He stands alone, his blood drenched shadow swaying in the breeze. Kaleb clenched his fists tight, as the rain began to crash around him, washing away the blood on the courtyard floor. The air was heavy in his nostrils as he waited for the sun to disappear behind a cloud, his senses taut, in tune to every whisper of the city bustling around him. The courtyard was the back garden of a very influential councillor, she lived a life of relentless parties and lavish feasts, and so the Council had commissioned Kaleb to kill her. He had done as he was asked. The body lay on the floor, crimson rivers streaking across her face, pooling from her neck. He had done the job flawlessly…
… Three hours before. Black clouds careered across the sun, making Kaleb’s task easier, “just stick to the shadows” he whispered to himself, ordering his body to stay still. The street was narrow and busy, surely someone would spot him. He had chosen his placement well, the alley was small and dark, and the emptiness of it seemed to swallow all light, hiding him perfectly. If he remained absolutely still, this would be the easiest job he had taken. The house across the street was his target, a large, old building with very audacious design features. Big, imposing, it loomed over the street, closing in on him, suffocating. He focused, he needed to make sure this mission went well. Scanning the house he found few entrances; upper window? Too obvious. Back door? Too well guarded. Side window? Perfect. It was small, but just large enough for him to crawl through, and it was hidden from view, well, most peoples view. All he had to do was… damn, the front door swung open, Serah walked out with all her guards, this wasn’t the plan. Kaleb had to think fast, he weaved into the crowd, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on Serah. She was fast. Almost lost her round a corner, but just saw her in time; she walked into her back garden. ‘Why would she do that?’ many questions raced through his mind but he didn’t have time to answer them, he had to act now before it was too late, he quietly got to the back gate, it was wide open, that was a mistake. He crouched just out of sight and found a place to hide, for now.
Voices were rising in the garden, one of the voices was most definitely Serah, the other, was familiar but Kaleb couldn’t figure out why. He just listened to their conversation, he couldn’t hear much, too far away, he had to get closer. The oak tree, he shuffled towards it, no one saw him. Now he could hear the conversation, they were arguing. Clearly Serah owed someone some money.
“Please just give me some more time?”
“NO! You have had ample time to get the money together and still you persist on asking for more, my master will not be pleased”
Silenced momentarily, Serah paused to think carefully.
“I can pay you back, just give me five hours?” Serah said, shakily.
If only she had five hours, five minutes was more like it.
“Fine but we expect results next time. Don’t fail me!”
The other person strode off with three guards, he was clearly very important. His tunic was black, trimmed with blood red gems, probably one of The Order’s servants. They were an ancient organisation that controls all illegal activities in the land, they were the ones who helped people out of debt but they were also the ones to put them in debt. The Order is ruled by three very old, very powerful mages, each with a special gift. Ranos, the eldest controls the elements of destruction. Pheros, controls the elements of disguise. And Turos, the youngest. He controls the elements of defence.
Serah was finally alone, she sat down on a stone bench and relaxed. The walls of the garden were washed white, they seemed to close in on her, breathing heavily, she closed her eyes. She felt the touch of the breeze on her face, the smell of the trees, the sound of the people. She was young, possibly too young to be on the council. Her long ebony hair flowed with a grace befitting a goddess. Her body was ravishing, her face, perfect. Many would envy such a beautiful creature. She kept her eyes closed, sensing the world around her, feeling for time to stop. A single drop of rain splashed on her full red lips, it glistened, enticing Kaleb even more. She sighed, trying to relax her breathing and trying to stay calm. She tightened her eyes. A sliver of ice crossed her neck and a sweet, soft voice whispered “goodnight” into her ear. Her heart steadied, her breathing relaxed. She felt the ice slip away and a warm sensation rise from her neck, it flooded her body.
Kaleb tucked his blade away and let the body slump to the floor. The deed was done. He had to wait for the sun to disappear before he could leave, so no one could see. Rain started heavier now, washing away the blood on the courtyard, from his blackened clothes, from his hands. His eyes opened, breathing steadied, it was time to leave. Quickly he ran to the wall, pushed off its smooth surface with impossible ease and grabbed for a nearby ledge. He hauled himself up and judged the quickest way to the guild. Across the blacksmiths roof, the carpenters roof, jump down into the alley, run to the end. Jump up, grab the bar and swing through the open window, home.
If only it were all that simple.
