• Gunners #15 Prevailing Evil with Evil
    Hands of Guns

    Even with the might of the devils power, he may take my soul, he can take my power, he can take my heart, but he can never take away my spirit. Humans can never give up, we all have our limits, but we will always push forward no matter what obstacles are head of us that is what makes us strong. That is what makes us alive
    Hakuru: SKULL BLADE!
    Hildr: crushes it!
    She swings her blade and destroys the Skull Blade
    Hakuru: ah! Damn!
    Saya: Aoi Blade!
    She splits the swords in two as they both came from both directions
    Hildr: enough with the annoying childish tricks!
    She raises both of her hands and stops the two swords from stabbing into her
    Saya: she stopped them?!
    Hildr: now… repel!
    Saya: ah crap!
    She manages to catch the two blades as she puts them back together into a katana
    Hakuru: SKULL BLAST!
    Hildr: your power is useless against me!
    She fires out an immense source of energy and crushes both of Hakuru’s and Saya’s blast
    Hakuru: AAAH!
    Saya: damn… she burned my arm!
    Hildr: RAAAH!
    Hakuru: she won’t be able to control that power for long, it’s going to consume her and turn her into something worst!
    Saya: then we’ll just have to try and take off that helmet right? That’s the only way… right?
    Hakuru: right!
    Hildr: now, let’s see what else I can do…
    She begins to unleash a ravage of undead from the ground of brave soldiers who died from the Viking wars
    Hildr: yes, with this I can rule Earth itself, and destroy the Gunners!
    Hakuru: I shouldn’t of given her that helmet
    Saya: yeah, d**k move man…
    A blade suddenly stabbed Hildr in the back
    Hildr: what?!
    Hakuru: huh?
    Shion: Hakuru! Her helmet! Now!
    Hakuru: r-right!
    Saya: I’ll hold these ******** off!
    Yo! What about us?
    Aja: you think we would leave you?
    Saya: Aja?! Rev?!
    Taja: hey hey, don’t forget me, I lead my own group too y’know?
    Hakuru: well since all of you are here I want you guys to take off that helmet!
    Taja: easy said and done!
    Aja: WOLF FANG!
    She shoots her powers with her arms as it lands a hit on Hildr
    Hildr: YES! HIT ME MORE!
    Taja: alright then!
    Soul Claw!
    Rev: SEN FU DRILL!
    They slam their hits onto Hildr, but she still stands, she begins to laugh as she grabs both of them and opens up her power from her chest
    Hildr: HAHAHAHA!
    She fires out a large beam from her chest as the two of them slammed onto a cliff
    Rev: *cough* ah… that son of a b***h!
    Taja: tch! ********, I take it back; this won’t be easy at all…
    Shion heals both of them
    Shion: get up you two, we need to take off that helmet immediately, or else she will crush us all
    Rev: yeah… but first…
    She makes a purple flame from her right hand
    Rev: let me hit her ******** face!
    Taja: I for one, agree!
    Hakuru: SKULL BLADE!
    Hildr: you think a trick like that would work?
    Hakuru: no… but that you will
    Hildr: what?
    A blue sword came from behind and exploded Hildr’s back
    Hildr: grraah! You!
    Saya: heh, didn’t see that one coming did ya b***h?
    Although... you may wanna pay attention…
    Above you
    Hildr: huh?
    She lands a huge hit directly at her face above her, then Taja comes in with a Soul Claw and uppercuts her helmet, she manages to put a huge scratch against her torso armor
    Hildr: AAAAAAHHHH!
    She roars and begins to unleash a huge red shockwave which blasts everybody back
    Hakuru: still angry Hildr?!
    Hildr: I’ll kill you!
    Hakuru slams her katana against Hildr’s and fires out Skull Blast from her eye, then placed her hand towards her face and slams it down to the ground, she then was about to stab her but then-
    Hildr: I HOPE YOU CRY!
    Hakuru: what…?!
    She unleashed full power from her body as eveybodies emotions and body began to shatter and fell down to their knees, everybody was on the ground as tears came from her eyes
    Rev: n… what… the ******** is… she doing… to us…?
    Taja: no… no…
    Hakuru: ah… mem…ories…?
    Hildr: I can make you all cry and suffer by making you all remember your darkest memories. I can even manipulate them if you want… hehe
    She placed her finger onto Hakuru’s chin as her tears were dripping from her eyes, she begins to fight it as blood came from her other eye
    Hildr: no use fighting back, just enjoy and cry
    Inside of Hakuru’s head
    Hakuru: huh…? What…? Isn’t this my home?
    Hey! I’m home!
    Hakuru: huh?!
    Rukina: there you little rascals are
    Hey mummy!
    Hey hey! When is daddy coming back?!
