• a boy and his mother argued a lot of times. the boy trys his best at school but his mom wants him to be perfect but not "saying" it. it comes down to one evening the boy was skate boarding and he broke his arm. his mother was first silent then crying to death of what had happened. the boy was in pain and was blaming himself for what had happened. she ask him why was it his fault and he replied "because im stupid" he said "no you're not we all make mistakes here and there". while they were heading to the emergency room, the boy was scared because this is the first accident he had that he will remember and that he was talking to god saying "please god im scared just please help me". he was really scared at this point and his mother said "god will take care of you i know it i have faith in you and god". when she said that to him, he felt something, something nice and he cried saying to her "mom....im sorry for everything ive done in the past i try my best but i cant be perfect". "i know that sweety and well im sorry too for yelling at you". well now theyre both crying for feeling bad for each other. after the visit they were surprised that he had to where a cast for two-three months. on the way home the boy said two things to her one "mom...i think i stink at skate boarding". "well were not good at everything you know". "yea". "and one more thing". "whats that"? "i love you". "i love you too sweety". and she was crying but in happiness of what he said.


    (this story is true between me and my mom so ask urself this...would u care 4 ur mom or not)