He had been there that day, he had killed a woman, but it wasn’t Serah. Kaleb had meticulously planned for this day but even he could not have been prepared for what had happened just a few days before. A terrible storm battered the city, many people were killed in it, The Pit was particularly bad, hundreds died there. But no one cared, it was a slum. A decrepit district within Tzaria, the buildings were poorly built, many fell down each year. Thousands of people were crammed into spaces meant for just hundreds, sometimes less. Long narrow alleys meant that crime was high, gangs roamed the streets, and they fought one-another for different parts of the district. Most people were too afraid to even leave their houses, they have good reason. Death is the only certainty here. Diseases spread rapidly, killing hundreds each year, but no matter how many died, more still poured in through the city’s great black gates. Even the sky seemed to whisper death, always black, always empty. The great factories of the district made sure of that, colossal black structures with large chimneys produced the foul black smoke that fills the air, the weak would die within a week just from the air they breath. The Devil’s Workshop, that’s what the locals call it. Every two days, twenty people walk through its great doors, only one of them ever comes out again, The Warden. Only one day, he didn’t come back out, this was the day Serah’s problems began.
It was the twenty-third of March in the year 307, a dark day, as usual. Serah was asked to visit the factory to inspect its work. She arrived at the front gate. It was made of blackened iron, great black teeth jutted out from its surface, ready to devour all who enter. Serah was staring at them for some time when they suddenly flew open. A figure cloaked in black rushed through, accidentally pushing Serah over, he was about six feet tall, medium build, but very sturdy, he managed to knock her down without flinching. She stared into the black hole where his face ought to be, emerald eyes glistened an apology to her. She was completely entranced, those eyes were the eyes of an angel. The man suddenly turned and ran into a crowd of people, he vanished.
“Who was that man?” she asked herself, as if she knew the answer. Then a brutal eruption occurred, she span round to look at the factory. Huge columns of fire rose from its heart, tearing holes in the roof. Flaming debris flying all over, a large piece was veering towards her. Paralysed by fear, she passed out.
Light beckoned, she opened her eyes, hazily tried to look around. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the light, it was the emerald eyes staring back at her. He was holding a cup out outwards her, a soft voice, not fitting his appearance, uttered, “drink this. It will help your head”. She was reluctant at first, trusting a total stranger was never a wise thing to do, but, he had managed to rescue her and bring her to her own house. She took the glass, a pale green liquid lapped the edges of it. She took a sip, at first it didn’t taste of much, but soon after the taste began to materialise. She spat it out
“Eeeuuurrgghhh, what the hell is this?”
“Haha, it’s a mixture of herbs, drink. It will help”
She decided it was best to listen. It tasted vile but she still drank it, he wasn’t lying. Soon enough her vision cleared and her head felt better. She took a deep breath, opened here eyes and took in the sight of everything around here, she asked the man “What is your name sir?”
“Kaleb” he replied.
“Thank you, Kaleb” she replied with a certain romance building towards a crescendo, to the point where she uttered his name, it almost spluttered out in a jumble of letters and expressions. She blushed, embarrassed. He noticed her cheeks flushing bright red, it gave her eyes a certain sparkle, they reflected all that is pure and beautiful. He couldn’t help but stare into those hazel eyes, circling round and round until, stop. He couldn’t do this, he couldn’t possibly feel anything for her, they had just met. But still he stared at her, paralysed by awe. They locked eyes momentarily, both immediately turned away.
“Errrrr… sorry I think its best if I leave you to recover in peace”, Kaleb was slurring his words, he must have sounded so stupid.
“Please don’t go?” Serah also sounded slurred, she just giggled, and smiled at Kaleb. There was a silence, it seemed to drag on for an eternity. Then he spoke.
“I think ill stay, if, you tell me more about yourself”, heart racing, he thought he had ruined everything, ‘stupid, stupid, stupid. I should have kept my mouth shut’
“I’d like that”. She smiled, a beautiful smile.
