"Get the girl it's time to go," voices called over the sound of gun fire. I looked up to see My wife screaming for me begging for me to awaken. I looked around to see if there was anything I could do. I placed my hand on the counter next to me and struggled but finally hoisted myself up to a standing position. The screams we're growing fainter my sight blinding to a whiteness. The crack of multiple gunshots fired as I felt an exploding pain in my chest. Blood sputtered out of my mouth and onto the wooden floor. I fell to my knees and heard one more shot blowing me back on my back. My ears were ringing as the faint sound of engines roared to life. As all the engines sped off a voice came in through the living room someone was left behind. "Burn in hell big boy," It was a sly woman's voice. She had a snakey devilish smooth voice. It was like barbed silk dragging through my head. As the ringing fled and my sight drawing to a dim,dim grey I heard a faint flick. It was a lighter.
She must've dropped cause after the faint flick I heard the fire growl to life. It went up to a burning inferno my body lying there limp in the flames. The air had filled with smoke and engulfed the whole house. I went blank, The fire forcing my head to think about a raging fire in my house. I heard glass shatter as my mind went dim and everything like a stereo had seemed to turn down. My vision went black, my body aching from the barage of bullets taken, and all the loud noise of destruction growing to a nothing,heard so loud. I woke out on my lawn my body broken,beat,and scarred. Sirens exploding with color into my eyelids. It sent everything into my mind to melt down to a fine liquid flowing out of my conscience. I heard someone say "bandage his burns he's waking up," My eyes shot open to see an abundance of ambulance cars and police men. I sat up quickly wishing I didn't feeling a massive migrane pumping my head. A loud curse came out of my mouth as I remembered was happening. My wife screaming for me the painfully soft voice of the woman the gunshots bursting into my chest. All my scars were the least of my worries at the moment. I got to a kneeling position and tryed to stand. I lost my balance but was caught by a police man. "Easy sir, you've taken alot of damage don't make sudden movements. You'll open your wounds stop moving," My eyes shifted to him as the story flowed out of my mouth without me recognizing it. The police man limped me to his car and gave me a gun.
He had said to me one last thing "We'll go get your wife just rest in the back seat," I obeyed his command and checked the clip I had a perfect round of bullets in there as I noticed something in my pocket. It glimmered into my eyes lighting them up with destruction and hatred it was the gang's symbol that took my wife. All the hate in my head was fueled to pure adrenaline as I punched out the police man's window shattering glass with my fist. I found a helmet from a convict biker I was guessing and put it on. I snuck out of the otherside of the cop car and behind a flashing ambulance. I limped over to my garage and opened the door finding my motorcycle. It was a black 2009 Kawasaki Ninja Zx-14. I got a book bag hanging from my shelf and stuffed it with my gun, a couple of clips i stole from the police man's glove compartment, and bandages from the ambulance. I wasn't going to let my wife die. The last thing I need is someone's coffin on my conscience. I started the engine and blasted out of the garage speeding down the street. I could here the police force yelling for me to come back. the police man had gotten in the car and chased me down the crowded streets. I weaved through the cars easily and found two more motorcycles speeding up on me. On their jacket was the gang's symbol a red snake. I thought for a minute and hit the brakes. in the helmet's speakers I heard one of them talking. " Your not dead yet?" I reved the engine and talked back " Yeah I am what's the matter popped the champagne bottle to early?" The man had laughed and sped off ending the conversation with this " I'm game Let's play," I hit the throttle and went down the road chasing him dodging cars and trucks and playing cat and mouse.
He had went down an alley and turned a corner he was leading into the warehouse they were keeping my wife. I hit the gas and caught up to him hitting his back wheel and making him swerve into a dumpster. His bike sliding along with me and coming to a hault. I grabbed a rusted piece of metal from the ground and held it to the man's throat. I took off my helmet and and busted it against his trapping his head in his helmet. He swore at the hit and tryed to scream as I hit the bottom of the helmet cutting off his air supply. His eyes widened at the move and tryed pushing it up. I stood up and pure anger forced my boot to the side of his helmet trapping it at the temple. He couldn't breathe and was dying slowly. I shrugged and thought I should end his misery. I took the jagged piece of metal to his heart and watched him squirm for a min. slowly dying down. I ripped the piece out and cleaned the blood off with his jacket. I put it in my side pocket and walked to the warehouse door.
