“This journey is not for the faint of heart. There are no heroes or villains in this story. Tis not good men who occasionally do bad things, but rather bad men who occasionally do good. He come at last to free the beast you know. Are you ready, or for that matter is anyone ready for what is to come. Read on if you hold less fear of the immoral road ahead, but know now FATE defined: ….all the earth.”
Chapter I Sisterhood of the Traveling Negligee
------Market District (11:43am)------
Sirens are blaring in the background as a solitary figure emerges from the crowd…a man dressed in red from the waste down. The scene that awaits him bears a striking resemblance to a meat locker with the thermostat broken. Chunks of flesh are hanging all over the place, from windows 5 stories up, to telephone poles and street lamps. This is a crime scene, and the man looking upon it shows no remorse or pity for what was once a person...at least it may have been human; hard to say considering the victim is all over the place. Taking out a pair of gloves, the man begins sifting through the shredded up flesh.
“Lovely isn’t it Detective Knight?” Turning around, the man in red responds to the voice’s inquiry, “Not really, there’s no artistry to desecrating what’s already dead.” Lifting up his gloved hand, the man reveals to a rather cold-eyed woman some sort of green liquid. Looking the woman up and down a bit more closely, Knight realizes she‘s wearing little more then a white negligee, “Judging by your outfit I’d say you’re one step ahead already, either that or you got a second job that I don’t know of” he sneered. However, the look on his face quickly changed from indifference to panic. Within the span of a second the woman was right next to him, slowly trying to unbutton his pants.
“Lily! I was only joking, now’s not the time to…..”, but before Knight could elaborate further he found himself in a state of hysteria. ‘Who cares who sees’ he thought. He looked at the crowd, noting their reactions. However, what surprised him the most was the fact their eyes showed fear instead of revulsion at what was possibly to come. Looking down, Knight realized Lily was no longer there, nor for that matter was his manhood. Mocking laughter could be heard in the distance as he collapsed to the pavement……….
A common sight in Megalo, city of the damned. Deviant cop plus psycho whore equals someone usually ending up dead…or worst. What could be worst, well keep reading to find out.
------Market District (2 hours prior)------
The room was dark and dank with the smell of incense permeating every corner. A bed sat in the middle of it all with two figures lying prostrate. Horis lay there for what seemed like an eternity. The woman next to him was beautiful, but his interest was elsewhere. A person couldn’t get into Eve’s Hovel without paying for services first. She nudged him affectionately, but to no avail. Disappointment evident in the woman’s eyes, she motions to a small table. An assortment of devices could be seen, alongside bottles filled with infamous mixtures related to this sort of life style. Again, Horis shrugged the notion aside. “Your services are no longer required” he stated. “Now if you don’t mind I’d like to find my clothes and head downstairs for a real drink.” Just as soon as he had gathered his things, a knock at the door revealed a rather grotesque man on the other side. “She’s all yours” Horis spoke as politely as possible.
Donning his coat, he walks out into the hall. Numerous rooms line the corridor, some being soundproof, others not so much. Taking out a piece of paper, Horis goes over it again:
Meet me at 10:00 am in Eve’s Hovel. I’ll be downstairs at the bar drinking a Pink Lotus.
The letter had no name, but it did come with payment. Entering the basement level was a different experience entirely from the cramped room he had recently vacated. It was not at all what one would expect from the most notorious bordello in all of Megalo City. The atmosphere was clean and very much refined. A grand piano sat on a stage with plush red velvet curtains. The walls were paneled with leather and numerous booths. The smells coming from the kitchen were on par with that of a five star restaurant. And of course there was the bar. Elaborately stocked with every known poison of one’s choosing. Looking for a Pink Lotus, Horis found his client, a young woman, from the collegiate by the looks of her. 'It’s always a woman isn’t it' he thought to himself as he took a seat right next to her.
Without looking at him, the girl spoke, “Horis Mitharia, demon detective….it is an honor to meet the most notorious and wanted man in all of Megalo.” “If you know I’m wanted, then why hire me?” Horis responded nonchalantly. “Because I know what crimes you have committed, and I know you’re the only one for this job” she stated. A glimmer of life could be seen in Horis’ eyes as he posed the question he uses for all of his clients, “What were my crimes?”

- Title: The Four Kings
- Artist: 1orinth
Imagine a world where morals are thrown out the window, the just cast down and spit on. Than again, it sounds not too different from where we are now. This is just one of many short stories I've created.
Feel free to comment, especially for the continuation, though I need no prodding ;) - Date: 11/18/2011
- Tags: four kings
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