They talked at great length about everything that had happened to each other, first Serah talked, she told Kaleb all about her troubled childhood. When she was eight her mother had died, she was left to look after her younger brother as her father was too busy working and trying to find another wife, it didn’t work. She was beaten and abused by her father and lovers, every time she felt comfortable something bad happened. Until one summer, when she was twelve years old. She met a slightly older boy, they didn’t see each other much at first but when they did first meet, it was magical. She stared deep into his eyes and they both fell back with embarrassment, they grew closer and closer over time. But she didn’t like getting too close to people, she always got hurt by them so it was a very rocky relationship, difficulties soon arose but they tried to work through it. They dearly loved each other but they grew apart. She never heard from him again. Two years together, just fell apart. Then she trailed off, seemed very upset about remembering that time, Kaleb felt uneasy around it, she just looked up smiled and asked Kaleb about his life.
“No, no, you wont be interested, it’s so boring and uneventful”
“Please? I told you all about me, its only fair”. She smiled that beautiful smile again, ‘damn her’. He folded, and told her everything
He was born in a small town called, Kachiva. His father hadn’t been around much when he was younger so he roamed around the beautiful countryside surrounding his home. While doing this he developed a great sense of adventure. He craved the feeling of freedom; it was like a drug to me. On his eighth birthday his father made him a small wooden sword, he loved it and immediately went out to fight, just like his father. His father was a lieutenant for the king’s army, Kaleb loved watching his father ride past in a parade, it sparked his imagination. He was going to be just like him someday…
… Kaleb paused. He seemed distant. Like he was trying to remember what happened next.
“What’s wrong?” Serah asked, seeming genuinely concerned.
“Nothing, just, a bad memory. I’m sorry I don’t want to continue”
“Ok, maybe some other time then”, she smiled again. That beautiful smile. Kaleb’s heart jumped, his eyes light up and breath became laboured as he gazed at her. She was perfect in everyway. He couldn’t have feelings like this, he told himself from the time he started work ‘never fall in love, its just a trap and will kill me’. If only he could stop it now, cogs were turning, emotions growing. It was too late.
A knock at the door brought him back into reality, it was loud and clear.
“Open up!” a booming voice resonated through Kaleb’s mind. It was the king’s royal guard, Teranis. Kaleb and Teranis had a few run-ins over the years, normally resulting in Kaleb escaping by the skin of his teeth. But Teranis wasn’t here for Kaleb. Which meant only one thing, the King had summoned Serah for council duties. He had to act fast. Within minutes Teranis would be in this room. The window was barred shut, the door was too obvious, so he had to hide.
“Give me a minute. Just stay here Kaleb, then we can talk some more” she smiled again. How his heart ached, how he longed to hold her, but he had to leave. As she closed the door he quickly scrawled a note
Dearest Serah
I am sorry I must leave, but I cannot explain why at this moment. I swear we will meet again, and soon. If you wish to find me just wait by the oak tree in your courtyard, I will find you. One day in the future I will finish my story, I will tell you everything about me but that time is not now. Alas this is farewell, for now.
Yours sincerely, Kaleb
The letter was good, clear but not permanent. ‘Oh Christ they’re coming up the stairs’. He ran to the window, closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles. When he opened his eyes the window was open. He had been able to do this many times before and normally questioned why, but this time, he had to leave fast. Quickly he vaulted through it and landed feet first into the courtyard behind her house, looking up at the window, he felt tears. ‘Men don’t cry’. He ran.
“I’m sorry but I have a friend over so this can’t take too long”
“Oh don’t worry Serah it won’t take long. We just need a few minutes, the King has summoned you”
“Ok, well I can meet him later today but I’m really busy right now. Tell him I will be there at three”. Serah was being very assertive without realising it, she knew this was a mistake; the King did not take kindly to being ordered.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I shall leave this minute; I expect to see you later this evening. Good day” His gaze left a cavernous feeling of dread within Serah, her heart stopped, and breathing was laboured. Her vision started to fade and blur, slipping she grabbed out for stability but her hand met cold damp air, she fell to the floor like a dead weight. Her thoughts raced…
… Wandering through her mind she found things she didn’t like. She found memories, her childhood. The beatings from her father, the times she was left alone to care for her brother. She felt a tear caress her cheek, softly gliding past her delicate features. Her beautiful face burned, the pain of those bruises she had so long ago, echoing forward. She touched her cheek, her chin, her nose, remembering all the broken bones and cuts she had, still has, just emotional scars only reveal themselves in certain lights. She felt like breaking down, tearing down the walls of her mind and just letting it rot, but she couldn’t do it. Looking towards the end she saw something, something special, something bright and beautiful. It was Kaleb, her recent memories, the happiest she’d had in a long time, not since, since her first love. She hadn’t felt this in love since he graced her presence. Those beautiful summer days spent lying in each other’s arms, running around together, laughing as they had tickle fights. Silly little games they played in the morning dew. Rolling in the grass as they laughed and kissed the day away. That beautiful moment when they realised it was love, true, undying love. The way he held her, they way he kissed her, the way he would always love her, even in the darkest times. But that was over now; those times were just a distant memory…
… She stirred, her eyes thick and heavy. She was crying. Every tear held a memory; every drop was a piece of her fragile heart being taken away. She remembered the day she had given up on love, the way she felt, the smell in the air, everything, every tiny little detail came flooding back to haunt her.
