Love till the End : third scene: Valentine's day
Valentine...valentine...two days more, and its valentine...
What should I buy for Ian....cats? Rufus. Old clothes?? Like I would buy one rolleyes ...what should I buy...chocolate. My own chocolate. Yes!! I can make chocolate!!
Liam thinking about what to give to Ian on valentine. Its about one hour to think about it...
Is it really take too long to think of chocolate, Liam? stare
Liam's door opened by someone. He just gave a big smile cause he thinks it would be Ian. And it is not. Its Rina. Damn...
"What can I do for you, buddy?" said Liam
"Umm...Liam-san...I, I wanna ask you something. Can I ?" said Rina
"O...ok . What is it?"
Rina's face getting red.
"Well, you really, really close to Ian right? Could you...umm..well, I, sort of...li...lik~ like ,him..."
"Then? What should I do?" said Liam with a bit angry.
"Can you...send him...this?" Rina gave Liam a letter, not a letter, its a love letter.
Liam take the letter. In Liam's heart, he feeling like to throw the letter on Rina's face. But, relax...
"Ok! I'll send to him!" said Liam with a forced smile.
"Oh, thank you Liam!! You're the best!! Here, take this as a give from me. Happy valentine, Liam!!"
After Rina goes out from the shop, a few minutes later Ian gets in. The chocolate that Rina gave to Liam is still on Liam's hand.
"So, she came here to gave you valentine chocolate?" said Ian with a glare.
Liam gave the letter to Ian.
"Don't be silly, read this. Its from Rina. She gave me this chocolate as a thank you gift."
Ian shock. He snatched the letter and open it quickly. The letter smells roses. In the letter,
It says,
'Hi there, Ian. How are you. This is me, Rina.
Well, you know that valentine is near right? And, I...I mean, would you like to be my date?
Yes, I've in love with you, Ian. Three years ago. I was so shy, to make a confession... and IT thought, this year, this year would be the one...
So, I hope, you would give me a reply...gave the reply to Liam. He'll send it to me...'
"You're so lucky my friend. A girl asked you to go out with her this valentine..." said Liam.
Ian crumpled the letter and throw it out. He then cam back in and hug Liam.
"I don't, want, it....." said Ian.
"What? "
"I want to spend my valentine day with you, Liam" said Ian.
Liam hugged back.
" then the reply?" liam whispered.
"NO. I already, have one. And the person is someone that you wouldn't believe." said Ian.
"Ok, I'll tell her tomorrow. Let's go home, Ian. You'll have a sleepover at my house again"
Said Liam while kiss Ian.
*tomorrow morning*
*door opened*
"I hear, that you called me, Liam..." said Rina.
"Ah, Rina!! Yes, I called you. He gave a reply. Here." said Liam while handing over the reply.
Rina take it slowly with a big smile. Liam watches Rina opened the letter, while in his heart says,
'After you reading this letter, your big smile will vanish...'
Rina closed the letter slowly, her smile is getting down. Her eyes were red with some teardrops falling.
"Is it Moita, his dated?" said Rina shivering.
"Nope. But it is a person that you know. You'll find out at valentine...." said Liam.
"Ahah, by the way. Thanks for helping me, Liam...." said Rina.
"No problem, and....I'm sorry ...." said Liam.
Rina don't really know why is Liam apologize for....then she walks away.
Several hours later...
"So, how is it?" said Ian suddenly gets in the shop.
"Oh, man. She cried a lot. Her face is all red, you know" said Liam with a worried smile
"Hmmm, I don't mean to make her cry...."said Ian
They quite for a while...
"Rufus take the place now? " ask Liam
"Nope, an avatar. She's new." Said Ian.
Again, quite....
"Soo.." both of them said that.
"Ah, you said first.." said Liam.
"Um, ok. So, what do you planned for, our valentine date? " ask Ian
"Hm? Because of last month I've make my plan, how bout its your turn this time? " said Liam.
"I'm ok with it!! " said Ian.
They smiled at each other.
The door been opened again...by RINA!!!
