• do u know me? do u know what my life is?
    i am a scholar in a prestigious school,
    i live a life with no worries,i have been a scholar student since i was high school,
    i was the the first honor or lets just call the student who have the highest honor when i was a high school student,many wants my position,my intelligence,

    but it did not ended yet,
    when i was in college i was also a scholar in a prestigious school too,
    when i graduated..
    i take up the board exam and still again i was the topnotch,
    i did not expect that,
    and so i applied on many companies,high companies and low companies....

    five companies told me that if they call me i was approved...
    i waited for so long but no company called me...
    some companies told me:
    you are over-qualified-------------------------rejected!