• PROLUGE:2 concepts of a Thief

    A Thief has rules.Important ones at that

    If a thief breaks one of these 20 rules,they must give up their Ways and turn themselves In.
    but Thieves follow "#14:protect your identity" at all times

    STORY:Hunter-one morning

    "Come on Hunter!"Mom called"breakfast!" i finished tying my bow around my neck "I'm coming!" i cried(dang,no sign of lorita.maybe she'll be at school)

    "hi honey,sleep ok?"mom asked as i came downstairs."yeah...."i yawned and sat down,Jeon was gone already,probualy at the station."Tano called him down"mom explained. i nodded,my mouth full (oh,the irony!A thief in a family of cops!)"ok."i got up then saw the clock."i gotta go!"I grabbed my bag from the couch and stopped to put my shoes on "bye!" i ran out the door for school.i would be late again!!!!

    "tabaki!' a staff member called out as i pulled my bike into the racks."you're supposed to be in homeroom now!"i sighed "sorry,but i-" "no excuses!",he cried,"go join ms nakigana in her 7 laps around the track!"I sighed.i shoulda guessed hunter would be late again! (she musta overslept again!)


    conversation as we ran was 0%.when we finished, i asked hunter about her brother and tano.she flinched at the name but told me that my bro and i could pull thursday's planned theft without trouble.i thanked her and we headed inside without another word