"Liam, about the crying just no-....." Rina stopped after saw Ian in front of her.
Ian gave her a glare and move further than Rina.
"So, sorry for disturbing!! " said Rina running back
"You sure gave her a serious face...." said Liam.
"Like I care....."
-That night-
When Ian sleeps, I'll go downstairs make chocolates!!!
"Huaaaarrghhhh~~……man, I'm sleepy..." said Liam cover his mouth
"Already? Ok, let's go to bed..." said Ian.
They both walked to room. Liam have sleep. Ian make himself sleepy.
After a few , I mean, maybe an hour, Ian have finally sleep in peace. Liam gets up slowly, off from the bed, walked downstairs....
And time for chocolate!!!
Liam make the chocolate about, 2 hours maybe, making chocolate don't really take hours, maybe Liam make a special one....
At 4 am, Liam done making chocolates, get upstairs and move on to bed...he felt really tired but happy...
Ian is still sleeping. Liam watching Ian sleeping. CUTE!! >\<
Then he sleeps...
"Huaaaaarrgg~~ I'm so sleepy..." said Liam
"Huh? I thought you sleep early yesterday?? " said Ian
"I...imma sleppy head" said Liam, smiling.
Rina with kanoko passes Ian with Liam. Rina only staring at Ian. Ian don't want to look at Rina, while Kanoko and Liam....
"Yo, Liam, Yo!!!! What is up, Bro!! " said Kanoko while waving hands happily.
"Oi Kanoko!!!! What's up, to you too!!! " shouted Liam to Kanoko.
"Don't be to happy, I'm here ok..." said Ian
"Heheh, you're jealous....." said Liam
"Shuddup.." said Ian blushing.
Liam in his shop, sigh, everyday, always, work, work, work...
At least tomorrow is valentine, that's mean, days off, except for the chocolates and flowers shop. Poor Rina and Lily. They're both wouldn't have day off tomorrow...
Door opened, by Rina. What, is, she, want, agaainnnn!!
"H, hi Liam....sorry for interrupting. I just wanna say, thank you again for the letter and the reply, by the way, if, he accepted my letter, I think I have to apologize cause wouldn't get a day off tomorrow...." said Rina
"Oh!! Aww..that's not happy to hear. Here Rina, take this chocolate, I've made it mayself. Hope its delicious...Happy Valentine Rina" said Liam lend a chocolate
"Hahah...thanks Liam" said Rina
Rina walk out from the shop with a big smile. Liam wonder what her think. What ever..
"What, is she doing here again?? " said Ian suddenly in front of the door.
"Hah? She only want to thank for helping her...the letter..." said Liam.
"Ouh....ok then" said Ian with a glare.
"Heheh, so, you have planned for tomorrow?? " ask Liam.
"Of course...I hope you like it. " said Ian.
Liam is smiling while closing his eyes. Then Ian grab his shirt, *kiss*
*moans~* "wa..wait a minute..we can't do ---~~" *kiss deeply*
-Oh My Gaia....Ian's kissing is so erotic!!! Even I can't stop him!!!- said Liam's heart...
"Hemph!! You even can't defeat my kiss right?..." said Ian
"Your mouth was too strong...its like your mouth were sticken to my mouth...." said Liam blushing covering his mouth.
"You are so dangerous..." said Liam
"Go to work Ian..."
"I got day off..."
"That's lucky of you..I'm working, so don't disturb me"
"No one in here...so? " said Ian
Uuhh...he is not drunk but he is still a freak!!!
"So, what do you want, Ian? " ask Liam glaring
"Just visiting...can I?? "
"If you wanna walk home together, it is still early..its 3 pm, and I'm going home at 12 am" said Liam
"I help you then...until your work is done" said Ian
"Heh, trying to be helpful eh? Thank you then...." said Liam.
Ian giggling a bit.
Waited, waited again...no customers....
"No one stepped here..." said Ian boring
"Because tomorrow is valentine so they only go to flower and candy shop!! " said Liam
"You don't buy one? " ask Ian
Liam ignoring Ian. Because he already made one for Ian. Made by himself....
