• Love and Death?
    Must it be all co-sided in one?
    Jesus. Do they not know that when push comes to shove and love becomes tampered with [ehh emmm]
    (let note he knew she was seeing another) That a heart break is nothing more than a mear shattered piece in life that makes you feel more miserable? Do they not know that making one feel worse over the break up, doesn't make them want to come it only makes the other feel pitty on them because it shows that you're trying too hard and doing stupid stuff. Do they not know that trying to live up to what your goals are in live [let it know that love is one of them] will never come out the way you want it to be? Do they not know? Loving someone in life takes more than doing your college work, doing your school work, even doing the bills in life. Loving somebody isn't a cause for death. Once love has moved on, there's no going back to a faded soul that's moved toward another light. The dark path that creeps up in you wanting to blow away yout thoughts and keep you asleep for eternity saying " I love you forever" will happen if you let it choose so, but keep in mind that the lighted soul that keeps dear in your heart will remain there clear. Listen to your clear soul not what's dark for as your lightened soul will guide you to your true love and not toward the dark deep path of death.