• you know what would be weird?
    it's like.
    you're standing in line.
    grocery store or something.
    there's this random stranger in front of you.
    your hands lightly stroke each other, because you moved too close by accident.
    the chemistry is amazing.
    it's like you're suddenly struck with this incredibly warm...AMAZING feeling
    and it runs through your entire body
    it runs down your spine
    and you shiver
    and your brain is rattled
    and the other person must be experiencing the same thing, because they shiver too, and their eyes look dazed.
    "sorry," you say, and the line moves.
    the person pays for their things
    you pay for yours
    and you never see each other again.
    but you both remember
    and you think about each other every day for a while
    then every other day turns into every other week
    and, someday, you're just randomly sitting there
    and you think about that person
    and what could have been.

    that would definitely be weird.