• On Anna’s 21st birthday she got a card from her grandparents that would change her life forever. She opened the card and a coin fell out as she pulled out the card. She looked at it and saw that it was one of the coins from her grandpa’s Irish coin collection that she had admired for years. So Anna read the card

    “To my sweet Annie
    I hope you are having the best birthday. I wish we could be there. I sent you an old Irish coin from my collection so that you can start you own. Grandma and I also put something else in the envelope. So be sheer to look.
    P.S. You should try your luck in Vegas.”
    Anna looked in the envelope and pulled out a cheque that was wreath 21 hundred dollars. So she called up her two best friends Sophie Valentine, and Nikki Darkstar. They both said yes. So Anna booked plane tickets, a hotel room, and started to pack. When they got to the gate at the airport they where stop by a flight attendant and said that couch was full so they are being bumped up to first class. Nikki looked at Anna And said “Wow that was lucky, eh Annie?”

    Anna started to walk out when she saw a group of people in black running up the stairs. Anna jumped behind the desk as the people in black came busting in. “Everyone get out.” And just like a herd of wildabeast everyone stampeded to the doors. “Not your pretty boy.” One of the men said as they grabbed Teddy by the back of his shirt. One of the people that got out called 911. Now it was just Anna, Teddy and the Robbers. Anna now behind the desk took out a card with a pic of a female magician‘s costume and a butterfly mask on it. The card started to glow and so did she. The card when blank and she had transformed into the beautiful and sly Lady Luck. The costume had now apeaed on Anna’s body. By this time the Robbers had notist her presents. Well it’s a little hard to go unotist when there is glowing coming from behind a desk. “Who is behind that desk?” One of the robbers said from across the room. So Lady Luck came out from behind the desk. “OH it’s just little old me.” She said in a southern acseant wal bating her eyelashes. “Oh s**t its lady luck that just our luck!” Then she saw him. They had the love of her life held hostage. It’s hit like a ton of brisk. She knew what she had to do. “Hey dude with the gun. If I give myself up will you let the hostage go?” Yha but you have to go first.” How Bout we do it at the same time.” “Fine, whatever.” Lady Luck picked up her entire deck. “Now on the count of three, One, Two, three!” The man let go of Teddy but at the same time another robber shot at him. Anna without thinking flung one card. The card stopped and cut the bullet in mid air. Teddy just made it out when the robbers grabbed both of Anna’s arms. They held them behind her back. She flipped backward slamming the robbers together and ran. She didn’t know she ran right into a corner.

    Anna was now cornered, outnumbered and out of luck. The men in black were moving closer and closer when the room went white. They couldn’t see anything. It was a flash of light with a boom followed close behind. Pieces of wall went flying. Anna felt a cool burst of air. Then she looked over to where the flash came from. She could just make out the finger of a woman standing in the hole. When Anna saw her every one of the hairs on the back of her neck stood straight up. The woman started to walk. As she walked Anna could hear a clack, clack, clack as she walked. It was the heel of her boots hitting the floor. As the woman got closer and closer to Anna the room got colder and colder. A thick fog hit Anna’s feet as the woman approached her. Anna could final see her. She was a woman dressed in a Black clock with a hood that covered her glowing red eyes, but it has a rip in it as an eye hole. It also had the back of the hood ripped out with her long red hair hanging out. Anna was about to ask her who she was, when she pulled out a scythe that was as tall as she was, with a blade as long as her arm. Then she spoke “Hey need some help?” in a bubbly voice. Anna just nodded. One of the men in black took a chance to take them out. He started to run at them. Just before he got to them the clocked woman raised her arm and stuck out her finger. The man didn’t have time to stop and ran right into her finger. His eyes rolled back into his head, his body went limp and fell backward. He hit the now ice cold floor like a dead tree. His body laid there lifeless. Anna turned her head to the woman. “Oh my god! Is he dead?” Anna asked in shock. “No, he’s fine. He’s just knocked out.” the woman replied. Another one of the men in black took a shot at the woman’s head. Before anyone could react to the gun shot it was over. Anna looked around when she saw the man with the gun fall to the ground. She looked back at the woman she saw the woman holding her scythe up by her head. It was amazing within a heart beat the woman lifted her scythe and intercepted the bullet. The bullet bound off her blade and right back at the man. It hit him right between the eyes. “So would anyone else like to try anything?! NO good. So what were you saying?” “Nothing I was just going to ask you, who are you?” “Oh, right I didn’t formally introduce myself. I am the Mistress of Darkness.” She said as she bowed.

