It was the summer of June 13, 2009, and October had gotten a call from Mark saying to meet up with him at the Municipal Park as soon as possible because he had something important to tell her. Mark said he had been trying to tell his friends for weeks, but he could never find the right words. He also mentioned that he had finally decided to tell them now and get the pressure off his shoulders. October and Max were the first to arrive. "Hey what's up? What do you need to tell us that's so important?" October asked. "Well first let's wait for Crystal and Jake to get here." Mark replied. "Dude are you ok? You look a little nervous." October asked Monty. "Yea I'm fine." Mark answered trying to fake a smile. October didn't buy the smile. She could clearly tell by his expressions that something was really bothering him. "You know you can tell me now if you want, and then you can tell Crystal and Jake when they get here." October suggested. She was becoming really curious about what he wanted to tell them. She also wanted to calm him down a little bit. He was becoming more and more nervous as the seconds went by. He almost looked like if he commited a crime. "No it's ok. We'll just wait..." "Just go ahead and tell her. I know this might sound weird, but I already know what you want to tell us. I'll explain later. Right now just tell her what you need to tell her." Max interrupted. "What? How do you know?" Mark asked shocked. "I'll explain later." Max repeated. He sounded a little irritated. "Ok fine. October please don't get scared of what I'm about to show you." Mark pleaded as he turned to face her. October noticed that Mark had a serious yet worried look on his face. "Why would I be scared?" October asked confused. "This is why." He replied as he started to grow long, sharp, white fangs. "Wow. How did you do that? Wait....how did you do that?" October asked suspicously. She was amazed although she now realized that that wasn't the only thing extraordinary about him. He had icy cold skin and never before seen pitch, black eyes. He didn't eat much or at least not in public. He's always bothered by any kind of light. She remembered what these descriptions sounded like. She was about to ask him umtil she decided to let him tell her incase her theory was wrong. She didn't want to embarrass herself. "Well the truth is...," Mark interrupted her thoughts, "I'm a...vampire. I...have been...for a while." Mark whispered almost to quiet to hear. His fangs transformed back into his ordinary teeth. "How? Why? I'm confused." October asked. She couldn't believe her theory was correct. She still didn't understand though. She has always had a major interest in vampires and always wondered if they were real. Now one of her best friends was telling her that he was a vampire yet he seemed ashamed by it. "Let me explain." "Great. I'm going to get even more confused." "No you're not." "But I always get confused when you try to explain things to me." She pointed out. "Just listen to me, and let me explain it to you."He demanded impatiently. October started to wonder why everybody is becoming so impatient. "Ok ok. Sorry. Now get on with your story." "It happened while I was walking home from the park one night. I was about to enter my house when someone called my name. I didn't see anybody, so I went to go check it out. I was walking around the block looking for who it might have been. Some weird stranger came from behind me and bit me on my neck. At first, I thought it was just some stupid guy playing a joke on me, but then I felt this sharp pain in my neck. Then it started to spread throughout my body. I went back to my house and ran straight to my room. When it ended a few minutes later, I fell asleep. Soon after I woke up, I found out what I was." "How?" October asked with big, curious eyes. "My fangs grew when I was looking at my neck in the mirror." " Oh ok. Anyways go on with your story please." "Well I stayed in my room for days. My mom grew worried because my room was too dark and quiet. She also worried because I wouldn't come out to eat. I decided not to worry my mom anymore, so I left my room. I was a little scared about leaving because I didn't know what the outcome would be." "Wait...if you really are a vampire than how are you outside in the daylight?" October interrupted. "That's what I meant when I said I was scared of what the outcome would be." He still impatient. "I don't get it." "The daylight doesn't hurt me. I'm nocturnal which means I just don't like it. That's why I like to stay in my room all day. The darkness comforts me." October was still absorbing in the information. She figured the light was what was making him so impatient. Maybe he just wants to go back in the dark she thought to herself. "I like to stay in my room all day too. Does that mean that I'm a vampire too?" October joked after she was finished absorbing the information. "No, but you could pass for one." Mark answered with a smile. "That's not cool. I want to be a vampire. Wait...can't you turn me into a vampire?" She asked. "Yea, but do you really want to become a vampire?" Mark asked. His face was unreadable, but his voice was full of concern and