• Once upon an unholy night, far, far away from the dreadful world of mankind, five somewhat spooky teenagers sat around a suspicious, wicked green flame. Their eyes gave away the awful madness in their hearts and minds, as they were hypnotized by the abnormal fire. Toni, Fiona, Taylor, Sam, and Kaylee they were called, the five Spooky Rulers of Terrorland (except for Fiona, she was just too adorable to be spooky). It was no wonder why they were the Spooky Rulers, with their being exceptionally insane and such. Kaylee started it all, infecting the others with her spookiness, warping their minds. In their free time, they enjoyed to ride to Candyland on black, skeletal unicorns and gorge themselves on the Candy-Queens hair and the Candy-Kings fingernails. They also believed they were trolls with terrible handwriting. Mind you, this was all in their heads.

    "Fire! I AM A FIREGOD!" Exclaimed Sam for the hundredth time, waving her "fire rod" in the air, speaking in her made-up language. Her emerald eyes were glazed over, a sign that she wasn't really all there. She never was, that Sam. Always dying her hair blue and saying she was descended from fire gods. She paused what she was doing and turned her head rapidly back and forth. "Someone said my name!"

    Taylor rolled her brown eyes, her regal face looking quite annoyed at Sam and her paranoia/fire obsession. "No, you're a smurf, and no one called your name idiot." Sam looked appalled at Taylor's open rudeness. "Well, you're a Mexican!" She cried a battle cry and attacked Taylor. They began an epic battle of epic proportions, biting each other and pulling the others hair like weird wimpy vampires. Sam had even gotten a lighter out and was attempting to set Taylor on fire. This was quite normal.

    It was also quite normal around this time for sweet Fiona to let out the roar of a strange, deranged dinosaur and attempt to lick Toni's face. Poor child-like Fiona, all she ever wanted was love. Her desire for love left her mad, (but its mostly Kaylee's fault because Kaylee corrupted her). Fiona enjoyed talking like a dinosaur and wished to be one, even though she was just a short, lovable, brown eyed brown haired human being. Although, because Toni and Kaylee were cuddling, Fiona's advances were unwelcome and forced Toni's eye to pop out of its socket again, and Toni punched Fiona. This caused Fiona to turn into a hairy beast with claws and attack Toni. But Toni was a black ninja from outer space, so she could hold off the werewolf.

    Kaylee, the leader, just stood their and cackled at the chaos before her, screaming "TOO SPOOKY FOR YOU" at random breaks between the fights. Kaylee enjoyed her minions, erm, companions fighting. It gave her such joy to see them squabble like geese. Each time she cackled, her head bobbed violently, making the ears on her head bounced and make her look like she was posessed. She probably was possessed. But whatever. She terribly wanted this to continue, but they had to do Spooky business within the realm of Terrorland. So she grabbed a sword and separated them by threatening to chop off their heads. They all had various wounds from their battles, Sam two dots on her neck that were bleeding profously, and Taylor had some burns and singed hair. Toni had a dog bite on her arm, and Fiona... Well, You could never tell if Fiona was hurt in her werewolf form.

    "Kaylee!" Whined Sam. "I wasn't done!" Finished Toni.

    Kaylee just grinned like a weird evil Cheshire Cat and said to them, "Terrorland isn't spooky enough." The rest of them had a michivious twinkle in their crazy eyes. They cackled and stamped out their fire, stole horses from the town of Halloween, and galloped away from the stable master that was chasing them, to the heart of Terrorland. A colorful rock where the children played. They dubbed it "Rainbow Rock of Flesh Eating Taylor's", but called it Rainbow Rock for short. They began the hideously atrocious climb to the top of this rainbow rock, and when they got there they screamed with all their might, "TOO SPOOKY FOR YOU" and jumped off, laughing madly.

    Toni was holding on to her detached eyeball, Taylor was clinging to Sam, who was still trying to set Taylor on fire, Fiona was clutching her furry face, and Kaylee was just laughing like a madwoman on crack. When they landed, Sam turned to face the wall, her eyes wide, and exclaimed, "My name was called!"

    "No it wasn't, Smurf." Toni reassured her, irritated at Sam's paranoia as well, attempting to put her eyeball back in its socket.

    Kaylee spotted their first victim, a teenage girl dressed like a hooker. Literally, she looked like she just got done with working on the streets for the day, and seriously looked like an oompa loompa. It disgusted Kaylee to no end. She pointed her out, and the others followed her orders, doing what they do best. Being Spooky-licious.

    Fiona was up first, and with her Teradactyl roar she charged a tthe girl, licking her face all over. This startled her, and she backed up, only to have Taylor wrap her arms and legs around the victims exposed legs. Taylor then began gnawing on the victims calf, and the victim started screaming for help. Toni punched the girl repeatedly and then joined Sam in her creepy fire dance. Fiona howled, and Kaylee threw various objects at the girl. A potted plant, a jawbreaker, and someones sunglasses. "SAY TOO SPOOKY FOR YOU." She yelled at the girl, throwing a binky that bounced off the victims forehead.


    "Hey, stop saying my name!" Snapped Sam.

    "Sam! No one is saying your name!" Taylor said through her gnawing.

    "STOP YELLING AT SAM." Toni broke away from the fire dancing and punched Taylor in the face, which made Taylor take a chunk out of the victims leg. The victim screamed. Sam started crying, because no one believed she was a fire god, and Kaylee kept yelling "TOO SPOOKY FOR YOU."

    "I'M A FIRE GOD." Sam cried, but no one listened to poor Sam.

    "OKAY OKAY TOO SPOOKY FOR YOU." The victim yelled. Everyone paused for a moment, and all stared at her. Then they cackled gleefully, and galloped away on their noble steeds, with the knights chasing after them. They all made it safely home.

    They picked at the plastic on the bottom of their shoes from the fake fire, and washed off the fake blood and makeup. Fiona combed her werewolf mask, Taylor polished her vampire teeth, Sam put her wizard wand and her lighter in the closet, and Toni put away her eyeball glasses. Kaylee.. well, Kaylee had no props, so she didn't do anything. They all went to bed, to be spooky another day.