    “Ok that’s kind a long. So is Mistress alright?” “Well I guess if you must.” She said in a sarcastic voice. “How did you know I was in trouble?” Anna asked “Oh let’s call it woman’s intuition and…. I saw it on the TV.” “You couldn’t just say that you saw it on the TV.” “Well no what fun would that be?” “Well you would get the point quicker.” Then out of the corner of the Mistress’s eye she saw one of the men trying to escape. “And where do you think you are going!” The Mistress said as she stuck out her arm and opened her hand. Pure darkness came pouring out of the palm of her hand. It engulfed her whole hand. The darkness shot straight from her hand to in front of the robber. The darkness catch the man in seconds. The darkness got in front of him and created a wall. The robber bounced off the wall like a bouncy ball. “Where did this came from?!” He took out his gun and took a few shots at it. The bullets just dropped to the ground. “Oh before I forget hear Lady Luck I have something for you.” Then the Mistress throw Lady Luck a deck of cards. “How did you know I was out?” “Well if you had some, you wouldn’t need me to bail your butt out of this. Now would you?” “No! I would have found a way out on my own.” “Oh really, because when I got here you were cornered and unarmed. But yha you’d got out of it.” “I would have!” “Why can’t you just say thank you?” “Ok thanks. Now let’s take care of these freaks.” One of the men over heard them. He turned to another one of the robbers. “Did they just call us freaks?” “Well then let’s show them how big of freaks we are.” The Woman robber said with a smirk on her face. The robbers put their plan into action as Lady Luck and the Mistress where talking. They heard a gunshot go off. The Mistress again deflected the bullet but just missed the shooter. “Oh, not this again.” “Mistress” “I thought you would have learned from last time.” “Mist....” then the woman robber spoke. “We did.” Then in what seemed like slow motion The mistress turned her head, just in time to see Lady luck spit out a mouth full of blood. “Oh my god! Where are you hurt?” She said as Anna moved her bloody hand away from her body. The Mistress saw her once green suit now turned brown from the blood gushing out of the bullet hole. Anna started to fall when the Mistress catches her. As she was falling the robbers open fired on them, but the Mistress put up a shield of pure, bullet proof darkness. No one could see inside the shield so the Mistress pulled off her hood. “Hey Anna it’s me.” She said just about to cry. “Oh, hey Nikki. When did you get here?”Anna said in a weak voice. “I’ve always been here.” “Hey Nikki I would just like to thank you for always being there for me.” “it’s no problem it’s what you would do for me.” “You’re like my best friend. No you’re my sister.” “Ok stop talking like you're going to die. You’re going to be ok.” “I love you......” She said with her last breath. “Anna. Anna! ANNA!” at the same time Teddy fell to his knees like someone just ripped his heart from his chest. Then seeing Anna there lifeless on the floor was enough to send Nikki over the edge. It sent her into a bind rage. She would have ripped anyone limb from limb who got in her way at this point. Beams of darkness went flying in all directions from the shield. The darkness almost destroyed everything when the darkness focus it wrath on the robbers. They tried to run but it was no use. The darkness sought them out one by one. When it final had they all it brought them to right in front of the Nikki. “See what you’ve done you stupid bustards! You killed my sister! You’ll pay!” She made the darkness start to crush them when she saw a bright white light come from the doors. A man with appeared in the bright light. When he got closer Nikki could see that he had wings and was coved in gold from head to toe, even his cloths where gold. The man started to walk toward to Anna’s body. “NO! You aren’t going to take her!” She said with a voice full of pain and anger. She took her other hand and started to attack the golden man with wings. With each attack he just swatted them away like they were flies. Her attacks are barley even enough to make him take notice. She fell to her knees. “Damn it. You can’t have her. Take me! Just take me.” She said just about to burst out it in tears. But the golden man just encored her. Nikki put her head down and started to cry. Her tears hit the floor when someone came over and hugged her. Nikki pulled back and saw it was Anna. “I thought you were dead?” “Me too. I could see a light when something pulled me back. I’m alive thanks to Teddy.” Nikki looked over and saw that the golden man had transformed into Teddy with golden wings. It was Teddy’s love for Anna that brought out his angel half that saved Anna. “Come on Nikki let’s tie up these losers for the cops.” “Yha let’s do that.” “Hey Babe put this on.” Anna put a mask onto Teddy. They Slipped out of the bank and disappeared into the night.