe as she shared her secret passage to pure bliss.
erin says rawr
I wrote this for a sort of small contest at my school, soo...wooo :)
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