This is deffinately not what was supposed to happen at all. My heart is racing, it's hard to breath, and of course I'm running srom a complete stranger. A woman with neon green eyes and a bright orange hair color. She is breath taking. One look is all you need to know that she is beautiful. Her face is so pretty you can't explain it, her hair is long, strait, and very thick. She was wearing leather black pants with a matching leather black jacket with leather boots and a white t-shirt with a black dragon on the front.
I couldnt understand. Why am I being chased by a woman I've never met before? Though I just had to realize no matter how pretty she was she was dangerous.
"Oh my god! Aida are you okay?" My twin Diana panted as her face shattered in worry. Ithen realized I was screaming.
"I'm just fine" I said a while after I stopped screaming. Even though I knew that woman in the dream was just make belief but I was still frightened to death. I could'nt stop thinking about her. I decided to get back to reality and get myself some breakfast, but Diana just had to be worried about me and hold me back. She grabbed my arm with her pathetic grasp and kept me in my room.
"And where do you think your going?" Daina pulled an attempet to squeeze my arm.
"I'm going to go eat," I said annoyed breaking free of her lose grip on my arm "is that really so bad?"
"Yes since you just woke up screaming!" she demanded "Please just tell me what happened." she asked calming down.
"Just a bad dream. What's the big deal?" I said knowing it wasnt just a dream.
"Whatever. Oh by the way your late for school." Diana exposed this to me 10 minutes after my bus was supposed to arive.
"Crap!" I was furious. The first day of school and I'm allready going to be late "Why didn't you wake me up? Wait don't you have school today too?"
"First of all you were screaming I could'nt wake you up! And secondly Dr. appointment." Diana teased.
"Whatever. Can mom give me a ride?" I asked noticing I needed more time to get changed.
"Left for work."
"Ugh!" I groaned "Go away!" I lost my temper and grabbed a waddled up peice of paper on my computer desk and threw it at her.
"Fine!" Diana gave in with her preppy voice. Then she stomped over to her bedroom and slammed the door shut after her. I shut my door gently and locked it afterwards. I was really tempted to stay home sick but I know my parents would just send me to school. I put on my my favorite t-shirt and my ripped jeans. So I put on the little amount of makeup on that I had, put on jewelry to match my outfit, and put on my socks and shoes. I grabbed my jacket and backpack put them on then grabbed my keys.
I was never much of a girly girl. All that I do know is that I've allways been into sports. I do gymnastics, soccer, vollryball, fencing, archery, tennis, track, and I can fight pretty well. Apperantly I'm a good puncher (as my sister tells me). She's the only sibling I have, and she's my twin. What a nightmare! My parents are still together. Life is great for me I guess.
I oppened my bedroom window and jumped out landing on both feet. I checked the time on my watch and I only had 20 minutes to get to school. This is why track can come in handy.
Around 15 minutes later I was at school. I used the next five minutes looking for some of my classes trying to get used to my new rout. I only found 2 of my classes when the bell rang.
I walked over to my first period class and there he was. Blake Ryan my dream boy. He was extremely handsome! The chocolate hair, the sky blue eyes, the six pack, and over all his life threatening beautiful face.
"Hey Aida." one of my friends Celest greeted.
"Oh-uh hi." I studdered noticing I was day dreaming again. How smart I look.
"Are you okay?" She asked with a worried look.
"Yeah-I'm fine." I insisted.
"If you say so." she said then sat in one of the seets.
"Class is now starting." the teacher called out to the class. Everything got quiet exept the loud stomp of the teacher heading to the front of the class.
"I am Ms.Broadway. That is Ms. not Mrs. I am not married." Ms.Broadway instructed. I got the feeling she was strict. "I am now going to assign your seets. When I call your name go to the seet I point to you." she instructed with a sour tone. She called everyone but me and there was only one seet left.
Okay there were 2 very wrong things with my seet. #1 It's the middle seet first row wich is the one right in front of were the teacher does her lectures. #2 It was right next to Blake! What was I sopposed to do? I could feel my face fill with panick but I managed to wipe it off and sit down.
Ms.Broadway told us we could chat and do whatever until the end of the period. So I started to read my favorite book. I was trying as hard as I could trying to avoid Blake but I just had to look up. Blake was staring at me curiously.
"What are you doing?" Blake asked with the same curious look.
"Reading." I said very awkwardly. I mean he's my friend but he dosnt now I'm all over him.
"Why?" he asked me.
"I feel like it." I lied.
"You know were aloud to do whatever we want." Blake made his point.
"Fine," I sighed putting my book down "what do you want from me?" I asked annoyed.
"I want you to talk to me. I havent seen you for 3 months. Can't I talk to you?" Blake made another point. I turned torwards him and sight to myself.
"What do you want to talk about?" I asked bored.
"You pick the subject." he encouraged.
"School sucks!" I said sighing.
"Why does school suck? Because I'm here?" he asked.
"No it dosnt have anything to do with you. It's just that school is what it is and thats all that needs to be said." I explaind.
"I thought you said you got strait A's?"
"I do, it's just I don't like school. Can't you understand that?"
"Sort of." Blake admitted.
"Whatever." I officially gave up. I still don't know why he dosnt hang out with a bunch of preps instead of hanging out with me.
"Class is dissmissed." Ms.Broadway called out to the class.
"Bye." I said to Blake and swiftly fast walked through the door walking as fast way from Blake as possible.
the day went past in a sereal blurr. It was finally last period and so far I only had 2 classes with Blake. What a relief.