Ian sighing.
"I saw you gave one to Rina, right? " said Ian suddenly.
"That's only for a thank you chocolate for giving me past two days, idiot" said Liam.
"Tch!! "
Hey, hey..what happen here?? Why are the like...fighting??
-That night-
"Wake up early, because tomorrow, my plan were at 8 am. We start at the valentine carnival tomorrow.." said Ian
"Yea yea,...what ever...I'm tired now.." said Liam
Ian felt so annoying. What happen to Liam acctually?? Why is he so mad? Tomorrow is valentine.A he looks not really that happy.
At that time, they sleep on opposite direction. Liam do feel bad, he wanted to apologize tomorrow. Ian also feel the same. He's acctually cying, but he crying in silent.
-That morning-
Its bright, Liam look beside him, no one. Maybe Ian already wake up...It already 7:15 am. Oh, in the shower...hear the showering tap opened.
Liam wakes up. Stretching his mucles...take his towel. Waiting for Ian done.
*he acctually hoping for Ian only wearing his towel, only towel, again* (pervert)
The bathroom's door opened slowly.
"So you have woke up. Go take a bath quickly, its almost 8 am. The carnival about to start."
Said Ian.
Hoping....crash.....looks like Ian still angry...
Apologize...apologize will end anything...
Liam take shower quickly. After showering, he dried himself quickly. Perfume, dressed...all quickly. Ian at down stairs waiting.
Even going downstairs quickly.
Is he really need to rush?
"Done? Ready?" said Ian
"Yeah, ready..." said Liam
The carnival is not to far, its also the same, at barton towns.
They walked together, but not holding hands. They even walked three inches further than before.
"So, what's tha plan first?" said Liam
Ian's heart is beating fast, he even blushing red.
"I...I want to apologize. Because of yesterday. Looks like I'm annoyed you too much...I know,
That you are angry...I know, even now you're still angry with me..." said Ian
Then his eyes suddenly full with tears.Liam shocked.
There is no one at here...so, maybe its ok...
Liam bring his face closer, and kiss Ian on lips. Only that can make him stop crying.
Ian's blushing redder.
"I, also want to apologize to you....I'm sorry, I don't know, why I'm so angry yesterday until it brought it to you..I'm so sorry.." said Liam while hugging Ian
"So, let's go enjoying our date at the carnival...as you planned" said Liam
Ian just giving a big smile,
"OK!! "
"So, Ian's date for valentine is....Liam....I don't even think of it..." said kanoko.
Rina and Kanoko wa spying on those two...
"Are you with that Rina?? "
Rina smiling wide.
" I think they're really made a cute couple. That's ok with me then...." said Rina
"Heheh.....I don't even know that they're lovers..." said Kanoko scrathing her head.
"Then kanoko, do you have a date now??" ask Rina.
"Be my boyfriend for this day, only this day...." said Rina smiling.
"Hah?!?! Umm..aiihh....o, ok..let's go. Even you know that I'm a girl.... you still call me your boyfriend.." said Kanoko.
At the carnival, soo many people, not people, lovers....
Cause it valentine!! Only lovers go in there. Yaoi, Yuri, all relationship in there.
The carnival looks interesting too. Let's check it out...
Ian and Liam, riding roaller coaster for, ten times, and other extreme games. They don't realize that Kanoko and Rina followed them quietly.
Riding all the games that have at the carnival.
Its almost 7 pm, and they're still at the carnival...
"Rina, I'm tired following them..when will they go home..." said Kanoko lazily.
"Shhh..Kanoko, they riding the ferris wheel. Maybe to take even good view to see the fireworks at 7:30 pm. Let's go too" said Rina while bringing Kanoko with her.
-Ian and Liam-
"It is soo beautiful up here....not as beautiful as you Ian" said Liam with a romantic voice.
"Heh...stop making me blushing. Any minute now, they be firing the fireworks. It would be a better view up here." said Ian blushing.
"That's not only....only two of us in here..." said Liam
"So? "
Liam change his place, sits beside Ian.
