• Neon looked to the wall. "Static, come on.. You know we can't stay here much longer.." She looked down. It's just me and her now, Vintage and Smoke ran off.. Ditching us in our sleep. I am quite happy, actually. I can be with Neon longer. Just us. "I know that, Neon. Just be patient. We can stay here as long as I want," I looked towards her, "And we will stay as long as I want. Got it?" I sighed. I never been so strict with her. I guess I'm just stressed. I don't blame her if she decides to be mad at me. I would be mad at me too if I were her. I sat down on the ground. "Neon.." I said, tilting my head slightly. She turned to me. She blinked.

    "What, Static?" She politely said. Oh hulk. She don't deserve to be talked to like how I was talking to her. It's too mean to her. "I'm sorry.." I said. I knew it's hard to forgive someone who is mean to you like that. I don't understand how she does it. Magic, maybe? I wouldn't be surprised. She seems so "magical" or just.. Beautiful. Who would try to hurt something so beautiful?

    "Static, it's okay.." She whispered, looking down. She always says it's okay. I want her real opinion, hulk damn it! "Neon.. It's not okay.. You just say that! You don't even mean it!" I immediately regretted saying that. She looked up at me, her eyes wide. Her eyes were turning glossy, almost.. Oh hulk. She's going to cry. She's.. Going.. To.. Cry.. I'm such a terrible person! "I'm sorry.." I said. I probably look dumb, saying sorry every five seconds. I looked at her eyes. Oh ********. She's ******** crying. I couldn't stand just watching her cry. It makes my (little black) heart ache so much just seeing her cry. Or even sad just a little bit. She ran out of the room and outside. ******** ******** ******** ******** ********. I'm so ******** useless...