It was a cold morning, bitterly cold. The wind was soft and low but constant. The air was thick and heavy; it swirled around her, lapped at her feet like a great ocean. The sky was dark, featureless, its gaze was unwavering as she walked towards her love. She felt her eyes lose focus; her hands gripped tight, her heart raced as she saw his face. She was about to ruin the happiness that shone from him like diamonds. She took small, calculated steps towards him, every single step forward had to be forced, she knew what was going to happen but she didn’t like it. She was going to leave him. His dark brown hair swayed in the wind, his eyes were locked firmly on her, that smile of his was entrancing, alluring, it made her heart lead. She couldn’t move, her throat clogged, her eyes puffed. He stopped and the smile disappeared, it turned to an awkward frown, he looked at her and saw deep into her soul, he saw her innermost secrets, desires, he could see she was going to leave, his eyes started to roll, dazed, confused, he took a step back. Caught his breath, it was like he had been attacked and winded. His mind was racing thoughts of confusing. Questions, blurring past him too fast to see. Why was she doing this? What had changed so quickly? The answers would never leave her lips, she saw he knew. Took a step forward and said.
“I’m sorry”
The words flooded his body, covered him, smothered him. Like a waterfall crushing him, he couldn’t breath, his limbs went loose, his eyes shot, his heart, stopped. He couldn’t feel anything, his mouth wouldn’t move. He saw her turn; he saw her beautiful face, one last time. Then, she was gone forever. His heart ached, cracked; it erupted into a million tiny shards of pain and anguish, streaming through his eyes as tears. He fell to his knees, the tears immediately flooded his face, the love he had for Serah was eternal, it would never leave. He knew this as a fact. His mind crashed, burned, his soul ravaged by grief, contorted and twisted to form a black hole. The pain was, unbearable. Every whisper, every word everyone spoke within a thousand miles erupted in his ears, he couldn’t take it, his lungs collapsed, his chest felt cold, empty. He couldn’t do this, he couldn’t live without her. His world erupted in the flames of despair, the cracks appearing all over now, invisible before; he was rocked to his core by the loss of his one true love. How would he cope? He was empty, lifeless, a vessel waiting to be taken away.
Serah snapped back to reality when she hit the floor, she had walked to her back garden. Her hands and feet ached, her heart longed for the love she experienced those many years ago.
“What have I done?” she breathed a sigh, deep, heavy, she resigned herself to the fact she had thrown away true love. Someone had loved her through everything and she threw it away, tossed it into the wind. And like a leaf it floated, streamed along the air and shattered, like a glass, mirror, it doesn’t matter. They all shattered before her very eyes. The air was cold, think, heavy. She breathed it in, held it there. Let the tar like air constrict her breathing, close up her lungs, just wishing it would end her wretched loveless life, it never works like she dreams.
Every kiss is a word unspoken, every hug is a promise kept, every love is a secret you should never keep and everyone lost is a broken dream. Serah understood this better than most. The love she lost, left a hollow in her heart. Etched in the ice of her soul are the words… I love you…
Chapter 2
The road we tread…
Kaleb was stood on the edge of a great precipice, staring into the great abyss that was beneath the gate to the city, no one knew what created it, no one knew where it ended. It was the blackest black he had ever seen, the wind seemed to howl vicious curses to him, daring him to enter, daring him to plunge into the crushing jaws of infinity. He snapped out of his daze, he had edged ever closer to the swirling darkness, levering himself to look deeper into it, just hoping to see inside. The wind picked up, he lost his balance, that shouldn’t be happening, his feet gave way and he started to fall, shock gripped him, heart pounding, head racing, blood searing. His hands reached out and he grabbed the ledge, quickly pulled himself up and then took a step back, now that was a close one, too close. He noticed the sun was rising, the sky burning; the clouds were ballooning into balls of flame. Splashing against the sky, the sun shot light across the land, he felt its warmth and recoiled. Being seen is not on my to-do list. He bolted for the city gates and blazed past the sleeping guards, they never see him. Leaping up to a nearby roof, he reached out and efficiently pulled his body towards to sky, gliding through the air with a graceful elegance that would make many a thief whimper. His blackened clothes were hiding him well against the dark grey of the stonework. His eyes darting from rooftop to rooftop, searching for a way to escape, fast. The dark alleys of the city served him well, the narrow alley beside the butchers was perfect, he took a deep breath, and leapt across the twenty foot gap, feet landing firmly but quietly on the floor, he looked around, saw no one, then was gone.
