• Gun shots and screams filled my ears. I shut my eyes tight as I covered my ears with my hands. I heard my sister cry to my right. I opened my eyes and looked at her.

    She looked at me with terrified eyes, as she clutched her stuff bunny against her chest, "W-What's going to happen to us?" She sobbed.

    I really didn't know what would happen to us. We already lost our mother and father, who else would protect us?

    All of a sudden, there was a bang on the door. My sister started to cry harder as I froze. She clutched my arm and buried her face in my sweater.

    "What was that!?" She cried.

    Shaking off my sister, I stood up and carefully made my way to the door. Once I reached the door. I felt something sticky under my foot. I looked down to see dark, red liquid seeping under the door. It was blood.

    I screamed and jumped backwards, almost running into the table that was behind me. I looked back at my sister, who was staring at me in horror. I turned back to the door. Should I open it? If I did we could be killed. If I don't, we might never know how to survive.

    Avoiding the blood, I made my way back to the door. Slowly I opened it as quiet as I could. When I peered out, I couldn't believe my eyes.

    The first thing I saw was someone's body right in front of our door. Then the more I looked around, the more blood and bodies I saw. I took a deep breath and stepped over the dead body that in front of me.

    "Stay here." I said to my sister.

    She nodded and tried to squeeze more into the corner, trying to become as small as she could be.

    I slowly walked around the house, making sure there was nobody still here. I recognized one of the bodies to be one of our neighbors. I never really knew him but I still shed a tear for him.

    I heard a gunshot come from the front of the house. I didn't know who or what was there. But I didn't care if I got shot; I just wanted to save my sister.

    I burst through the door, and was unprepared to see the scene before me. A man's body lay in front of my sister. I looked at her in horror.

    She raised the gun that was in her hand at me, "Good night."

    "Don't!" I screamed as she pulled the trigger.