worry. "Hell yea I do! Why wouldn't I?" She said with excitement. "I don't know. Why wouldn't you?" "Ugh never mind." "I'm just kidding, but if you want to become a vampire you're going to have to meet me here later on today." "Umm...yea. I would if I could, but I can't." She said biting her bottom lip with an apologetic face. "Why not?" "My grandma would kill me and she would still find out even if she's not here? " "How?" He asked puzzled. "I don't know, but she always does." "Oh wow. Then how am I supposed to turn you into a vampire?" "We could meet up at UTPA." She suggested quickly. "Ok." "Cool. I'm going be a vampire by tomorrow!" She sqeaked. "I should warn you. It is going to hurt." "That's ok. I can take pain." "Are you sure?" "Yup." "If you say so." "I do say so." October replied. "Hey guys." Max said. "Yea?" They asked at the same time. "Did you guys notice that Jake and Crystal just arrived?" Max asked looking in their direction. "Huh? No." October said surprised. Mark looked towards Crystal and Jake. He was becoming really nervous. "ts ok Mark. If I wasn't scared, they won't be either." October reassured Mark. "I know." "Then why are you so nervous to tell them?" "I'm not." " Tell me the truth." "Fine I am." "Well don't be." "I'll try." Mark replied. "Hey Mark what's up?" Jake asked as they did their handshake. "Nothing I just need to tell you something important." Marl said stating the obvious. "Yea I know. That's why I'm here remember?" Mark nodded nervously without saying anything. "Ok so what did you want to tell us?" Crystal said as she gave Mark a hug. "Well first let me show you, but you can not get scared. Especially you Jake." Everybody started laughing. "Shut up! I don't get scared." "I thought you were scared of Jeepers Creepers." October added. "I'm not. He just freaks me out." "Sure. If you say so." "Ok I think you guys should stop messing with Jake, and Mark should just tell us what he called us here to tell us." Max replied while trying to be serious. It wasn't working out quite well, but at least everybody agreed. "Ok but first let me show you, so you don't think that I'm lying." "Ok just get to the point." Jake said impatiently. Mark started to grow the same fangs that he showed to October earlier. "How did you do that?" Jake asked amazed but at the same time a little nervous. "I told you not to get scared." Mark said as he noticed that Jake was starting to look uncomfortable. "I'm not scared." "Yes you are." "No I'm serious. I'm not scared." Jake said sharply. Noticing by the tone of his voice that he was actually serious and not joking around, October asked, "What's wrong?" "Crystal I think we should tell them." Jake suggested as he turned to look at her. Everybody noticed then that Crystal was also feeling a little uneasy. "Yea I think we should too." She agreed quietly. "Wait are you guys vampires too?" October asked feeling left out. "No. Actually we're supposed to be Mark's enemy." Jake and Crystal explained what had happen the last time they were at the movies. "Great. Don't tell me you guys are going to turn on each other." October said. "No we won't. Mark's like my brother. I don't want to turn on him. I don't care what the legends say." "Yea me either" Mark agreed. "Good because then I would really slap you, and I don't care if you are a vampire or a werewolf." "Wait...didn't Max have something to tell us too?" Mark asked still wondering how Max knew about him before he even had the chance to tell anybody. "Oh yea that is so true. What were you going to tell us Max?" October asked him curiously. "Well now that you guys know about each other this should not scare you." Max said. Before anybody had the chance to say anything more, he teleported behind October and scared her. "Awww...that's not cool. Hey you teleported!" October said as Max walked back to the previous spot he was at before. "Yea, but that is not all I can do. I'm also psychic." "Which means that you can also...?" "I can also read minds, read the future, see the past, and other things like that." "Really? That is so cool." October said surprised. "Yea I guess." "Oh wow. I'm the only one here that can't do anything special." "Yes you can. You can feel things just like I can." Max said. "Not even. You're like way cooler and more advanced. Plus, I'm only human." "Not for long. You're going to become a vampire remember?" Mark reminded her. "Oh yea. That's true." October said.
To Be Continued....... wink

- Title: Love Under The Moonlight
- Artist: Shadow923
its about werewolves vampires and psychic mutants(mutants with psychic powers)
theres good and evil romance and action
but this is only a small part so tell me how u like it so far and i will be adding more to it if all goes well - Date: 08/08/2009
- Tags: love under moonlight
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Comments (2 Comments)
- dragonrider-ari - 08/09/2009
- divide your paragraphs up with spaces, this large block of text makes it difficult to read.
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- SuperSchnurp - 08/08/2009
- write more soon..! i wanna know if Max and October fall in love
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