He found himself in a clearing; it was enclosed so no one could get in. Perfect place to sit and think. He remembered his youth…
… It was August; he was fourteen years old and very happy. He decided to go out with some friends, have a laugh. He went out in the glorious morning sun, full of energy. His friends were all waiting for him
“What took you so long?”
“Had to clean my room, mum is soo annoying”
“Haha I hear ya”
They all ran off into town. Kaleb had four gold pieces, four whole, glimmering gold pieces, and he could spend them anyway he saw fit. They boys all ran about like lunatics, looking through windows and doors. Checking for anything interesting and fun to do. Nothing. They spent hours and hours scurrying around like rats, looking for something, anything. But there was nothing at all. Then, Kaleb saw something he likes, shining, magnificent, and beautiful. The sun reflected off in all directions, he was in awe. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Long black hair, encircled a stunning face, full lips and enchanting eyes. She swayed through the street with the grace befitting a goddess. His heart jumped, his hands got sweaty. He knew what he had to do. Taking a deep breath he walked towards her. When he finally realised what he was doing, panic stricken he looked for a way out, but he couldn’t. It was too late; she had seen him, she smile. Oh what a beautiful smile, he couldn’t help but smile back. He was close to her now.
“Hi”, his voice sounded calm, confident. How deceiving that was. Under his skin he was losing control, he couldn’t think of what to say, how to stand. He was thinking of how to stand!? What was the point in that?
“Hey” her voice flashed through him like a lightening bolt. His heart jumped, over and over. Sort of like a beat to her words.
They got talking and walked off into town together, left all their friends behind and just talked. Laughing away, the sun started to set, that didn’t matter to them. It was something magic, something new. Something perfect. It was love, that magnificent spark that lights the way, the little light that keeps you going. When it came time to leave, they didn’t want to, they wanted to spend every minute possible together. But they couldn’t.
“Sorry, but, I have to go now” her voice was lulled, sad. Kaleb could tell she didn’t want to get, he felt happy at that, but then sad at the same time.
“That’s ok, can I walk you home?” He was s happy after that day, he couldn’t tell if he wanted to sing and dance or write poetry. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do either. So he just said goodnight, gave her a hug and asked to see her tomorrow. She said yes, she actually said yes! He couldn’t believe it; he had to tell people, everyone. He ran home to tell his parents. Turning into corners, sprinting across the crowded marketplace. He turned into a very dark alley, his feet slipped from under him. Crashing to the floor his head thudded first.
He got to his feet. Brushed himself off and started running again. Someone was stood in front of him, tall, dressed completely in black. The very essence of evil dripped out of every pore. His face was invisible but Kaleb could tell, his cheeks were high, skin, perfect. His eyes were great pools of black. He turned to face Kaleb.
“You never saw anything here, right?”
Shocked, scared, Kaleb nodded. Kaleb’s face was like stone. The fear washed across him like ice-cold water.
“s**t! I have to run fast. Kid, you have seen me and I cant let you run around like normal. Do you want to be like me? Do you want to be a perfect warrior? A legend? Meet me here tomorrow at noon, ill be disguised as an old man. This is your one chance. Goodbye”
And he was gone, just like that.
Is a path paralysed by hypocrisy…
There was a rustling sound; someone was coming, heavy footed at that. Kaleb stood bolt upright and vaulted a nine-foot high wall with ease. He landed on the other side and ran off into the murky alley, he could just hear voices as he left, they sounded familiar.
Serah walked into an opening, it was quiet and empty.