I took out my gun and kicked the door. everybody stopped what they were doing and looked up in surprise. One had yelled " He's not dead?!?" I took a step in and fired my shots into each of the front line men making them fall. Everyone witnessing it frantically took out their guns and fired their shots at me. None of them hit as I re-loaded the gun and fire at all the upstairs men.
I was gonna have to survive here if I wanted my wife back. I yelled at the men filling the room "Where's Scarlett," One appeared with a camera and tossed it at me no words following it. I looked at the pictures and noticed she was in the basement. No one was firing at me were they giving in to me. I looked up at them and saw them holding their triggers. I yelled one more time
"The stairs where are they to go to the basement?" All the men had dropped their guns and pulled off their masks. It was the police force. They pointed to a spiraling case as I made my way past them and jumped on the stairs making my way down. The loud clank got louder as I approached a door that chilled my spine. It had read testing chamber. I heard someone coming from behind me it was a scientist I hid in the shadows as they walked up to the door I jumped the scientis which looked to be an old man and bashed his head into the metal wall. I took out my jagged piece of metal and cut his thumb off placing it on the scanner and opening the door. I fired all my shots at who ever was in my way and reared a kick to a scientists head. One started running at me with a syringe filled with a liquid. I took the syringe in his hand and forced his hand back breaking his wrist. he screamed in pain as I shuffed the syringe down his throat and clogged his throat forcing him to die where he stood. I picked his body up and over my shoulder carrying him around the hallway I saw a few of the gangsters running at me as I picked the limp scientist up and tossed him at the running men knocking them down.
I took out my M-60 and fired all my shots at them. Blood splattering at my feet.
I walked down the hallway as I stopped and heard the devilish yet sexual voice around the corner "So it looks like big boy is still around," A high heel appeared from around the corner as she came out with a metal pipe. She giggled an impish laugh and charged me with the pipe knocking me to the floor she cocked it back and jammed it against my stomach. She cocked around and swung it like a baseball bat I caught it in midair and picked it from her hand. She latched on to the back of the pipe and forced it in my shoulder. I screamed in pain and heard her seducing menacing laugh. I dropped to my knees and pried the pipe out. Luckily it wasn't rusted. I forced it out and swung it to her knee breaking it out of the skin. She screamed in pain and fell to the floor her blood everywhere. I took the pipe again and swung at he stomach. It had knocked all the air out of her as she lost to much blood from her leg and lied there like a sex doll. I got up and reared a corner to see my wife bound and gagged to a chair. I ran in the room and was struck by a kick to the lower back forcing me to fall on her lap. I looked up to see the leader. His devilish eyes staring at me with hatred and respect. I flung a punch at him and struck his stomach. I charged him against the metal wall and heard him scream a silent yell. He put his hands on my back and brought his knee to my face. He tried for a second attempt as I jumped out the way and dodged it barely. I heard my wife screaming behind the cloth in her mouth. He charged me with a running leg as I caught him in mid air and brought him to the metal floor. I forced it up behind him breaking his leg. I ceased the opportunity and brought the leg up and picked him up. I tossed him against the wall and got on top of him he took an empty syringe without my knowing jammed it in my arm. He took the dropped gun and pointed it to my head. I heard him spit out blood and place his finger on the trigger. He yelled at my wife "You see this is what happens when you attempt to be a hero." I took the syringe out of my arm and sucked up some water from the floor as he was talking to my wife. I forced the the syringe in his thigh and injected the water into his stream. I cry came from him as he yelled at me "What did you put in me?" He tryed swinging the gun at me as I grabbed the gun and forced it on him pulling the trigger at his heart. He dropped to my feet as I took the piece of metal and cut the rope freeing my wife. She ripped the tape off her mouth and I took the cloth out of her kissing her sweet lips. The rewarded I wanted to feel. The cops rushed around the corner and saw the dead gang leader. I smiled at his limp body and looked up at my wife staring into her eyes feeling a warm relief.
Laugh when I die.
This is a story about a man paving his road through destruction,lust, and bloodshed. It starts at his believed death and you have to read what the end explains.
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