"Wha-what?? " said Ian
The time is 7:30 pm, the fireworks were playing. That time, Liam kissed Ian. Then he said,
"Happy Valentines day, Ian. I love you so much...In this world, no one can replace you. Only you can make me feel happy.." said Liam while give him box of chocolate.
"I made this myself..see, no brand. And also..."
Liam holds up Ian's hand and give him a cute thin silver ring. He inserts in Ian's third finger/ring inger.
"This is shown for people that we've been taken by someone." said Liam smiling
Then they hugged again.
-Rina and Kanoko-
*nose bleeding*
"More, romantic, than, twilight......." said Rina
"I agreed" said Kanoko
Back to Ian and Liam, after the ferris wheel made one big round, they go back home. Tired but happy.
After they showered, its time...
Liam don't even think of it, cause it is Ian's plan. So Ian will tell him.
Liam was just sitting on the bed. Ian in the bathroom...
Liam wearing his bathrob. Even Ian does.
"Now, what do we do?" ask Liam smiling. Don't know anything.
Ian push Liam hardly fall to bed. Liam shocked.
Ian loosen his bathrob and said,
"I wanna do it. Its part of the plan" said Ian, with sexy voice.
Liam shocked. Ian loosen Liam's bathrob. Licking at n**, suck, kiss. While Liam watching Ian do it by itself.
"Enghh, I, Ian....don't ...haaahh~~" said Liam
Liam will not do anything. He reached at Ian's business, then rub it slowly.
"H..haa~ahh...touch me like, that...again...if it with you......I'm ok..." said Ian
Liam blushing, shocked
Licking, twitching...
"A-aaahhhh~…… I'm coming...hiyaaaaaahhh" shouted Ian.
"In me....now...."said Ian
Liam really shocked.
"You're serious?!?!"
"Just, in me....I want it...." said Ian slowly
"As you wish..."
Ian relaxing his body. While Liam get ready...
"You sure...." asked Liam
"Yeah...it means that now, I'm really yours..."
Insert it slowly. Move his hips also slowly. Ian the grab his butt,
"Do it faster!! I, I want to feel it!! "
"Ngaaaahhahhh!!! Iyaaaaaaa!!!!* twitch*
"Faster?? " whisper Liam
"Heh, I think you can make better than that..." said Ian grin
"You're sure wild this night" said Liam...
They continue, more faster, squirting everywhere....
"I, I love you Li-liam..~~ nghh" the words suddenly came out
Liam hugs Ian tightly. He stops and bring out. The 'white thing' in there also came out, flowing..
"I love you too, Ian...."
That night, all things going just well. Valentines day make they're even lovers.
-That morning-
Kanoko suddenly enters Liam's shop.
'BANG' opened the door loudly. That's rude.
"What the...oh, its you...what do you want??" said Liam
"Soo...how is it yesterday?? "
"What??" said Liam blushing...
"I saw you ok... Me and Rina followed you guys yesterday at the carnival...so sweet!!!"
said Kanoko
Liam covers Kanoko's mouth.
"Please...don't tell anyone else about this...." said Liam
Kanoko bring her thumbs up. Means 'OK'
"Please, said to Rina too...."
Then Rina came in suddenly.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Cause now, I'm happy with someone" said Rina
"ORLY?? Who is it??" ask Liam with a smile.
Rina grabs Kanoko's arm and,
"I'm happy with my new boyfriend..." said Rina
"Wha- What!!! I thought we're only pretending?!?!" shouted Kanoko
"Well, my heart suddenly beated for you..." said Rina worried smile.
"I'm happy for you two, at least keep a secret , ok??" said Liam
"OK!!" said Rina and Kanoko
The problem solved...and all questions have been answered.
And third scene has ended...
- by II Kuudere II |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/15/2013 |
- Skip

- Title: Love till the End
- Artist: II Kuudere II
- Description: Hi!! Again...and, I have to write this quickly, cuz imma going to hostel this Sunday. Btw, I'm only 14 girl
- Date: 02/15/2013
- Tags: love gaia yaoi
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