I sat down in the middle seat of the classroom. There was only 4 other people in the classroom. The tardy bell rang and the class was finally full. The teacher still wasnt in class so I got out my sketch book and started to draw a guitar and failed miserably.
About 2 minutes later the teacher came into the classroom. I could tell becuase everyone stopped talking.
"Please take a seat." the most beautifuly innocent voice came from the front of the classroom. I aotomatically looked up.
I swear I nearly started to scream but before I did, I forced it back down my throught. I could still feel the shock on my face.
My teacher was the same exact woman from my dream! The same hair, same eyes, same face, and the same model figure. The only things different was her makeup and outfit.
"Are you okay?" The beautiful innocent voice asked. I looked up again realizing she was talking to me.
"I-uh-um.I'm just fine." I studdered with my horrible lie. Why was my teacher in my dream? She seemed so dangerous before but now she seems so innocent.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Yeah." I insisted.
"Okay." she said then walked back to the front of the class.
"My name is Ms.Rosemarry but you can call me by my first name Cordelia." Cordelia instructed.
She also let us do whatever but the whole time I just stared at her trying to figure out why I thought she was so dangerous.
When the bell rang I ran out of the classroom and was the first one on my bus. Soon the bus was full and we left the school. Blake sat next to me. This would explain all the preps staring at me jelously. When blake got off the bus I was all alone with a bunch of preps still staring at me.
It was finally my stop. When I got in the house I emediatly went to my room and checked my e-mail. I had 0 message so I sent one to my best friend forever Carsin. It said "OMG! I had the weirdest dream last night! I was in the woods being chased by a woman. And it turns out she is one of my new TEACHERS! Her name is Cordelia Rosemarry. Isnt that just plain FREAKY?
Mail me back. Love your BFF Aida."
I logged off and started to write a note for my parrents it said "I'll be at the park. See you soon
p.s. Aida."
I set the note on my parents nightstand and left to the park. The park was completely empty, abandoned. I sat on one of the swings and got lost in thought.
I couldnt keep the thought of Cordelia out of my mind. I got bored and walked over to town square. I only had $50.00 on me but I was only interested in buying anything right now.
I got bored again so I started to walk home. I decided I would tell my mom about Cordelia. Me and my mom told eachother everything. I guess you could say I was a mommy's girl.
Chapter 2 Dead!
I walked up to my house and noticed the door was cracked open (my parents were very strict about this).
I ran in side scared to death. "Mom? Dad? You home?" I asked shivers running down my spine. I took a couple steps forward cotiously when I heard no answer. But then I stopped.
There was a huge black dragon in my living room! The next thing I noticed was all the blood on it's claws. I stared in horror as the dragon krept past me and disapeared through the open door. I looked out the window to see were it went but it was gone.
I ran to my parents bedroom and screamed. My mom was dead on the bed and my dad was dead on the floor. They had no marks on them, just dead.
I cried while shrieking falling on my knees. I ended up crawling to my sisters bedroom to see if she was dead to.
"Diana?" I cried in fear of losing her to. She was in the middle of her bedroom curled up into a ball crying. Thank goodness she was alive. I sat with her and couldnt help but break into tears again. We just sat there crying.
Me and Diana soon fell asleep. Oh no! Not again!
I was having the same dream! I was running from Cordelia again! Wait. This is'nt the same dream. This time I tripped on a tree root and fell. I turned around and Cordelia stopped running. She looked up and reeched her hands up to the dark and gloomy sky.
She then changed into the same black dragon that killed my mom and dad! That trader! How could she!
I woke up screaming again.
"Are you okay?" Diana asked worried.
"No." I said in disgust.
"Whats wrong?" She asked.
"You know when I woke up screaming yesterday?" I asked her with the same tone.
"Yeah." She answered.
"Well I had a dream of a woman chasing me in the woods. She turned out to be one of my teachers. I just dreamed she was chasing me again but this time she changed into the same black dragon that killed our parents." I explained furiously.
"A woman killed mom and dad not a dragon!" Diana yelled in my face.
"Are you blind?" I yelled back.
"No you are! A woman killed them! Now quit living in fantasy world and get back to reality!"
"What are you talking about? I saw a dragon in the living room not a woman!"
"Your not the one that watched them die!"
"No maybe I'm not but I'm telling you A huge black dragon killed our parents!"
"If your calling me a lier then I'm out of here!" She screamed then ran out of the house. I couldnt run after her. It was her choice.
- by cantstopthisvampire |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/05/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: My Beggining.
- Artist: cantstopthisvampire
- Description: this story is mainly about a teenage girl named Aida who's perents gets killed by her teacher/ a dragon! hope you like it. ^-^
- Date: 12/05/2008
- Tags: mybeggining
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Comments (4 Comments)
- cantstopthisvampire - 02/09/2009
- thanx XP lov a ^-^
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- XXxsexyXemoXpuppyxXX - 12/09/2008
- omg jessica! thats amazing! i felt like i was going to cry it was so good! i cant belive u used me in ur story thanks! i cant wait to c where i caom in lol...well not exactly me but my name (carsin) love ya jessica! and omg i am so putting u in my story!
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- cantstopthisvampire - 12/07/2008
- I worked really hard on this story and is going to write more. Writing is meI cant see me doing any thing else. If you like it rte high and comment if you are going to ake a rude comment pleaz just do it to some one else. thank you bye.
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