• Teetering a silver platter in hand, a servant knocked on a door adjacent to a hallway. After hearing a word of permission, he entered the room. “Good morning, princess.” The servant addresses a girl standing at a window looking out into the rainy weather. “This morning I have brought you earl grey tea and for a snack, brioche.” The servant laid the platter on a portable stand and started to set a small plate and fork, along with a tea set, on a table close by. Helping the princess into a seat, the boy then poured the tea into an ornate decorated tea cup.
    “So I heard you recently came back from your vacation?” The girl finally spoke.
    “Just last night, so I would be able to continue to serve you by this morning, as I am now. That is what you asked me to do, yes?” The servant stepped to the side as the princess stuck the fork into the brioche and tasted the first bite.
    “How was your time off?” The princess asked after briskly wiping her mouth with a towel. She faced the servant who was doing exactly what she was awhile ago. The rain had lessened now.
    “It was quite a time I had. I experienced our neighboring country’s fine foods and events. Not only that, but I met—“ The boy was cut off by the princess standing up quickly, the chair she was in screeching backwards.
    “Why!?” The scream echoed through nearby halls and all that were in them went silent.
    The boy was confused and peeled himself from the window. “Why…What?”
    The princesses hands began to clench and stiffen. “I have heard of the rumors that breathe through these halls…Why did you betray me? Why did you fall in love with her…?” The girl continued softly. Silence was the answer. Just as the servants in the halls were about to continue their chore, another echo rang through. But this time it was the echo of a slap across a cheek and a body hitting the floor. “Why, brother?”
    The boy slowly sat up, looking at his own eyes from his sister. The two were twins and nearly every aspect of each other were the same. The same eyes, the same color hair and same body structure, though the boy was a bit stronger through the years of being a servant. The only difference really was personality. The sister of the twins, was a harsh ruling princess. The brother was a loyal, obedient and kind servant. The boy, still looking at his own reflection, nodded and began to speak.
    “Never have I seen a lady of such grace. Her beauty was vast and her words were deep. Her eyes were of a piercing green and body frail. It was love at first sight, my dear sister, Raine.” Raine’s eyes narrowed and anger started to paint her face a light red. But she just stood there, allowing her brother to continue.
    “The young lady would look every now and then at me, seeming to be of interest in me. But she was with another man, a man of blue hair. So I turned and went on with my w—“ The boy’s story ended as it did with another slap, and another echo.
    “Tell me Alistar, do you love her more than I?” Trembling shook Raine’s body, clenched fists tightened till white, as more anger settled in. Alistar slowly crawled backwards, his hands slipping on loose papers, knowing all too well the wrath of his sister. Raine shouted out, “Well do YOU?”
    The boy stuttered in his words, nothing making sense. Reaching over, the princess grabbed a book from a nearby table and chucked it at her brother. “I thought you vowed yourself to me, to love only me? But here you are on the floor like a dog and eyeing other girls! Fine, I’ll let you two meet again. But when you do, you are to have her slain.” Alistar’s eyes widened when he heard what has to be done. He couldn’t believe it; he has to kill the one he loves? Alistar rebelled and fought back, but to no avail.
    “You may be my brother, but I am still the princess and I am ordering you to slay this girl.” Raine demanded in a calmer manner. With an easy pace, the princess walked to her throne and sat, facing away from her servant of a brother.
    Alistar followed but kneeled down at the base of the throne. “If that is what you truly wish for, then it shall be done” Was his last words and picked himself up before leaving. Once gone, Raine picked a rose from its vase on the table next to her throne and started to pluck off its petals.
    It is… Raine silently thought to herself. Tears rolled down her cheeks, dripping to the floor below.