    Rukina: soon girls, come on help me set up dinner
    Hakuru: this is… my memories. That’s… me as a little girl
    Hey I’m home!
    Rukina: there you are Tomoka
    Tomoka: hey, I see you guys setting up for dinner, here I’ll help
    Rukina: no it’s okay, I can do it
    Tomoka: hey why not you girls head up stairs and we’ll call ya
    Oh okay daddy! Race you up there Sukya!
    Haha, okay okay Hakuru!
    Rukina: are you sure you want to do it? I’m fine to-
    Tomoka: hush Rukina, come on, your pregnant now
    Hakuru: what?! Pregnant…? No this is a lie! This can’t be! I don’t remember any of that! This is just… a lie!
    A lie!
    A LIE!
    Hakuru: Hildr! WHY YOU!!!
    You are so insane…
    Hakuru: huh?!
    Unknown: the more you fight it-
    Hakuru: no…
    Unknown: the crazier you’ll become
    Unknown’s gun was pointed towards Rukina’s head as she shot her then at Tomoka’s
    Hildr: yes! Scream!
    Feel the pain and agony!
    Hakuru: ah… who’s… who’s calling me…?
    It’s me…
    Your mother
    Hakuru: what? no stay away! Your not real!
    You’re just manipulating me!
    Do not be afraid Hakuru
    Hakuru: damn it! get out of my head!!!
    Hinkyo: Hakuru, calm your mind, don’t let Hildr control you
    Hakuru: H-Hinkyo…?
    Why are you…?
    Hinkyo: sorry, the only way I could talk to you and see you in your mind was using one of your memories, I had to use your mother’s body because there were too many options to choose from
    Hakuru: it sort of… suits you
    Hinkyo: well, I see why you love your mum a lot, so.
    Hildr is controlling you huh? She’s pretty good at it
    Hakuru: yeah uh… no wonder she’s a b***h
    Hinkyo: well, if she controls you, that doesn’t mean she can control demons
    Hakuru: what do you mean?
    Hinkyo: look I may have some painful memories which was Brock, but that doesn’t mean demons can go and act insane that easily
    Hildr may have the demon knight’s power, but she won’t manipulate our heads
    Hinkyo: we got strong minds than you guys, never underestimate a demon
    That goes the same with other demons as well, lots of demons underestimate humans
    I try not to underestimate people like you, even man’s creation
    Which is you Hakuru
    Hinkyo: you know why I chose you right?
    Hakuru: was it because you knew I can protect this world?
    Hinkyo: not just that
    I had to free you from your pain, to get what was yours again once more
    Hinkyo: I’m going to have to use your body okay?
    Hakuru: o… okay…
    Hinkyo: I’ll need to disrupt her power, gotta try and destroy her weak spots; I’ll need to call the others to awaken their demons
    Hakuru: you think you can take her?
    Hinkyo: of course, they don’t call me a legendary gunner demon for no reason y’know?
    Hildr: what?!
    Hinkyo: why don’t you stop with the puny magic and start fighting like a real woman?
    Hildr: fool! You cannot stop me!
    Hinkyo blocks the blast and manages to deflects it
    Hinkyo: you were saying?
    Hildr: you… what are you?!
    Hinkyo: I’m a demon, and if you think you can stop me that easily
    You are wrong!
    Hinkyo: you are not powerful! You are weak! Your not worthy to carry that power at all!
    Those who have the strengths of their hearts are worthy of that power, people who knows the boundaries of life and death, those people who have what it takes, the courage the will power and leadership
    They are worthy to carry that power
    And that is Hakuru and The Demon Knight
    Hinkyo: you are far behind in becoming like them!
    It cracks the shield
    Hildr: you… you ******** b***h!
    Hinkyo: *looks like she boosted herself up*
    All Gunners, I need you to listen to me, I need you to switch to your inner partners!
    Saya: ah…
    Kasumi: huh? Its not-
    Hinkyo: yeah, well, a lot of us don’t have that much painful memories right?
    Kasumi: hmph, indeed
    Hinkyo: wake the others; it’s time that we fight
    And rip out her insides out!
    Hildr: STAY AWAY!
    Hinkyo: fool! I am Hinkyo! The Legendary Demon gunner!
    Hinkyo: not until I grab your heart and eat it!
    She punches Hildr’s armor as if a cannon smashed it
    Hildr: this is… impossible… augh…
    Hinkyo: come on Hildr… play with me more… is this all you ******** got…? Valkyries… Gods… Devils…
    Hmph, to me all of you are just my play toys!
    Hildr: AAAHH!!!!
    Hinkyo grabs her fist and breaks it
    Hildr: AAAAHH!