“Look I swear I heard him here”
“Well he isn’t here now, so who exactly is this mystery man you keep telling me about” this was Serah’s closest and oldest friend, Rosaline. She was quite tall, about the same age as Serah, maybe a year or two older. She had long blonde hair, tied in a bow; it made her look intelligent, which she was, very intelligent. She had trained as a mage for many many years. She graduated at the top of her class in all the schools of magic; she grasped the concept of magic far faster than anyone ever before her. She was thin, tight eyes, sunk deep into her head, carefully plucked eyebrows showed some desire to be beautiful. Serah had told her all about Kaleb, told her that she recognised him from somewhere but she couldn’t figure out where. So they went on a hunt for him. He was very difficult to find.
“Honestly I heard his voice from right in here”
“Yer, sure you’re not just going crazy? Haha.”
“No really, oh never mind, he must be around here somewhere. Get looking, ooh maybe around this corner, quick let’s go.”
They both ran to the corner that Kaleb had run round, they grimaced at the prospect of running down a pitch black alley, it seemed to draw closer as they stared into its abyssal mass.
“Are you sure about this Serah?”
“I was, not so sure now”
They turned and decided not to go down the alley. Kaleb breathed a sigh of relief; he was pressed right against the wall just beside the women. He had heard their voices and wanted to see what they were looking for. He had to keep his head down now, they were looking for him, if they got hold of the wrong people, they could end up in serious trouble. He slumped to the base of the wall, he had to think now. Where could he hide safely? Local inns were too obvious, he could hide well but the women would look there. He could go to his safe house, it is at the edge of town, small, tucked away, and no one knew it was there. Perfect. He stood up, brushed himself off. Why does this outfit always get dirty? Taking a deep breath, clenching his fist, he sprinted down the alley, not a footstep to be heard, quick, silent. The way he was trained to be. If you get heard or seen, you’re a dead man. He checked his weapons; they were all there, just in case. He always checked, always made sure. He was flawless at his work
Walk amongst the withered trees…
Teranis burst through the great oak doors to the throne room. It was highly adorned with gold statuettes of gods and goddesses. The room was fairly large with many arches focusing on the throne, a great onyx plinth. Raised high to the heaven upon many granite steps, carved from the very mountain face. It was an awe-inspiring room but to such an extent that the mind began to wander, King Xendra did not like idle followers. He was a tall engrossing figure. His figure shadowed even the strongest of his people, this figure commanded respect from all who stood before him. His face was young, his chin chiselled to perfection, his eyes a deep ominous green, brought greater to ones attention by the thin eyebrows and raised cheekbones. His hair was long, black and perfectly straight. It framed his face for an even more striking visage.
“Well? What do you have for me?”
“Serah will be unable to attend the meeting my lord”
“WHAT! How dare she disobey me! Have her brought to me, immediately!”
“But my lor…”
“DO NOT QUESTION ME!” the kings voice echoed through the eerily quiet halls, the guards outside the throne room jolted upright at the sound of his voice raised. It was terrifying.
“Yes my lord” Teranis resigned himself to following orders, no matter how pointless and insignificant they were. Serah was not important, but the king still insisted on her being at every meeting of the council. So she had to be collected.
Teranis felt so undervalued. He had been the quickest and best fighter in his doge, he was the smallest yet he was very strong. He advanced through the ranks and this was how he obtained the rank of royal guard after just turning twenty-four years old. Yet, the king completely controlled his actions, told him to do demeaning work that should be carried out by a lesser unit. How he despised the king, but an order was an order. He followed them to the letter.
He rounded up his best men and told them to go collect Serah, Teranis deserved a break. He slept and waited for his men to return. Hours past and his men returned.
“Sir… Sir?”
“Serah was not to be found”
“WHAT!? We must find her or the king will have my head”
Panic stricken, his mind screamed to find her, winds howled that bit louder, his blood pumped harder, and his throat clogged. Gods be with me, she must be found.
- by Esoteric-Disturbance |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/07/2009 |
- Skip
- Title: Piercing The Veil
- Artist: Esoteric-Disturbance
- Description: just a short story im writing atm
- Date: 07/07/2009
- Tags: piercing veil
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Comments (2 Comments)
- Esoteric-Disturbance - 07/20/2009
- thanks smile im just about to put up the rest of it, so far its ten pages, probably too much to really put on here but i might as well get it all out there
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- iApple Kai - 07/19/2009
- Whoa....your good
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