    Hinkyo: you won’t be casting anymore powers today b***h…
    Today you will be eaten by a demon…
    By a angry demon… a hungry demon…
    She laughed as her faced darkened with shadows as everyone appeared behind her as she was grabbing Hildr, behind her was Kasumi the Blood Shed Angel, Shion Leader of the Ten Evil Blades (she was already a demon), Akashiya the demon that can suck out souls from her eye, Ashra The Loyal Lady, Sorza, the crimson wolf, and Rev The Immortal Moon
    Rev: today’s a full moon… my power has already reached its full potential…
    Hinkyo: no more last words Hildr, today… is the day you die!
    They all looked at a man name Odin
    Odin: You, shall not kill her, she is our responsibility, we will handle her
    Hinkyo: and who the “********” are you?
    Odin: you have a foul mouth demon, my name is Odin.
    Kasumi: Odin huh? So you’re the big boss around here, turns out you suck at running this place
    Odin: and you young ladies are quite the violent type
    Hinkyo: shut up old man, let us finish this b***h so we can all go home, unless you want to die too, God or not, you are just the same like the others
    Odin: I wouldn’t really recommend that
    Ashrah: it is best that we take the helmet and leave
    Akashiya: yeah, then I want to suck out her goddamn soul, I want to know what a Valkyrie tastes like!
    Odin: you creatures are disgusting
    Odin uses her powers and takes off her helmet
    Hinkyo: huh?
    Odin: this is yours correct? Leave, you have caused enough trouble
    Akashiya: wouldn’t that be Hildr?
    Odin: does not matter who it is, Hildr will be punished for her crimes
    Odin: silence!
    Hildr: O-Odin…?
    Odin: you dare speak my name? you have no right to say my name anymore, you will be stripped of your powers and will become a mortal!
    May you perish on Earth
    Hildr: n-no! no please no… please forgive me my lord!
    Hinkyo: “sigh” jeez ******** hell…
    This is really annoying
    Hinkyo grabs Hildr up
    Hinkyo: listen Hildr! How about this, you really like power so much? You have to earn it, you have to work for it, you have to build it! You can’t just steal it from others Hildr… trust me that’s how I got em and that’s how Hakuru had hers.
    Odin: what is this?
    Hinkyo: this may sound stupid, but!
    I, Hinkyo Mythril, The Legendary Demon Gunner would allow Hildr a second chance
    Hildr: what?!
    Akashiya: Hinkyo if you do this you know she might-
    Hinkyo: who knows, I might want to have to fight her again and eat her heart out
    She comes close to Hildr
    Hinkyo: I know you are frighten, and feared by me, but you know what…
    I like that.
    Hinkyo grinned
    Hinkyo: I love seeing the fear of my enemies, and I want to give you a second chance, I want you to train, train and get stronger, then we’ll see how this goes.
    And Odin, give a girl a day off
    Hinkyo: we just want our s**t back, not a war
    Odin: …. Very well
    She will have a second chance; I will keep a close eye on her
    Hinkyo: thanks.
    They all opened up a gate way
    Hinkyo: I didn’t do that just because I felt sorry for you, I just did it because I wanted to, besides I bet that’s what Hakuru would wanted to do, you better train you hear me? Good, see ya around
    She jumps into the portal as it closes
    Hildr: w-why…? Why did she do it…?
    Odin: you heard what she said didn’t you? She wanted to do it, come, we have work to do
    Hildr: you’re not punishing me?
    Odin: no, but I will have to get you trained
    Hinkyo: we got the helmet; start up the portal back to Earth now
    Rev: damn I wanted to punch that b***h
    Akashiya: heh yeah same here, we’d still have to change back to our human forms though
    Rev: once we get back to Earth my full potential will be gone and will have to wait till the next full moon
    Yukina: are you guys okay?
    Hinkyo: yeah we’re fine, sort of, is everyone here?
    Pence: of course we are
    Rainfall: always
    Downfall: here!
    Hinkyo: good, everybody we’re all going home, once we get back all of us can have a good rest
    I’ll need to read the fifth letter
    Meanwhile back at the ship
    Saya: hey Hakuru
    Hakuru: hey
    Saya: so you finally changed back to your original form huh?
    Hakuru: yeah
    Saya: so what are you waiting for? Open it
    Hakuru: here goes…
    Such a rich land, full of grass and hills. Yet so much vast power
    I have defeated the Valkyrie I sort to seek and have proved my power to a God name Odin
    My powers has grown more and more stronger, I still remember my masters training and I shall never forget them, now I must head to Japan, a place full of beauty yet it is dying from a civil war, there I shall go and seek the my master’s sensei, the who taught my master the art of combat
    I shall go there and find him, I want to know more about my master, to know the ways of our style
    Hakuru: Japan
    Saya: we’re going home?
    Hakuru: that’s where the First Death headed right?
    We’re all going to Japan together; it’s time to go home
    To be continued
    Next Chapter: #16 Home Sweet Home